Topic on User talk:Goo Monster

"Tropes that TV Tropes has that this wiki doesn't (that I want to add examples to)"

Robkelk (talkcontribs)
Goo Monster (talkcontribs)

D-Cup Distress might be the same thing as type 2 of Big Breasts, Big Deal
My language barrier example does not fit Hiding Behind the Language Barrier

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

As I said, I only had five minutes to look. Do any of the other Language Tropes fit?

Goo Monster (talkcontribs)

Don't think so. I looked at the category and looked at all the ones I couldn't make a strong guess based off the trope name (which isn't 100% reliable) and didn't see anything. I know that with the ones I more recently added to the list I didn't bother to check (although I do try to see if we have the same trope but there is a change in capitalization or spacing or something), not sure about the older cases. I also tend to check the tropes TVTropes related page for redirects to see if they did a name change more substantial than a tweak in grammar.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

They aren't the only ones who change trope names - as you mentioned, some names aren't 100% reliable. (For example, "No Sell" doesn't have anything to do with Adam Smith Hates Your Guts, so we changed it to Won't Work On Me. I don't know or care whether TVT has done the same.)

Best to look through the categories that list tropes and see whether we have something already, before proposing a new trope. (Sometimes I forget to do that, too...)

Goo Monster (talkcontribs)

I think copy pasting TvTropes at this point could count as copyright infringement or something. And I don't want to bother with re-wording articles of tropes they have added after the fork. Even if I did view that as worth my time, I wouldn't know if the result of the rewording would legally be distinctive enough.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I know that @Looney Toons considers direct copying from TVT to be copyright infringement, and he's a published writer. So, yes, best not to do that. :)

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

I personally feel like a "rewording" could fly if it was more thorough in exploring the trope's meaning and usage and used the original as more of a "springboard" than a base to edit directly from.

But then, I'm no legal expert, and I also think it might be preferable to write the description from scratch.