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Wing Commander/Funny

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.


It is, how do you humans say it, the warmed leavings of a male cow.

Video Games

  • The Price of Freedom has Maniac get into a argument with resident marine Badass Dekker. As they are about to come to blows Blair is presented with a choice: "Maniac's gonna get creamed," which will lead to him intervening, or "This I gotta see," which has him lean back with a smirk as Maniac gets...well decked.
  • If you take a certain path in the game Blair will find Panther inspecting a gun, bringing up Maniac not being able to take no for an answer. Blair can either promise to talk to him, or laugh it off. Either way during a later serious incident Blair addresses this.

"And while we're at it, Panther's going to do some surgery below the belt unless you learn to keep your hormones to yourself."

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