U.S. Acres/Characters
The characters in Jim Davis's other comic strip, US Acres, and its animated adaptation on Garfield and Friends.
Orson Pig
- Her Codename Was Mary Sue: In several of his fantasies, such as Power Pig and Double-O-Orson.
- Imagine Spotting: Orson's imagination is so powerful the other characters somehow get transported into his fantasies.
Roy Rooster
- Butt Monkey: In the two episodes where he quits the show and works with the Buddy Bears (as their designated disagreeing companion).
- Chaste Toons: In season 6, he got a visit from his niece, Chloe.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Small Name, Big Ego
Wade Duck
- Accidental Hero
- Acrophobic Bird
- Disembodied Eyebrows
- Expressive Innertube: The duck head on his innertube always matches his expression.
- Lovable Coward
- Wild Take
- Black Bead Eyes
- Happily Adopted: By Orson
- Road Runner vs. Coyote: He's the Coyote.
- Clown Car Base: Sheldon's shell purportedly contains all mod cons, including a microwave, barbecue, pinball machine, and table tennis table, and enough space to hang pictures on the walls.
- Happily Adopted: By Orson
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Under his eggshell.
Lanolin Sheep
- Jerkass
- Meaningful Name: Lanolin is a type of wax secreted by sheep.
Bo Sheep
- Punny Name
- The Ditz: In the strip.
- Surfer Dude: In the cartoon.
- Too Dumb to Live: In the strip.
Blue and Cody
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Both of them disappeared in mid-1988, months before Garfield and Friends premiered. They never appeared in the cartoon, likely due to the confusion that might have arisen from them being in the same series as Garfield and Odie, who don't speak.
The Worms
- Road Runner vs. Coyote: They're the Roadrunner.
Mort, Gort, and Wart
- Ascended Extra: In the strip, they appeared for the first three weeks, and without names. On Garfield and Friends, they were semi-regularly recurring villains.
- Heel Face Mole: Gort tried this in one episode.
- Leitmotif: Their appearances in the cartoon were often accompanied by In the Hall of the Mountain King.
- Named by the Adaptation
The Weasel
A weasel who is constantly trying to steal the chickens. He has also tried to eat Sheldon on occasion.
- Canon Foreigner: He was never in the strip.
- No Name Given
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: During season five, he was briefly replaced by a wolf.
- Wicked Weasel