Witchblade (anime)/Characters
Characters from Witchblade (anime) include:
Witchblade Anime
Masane Amaha/ Yasuko Ohara
The current host of the Witchblade. She has a six-year-old daughter named Rihoko.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Action Mom
- Adult Child: At first, her daughter Rihoko acts like the adult and she acts like the child.
- Antenna Hair: Masane has two cow licks on the back of her head that perpetually stick up.
- Bottle Fairy
- Brown Eyes
- Conveniently an Orphan: In episode 14, it's revealed that Masane lived in an orphanage for seventeen years and no records of her family were ever found. Her real name is Yasuko Ohara.
- Curtains Match the Window: Masane has brown eyes to match her brown hair.
- Gag Boobs
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Masane's eyes glow yellow while she is transformed.
- Eyes of Gold: When her Witchblade is activated.
- Heroic BSOD: After she releases Riko into Reina Soho's custody (Riko's biological mother) , she loses the will to fight and refuses to get out of bed.
- Hot Mom
- Identity Amnesia: Masane doesn't remember anything about her life before the Great Quake. Masane Amaha isn't even her real name; it's a fake name the government assigned her after she was rescued.
- In-Series Nickname: "Melony" or "Masamune".
- Mama Bear: Masane will go through hell and high water to protect Riko.
- Messy Hair
- Most Common Superpower: Her breasts are so large; she's referred to as "Melony" (in the English dub) or "Masamune" ("undefeatable breasts") by her friends.
- Power Dyes Your Hair-Her hair turns red when she uses the Witchblade.
- She Cleans Up Nicely-She wears a lovely white dress in episode 10 when Takayama forces her to attend a company award ceremony. Unfortunately, her manners remain the same.
- Tsundere: Type B, towards Reiji Takayama.
- Unkempt Beauty
Rihoko "Riko" Amaha
Riko is the only child of Masane Amaha.
- Brown Eyes
- Cheerful Child
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Girlish Pigtails
- Supreme Chef
- Wise Beyond Her Years
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Douji Group Industries
Douji Group Industries is a huge corporation that is headed by a board of directors and Bureau Chief Reiji Takayama. Douji's primary focus is researching and developing special weapons, such as Witchblade and the I-Weapons. They are also responsible for the presence of X-Cons that rampage through Tokyo at night. Before the Great Quake, they possessed the Witchblade. In the past, Douji Group Industries collaborated with the NSWF on researching the Witchblade. The product of these research was the Cloneblade, a copy of the original Witchblade.
While Douji Group Industries and the NSWF were working together on the Witchblade, one of the NSWF's top scientists, Reina Soho, was sent to aid them in their research. However, Reina stole the Witchblade from Douji Group Industries in an attempt to gain its' power. Once Reina's betrayal was discovered, both Douji Group Industries and the NSWF sent agents in to retrieve the Witchblade.
The Witchblade awoke during this time and the resulting power surge resulted in the Great Quake, a massive earthquake that devastated Tokyo and killed millions of people. After the Great Quake, Douji focused its' attention on retrieving X-Cons, which were malfunctioning machines that escaped during the Great Quake.
Reiji Takayama
Takayama is the head of the Special Section in Douji Group Industries, which manufactures weapons and researches weapons like the Witchblade. He hired Masane Amaha to dispose of X-Cons. He first appears to be a cold and ruthless man who only cares about his job, but this is not actually the case.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Brutal Honesty: He says exactly how he feels and doesn't worry about offending or hurting anyone with his words.
- Curtains Match the Window: Has black eyes and black hair.
- Defrosting Ice Lord
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a faint diagonal scar across his right eye.
- Lantern Jaw of Justice
- Missing Mom: His mother died giving birth to Takayama.
- Parental Neglect: His father was always at work and rarely spent time with him.
- The Stoic: He rarely allows his emotions to show even when he's in danger.
- Tsundere: Type A. Initially, he acts rudely towards Masane, but later on starts to develop romantic feelings toward her.
Masaya Wado
A work colleague of Takayama's who works as the Director of Bio Division at Douji Group Industries. He's known Takayama since college and sees him as a hated rival.
Hiroki Segawa
Takayama's right hand man who is always professional and prepared. He loves power and frequently switches sides depending on who has the most power.
Yuusuke Tozawa
A free-lance photographer investigating the "Pulverizer Murders"; a series of murders of NSWF employees. While investigating the murders, he discovers the existence of the Witchblade and NSWF's connection to the murders.
- Curtains Match the Window: He has brown eyes to match his brown hair.
- Going for the Big Scoop: He often gets himself into trouble with the police and security because of this.
- Intrepid Reporter: He wants to find out the culprit behind the "Pulverizer Murders".
- Perma-Stubble
MOD: Everything below this line needs to be moved to the correct Characters subpages.
Witchblade Comics
Sara Pezzini
The current wielder of the Witchblade in the comics, Sara is a police officer for the NYPD, and a mom on top of that.
- Action Girl
- Action Mom: To her daughter with Jackie, Hope.
- Badass Abnormal: She's already a pretty competent police officer, but getting the Witchblade definitely gave her more of a boost.
- Brown Eyes
- Cool Big Sis: To Dani.
- Dating Catwoman: Subverted - She did date Kenneth Irons for a brief time, but that was well before they became enemies.
- Fair Cop
- Hot Mom
Danielle Baptiste
- Hair of Gold
- Legacy Character: For a while until she becomes the new Angelus.
Kenneth Irons
The very rich CEO of Irons Industries, and very long lived. His ultimate obsession is trying to find and own the Witchblade, and he cares not who or what stands in his way.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: He made a lot of his money through drug trafficking, prostitution, slavery, and the arms industry.
- Dating Catwoman: Subverted - he did date Sara for a brief time, but that was well before they became enemies.
- Fiction500: He is loaded.
- Rich Idiot With No Day Job: An evil version though.
- They Killed Kenny
- The Knights Templar: Used to be one.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money
Witchblade Live Action
Sarah Pezzini
The current holder of the Witchblade and a NYC police detective.
- Action Girl
- Bi the Way: Stated outright in one of the episodes. It may have been her messing with Jake, however.
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