Topic on User talk:Mark D. Gordon

Could I ask something of you?

DocColress (talkcontribs)

I'm not on this site ever day, so I could use someone else to keep track of updating tropes with new TVT approved examples, particularly Complete Monster, Magnificent Bastard, Smug Snake, and Moral Event Horizon. So if ever I can't get to that first, you could either do it yourself or/and notify me about the changes being considered if they're big and arguable enough.

Mark D. Gordon (talkcontribs)

No, thanks. I'm more of an On & Off User and don't care for most topics. I can only take the Anime & Manga, Video Games and Western Animation part and only some of each.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Doc, your wording "TVT approved examples" worries me. All The Tropes forked from TV Tropes because we didn't like the way they did things - we really should not be taking our cues from them.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

Typically, TVT approved examples of tropes are approved as examples here too - where we differ is that we allow some TVT DISapproved examples to be here if they're well enough aligned with the qualifying criteria for subjective tropes.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Do we also disallow some examples that TVT allows for the subjectives?

DocColress (talkcontribs)

On a few cases, yes.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

For instance, based on spoilers I have read, I'm anticipating that TVT might end up cutting (DO NOT highlight spoiler if you don't want an upcoming game spoiled for you!) Master Xehanort, 'cause he gets a sendoff like Obito Uchiha, Daemon Spade, Dartz, Nakago, Grand Maestro Mohs, Zouken Matou, etc that treats his soul as having been cleansed and redeemed even when it's far too late for him to actually do anything to make amends for his many atrocities. But since we don't count last minute Death Equals Redemption as absolution for a monster's crimes and showing any truly redemptive features or acts, I can assure you he won't be going anywhere on this Wiki.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I still don't like the usage "TV-Tropes approved" in edit comments here. We are independent of TV Tropes. We do not, as a rule, follow their lead on any policy, and nothing should be added or removed here just because TVT says so.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

"Independent of TV Tropes" /=/ "Determining that every single thing TV Tropes does is wrong."

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I think we're all saying the same thing with different words. Are we all okay with "Whether something does or does not appear on TV Tropes does not determine whether it should or should not appear on All The Tropes, but it can serve as a suggestion"?

DocColress (talkcontribs)

I'm certainly okay with that.