Twelfth Night/Fridge

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Fridge Brilliance

  • This Unknown Troper has always loved Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, more for familiarity's sake than anything else, but always found the romance between Viola and the Duke Orsino to be a little... mm, lackluster, overly convenient, it seems to pale beside the romance between Viola and Olivia. And yet, while I was in the middle of writing about Twelfth Night for an essay test, it occurred to me that Orsino starts off the play as a real Emo Teen with this over-idealized idea about love, and what Viola does -- plucky, brave, outspoken Viola -- is she shows him that love doesn't have to be this train of sighs and pun-making -- it's about friendship and confidence and being happy with someone else, and doing things for the person you love. And suddenly it all fit. And I had a great essay. -- Vifetoile, proud Twelfth Night fangirl
  • When I watched this , it was strange to me that Sebastian can defeat not only Andrew , but also Toby so easily - Toby does seem as somebody practical and actually should be a good fighter. But then it occured to me: he had more experience with brawls than with regular fencing fight, he was drunk, and most importantly, he still asuumed "Cesario" was a coward - he completely underestimated Sebastian, otherwise he wouldn't get involved into fight at all! -- SS 13