Topic on Talk:Enforced Method Acting

Damian Yerrick (talkcontribs)
GethN7 (talkcontribs)
Damian Yerrick (talkcontribs)

RLWTP is a category, not a trope. And a classic RLWTP is when production constraints force changes to the plot of a work. This "long-term method acting" that I describe is closer to an inversion of RLWTP, occurring when a director already has a plot in mind and requires the actors to behave in a specific way in order to align their mannerisms with those of the characters. Do this and Akira Kurosawa's immersive methods deserve a new "Long-Term Method Acting" trope?

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

Might be the case here.

Also, some tropes have been moved to category pages because they had subpages and it made for easier sorting, but your point is still valid.