< Tropes
A collection of Headscratchers entries for all things Tropes.
If you want a new page, just choose the Headscratchers entry under "Create New" in the trope tabs, if it doesn't already exist. Or just navigate to[Name of trope]/Headscratchers
, and choose the Headscratchers boilerplate.
- 555
- A Degree in Useless
- A Man Is Not a Virgin
- A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read
- Action Girl
- Actors
- Agony in Pink
- All Anime Is Naughty Tentacles
- All Just a Dream
- Alternate Universe
- Ambiguously Gay
- Americans Hate Tingle
- Amoral Attorney
- An Aesop
- An Education
- Ancient Astronauts
- Animal Wrongs Group
- Animation Age Ghetto
- Anti-Hero
- Associated Student Bodies
- Auto-Tune
- Balance Between Good and Evil
- Barehanded Blade Block
- Be Careful What You Wish For
- Belligerent Sexual Tension
- Bigger Is Better in Bed
- Bishonen
- Blind and the Beast
- Blood Bath
- Bound and Gagged
- But Not Too Black
- Butch Lesbian
- Butt Monkey
- Canon
- Captain Obvious
- Carnivore Confusion
- Ceiling Cling
- Character Derailment
- Characterization Tags
- Combining Mecha
- Conflict
- Console Wars
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Country Matters
- Dark Fic
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Daydream Believer
- Death World
- Digital Piracy Is Evil
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Doing In the Wizard
- Ecchi
- Eldritch Abomination
- Elegant Weapon for a More Civilized Age
- Epithet Erased
- Even Nerds Have Standards
- Exclusively Evil
- Explosions in Space
- Fake Memories
- Fan Boy
- Fan Dumb
- Fan Myopia
- Fan Vid
- Fan Wank
- Fanon Discontinuity
- Femme Fatale
- Fetish
- Film
- Film/In General
- Flipping the Bird
- Focus Group Ending
- Foe Yay
- Four-Fingered Hands
- Funny Animal
- Furry Confusion
- Game Show
- Games
- Ghosts
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot
- Girls Need Role Models
- Godwin's Law
- Gratuitous English
- Green Aesop
- Gun in My Pocket
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?
- Headscratchers/Advertising
- Headscratchers/Animation
- Headscratchers/Anime
- Headscratchers/Easter Eggs
- Headscratchers/FASA
- Headscratchers/Fan Works
- Headscratchers/Laconic
- Headscratchers/Manga
- Headscratchers/Multimedia
- Headscratchers/Music/Theory
- Headscratchers/Other Media
- Headscratchers/Products
- Headscratchers/Quotes
- Headscratchers/Radio
- Headscratchers/Theatre
- Headscratchers/WMG
- Hell Hotel
- Hellish Horse
- Hello, Nurse!
- Hide Your Children
- Ho Yay
- Hollywood Acid
- I Do Not Own
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Idiot Hero
- If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...
- Insanity Defense
- Insignificant Little Blue Planet
- Inspirationally Disadvantaged
- Insufferable Genius
- It's Not Porn, It's an Index
- Joker Immunity
- Just Hit Him
- Kink Meme
- Kirby: Triple Deluxe
- Knights and Knaves
- Laser Hallway
- Left Behind
- Literature
- Little Witch Academia (2017 series)
- Live-Action TV
- Lolicon
- Loners Are Freaks
- Love Triangle
- Ludd Was Right
- Lurker
- MacGuffin
- Male Frontal Nudity
- Male Gaze
- Master of the Mixed Message
- Meaningful Name
- Meganekko
- Memetic Mutation
- Men Are Generic, Women Are Special
- Mermaid Problem
- Metal Scream
- Miraculous Ladybug
- Mistaken for Racist
- Mix-and-Match Critters
- Moe
- Mommy Issues
- Moral Guardians
- Musical Episode
- Musicians
- Neutral Female
- Newspaper Comics
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased
- No Matter How Much I Beg
- Non-Interactivity
- Not Safe for Work
- Nothing Is Scarier
- Only Six Faces
- Opinion Myopia
- Ordinary High School Student
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same
- Our Elves Are Better
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Our Zombies Are Different
- Petting Zoo People
- Porn Stash
- Prehistoric Monster
- Prescience Is Predictable
- Pride
- Private Military Contractors
- Professional Wrestling/Headscratchers/WSU
- Public Medium Ignorance
- Purple Prose
- Rank Inflation
- Real Life
- Real Life/Headscratchers/Math
- Real Time with Pause
- Reality Warper
- Reed Richards Is Useless
- Retronym
- Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies
- Romantic Comedy
- Ron the Death Eater
- Rule 34
- Rule of Funny
- Said Bookism
- Science Is Bad
- Screw Destiny
- Screw You, Elves
- Second Law of Gender Bending
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Sex Is Evil
- Shipping
- Situational Sexuality
- Soap Opera
- Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped
- Speculative Fiction
- Stay in the Kitchen
- Stock Lateral Thinking Puzzle
- Straw Fan
- Stupidity Is the Only Option
- Super Bowl Special
- Super-Deformed
- Terraform
- The Dark Age of Comic Books
- The Grim Reaper
- The Haunted Mansion
- The Internet
- The Last Express
- The Passage
- The Reptilians
- The Singularity
- The Zombie Survival Guide
- There Are No Therapists
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Sandwich
- Time Dilation
- Time Travel
- Tomboyish Name
- Tradesnark™
- Tsundere
- Two Words: Obvious Trope
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife
- Uncanny Valley
- Universal Parks and Resorts
- Video Games
- Wartime Cartoon
- Western Zodiac
- What Measure Is a Non-Cute?
- Where Da White Women At?
- Women's Mysteries
- Word of Gay
- You Bastard
- Zettai Ryouiki
- Back to Tropes