Characters that have appeared in X-Force or X-Statix.
The original first X-Force series
Team Members
Nathan Summers / Cable
See Cable,
Samuel Guthrie / Cannonball
See New Mutants
Neena Thurman / Domino
- Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics: Domino has the power to alter probability, and prefers to use that ability in conjunction with firearms. She can thus perform outstandingly improbable trick-shots, including multiple-ricochet bulls-eyes against moving targets.
- Born Lucky
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Domino has probability altering powers, but she mainly relies on her marksmanship and hand-to-hand abilities.
- Gun Fu: Domino, though her "luck" power also had a lot to do with it.
- Winds of Destiny Change
- Anything That Moves: Originally asexual, but has recently become "sexually curious about anything with a pulse."
- Awesome McCoolname
- Continuity Snarl: He's either a genetically engineered gladiator or a human mental patient. Or both.
- Dual-Wielding
- Facial Markings: He has a starburst-shaped marking on his right eye
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- Ho Yay: His feelings for Rictor, now made canon.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice He's been known to run himself through with his swords in order to get an opponent coming at him behind.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Because otherwise there's no real reason for him to have one.
- Nineties Anti-Hero
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Redheaded Hero: While the length of his hair has changed dramatically over the past twenty years, he's always been a redhead, or at least very strawberry-blond.
- Refugee From TV Land: Comes from Mojoworld, where television is life; tends to say things like "May you have many spinoffs."
- Take That: His bisexuality, and Marvel's insistence on its remaining canon, seems to be an open dig on creator Liefeld's own aversion to gay characters.
- Vibroweapon: His seldom-used mutant power is to generate vibrations from his body, turning his swords into these. The number of times he has actually used this power on-panel, however, can be counted on both hands.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: He was brought up to be a killing machine, to have no sense of emotional connections with people. Most of his character growth since his first appearance has been about learning all about human emotions.
Maria Callasantos / Feral
- Anime Hair
- Ax Crazy: When her mutation gets the better of her.
- Catgirl
- Expy: Of Wolfsbane.
- Face Heel Turn
- Healing Factor
- Killed Off for Real / Stuffed Into the Fridge: At the hands of Sabertooth who slew her very messily.
- Prehensile Tail
- Self-Made Orphan: Both Feral and her sister Thornn had been abused by their stepfather until she killed their parents as well as her siblings (not Thornn though).
- Super Senses / The Nose Knows
- Token Evil Teammate: Feral in the early issues was a loose cannon. She pratically almost killed Cannonball during training, almost killed her enemies only being held back by her teammates, and her teammates barely trusted her. She murdered her mother, stepfather, possibly pushed her sister to her death, and watched her little brother fall to his death(when she could have helped him)....then this led to her Face Heel Turn.
Tabitha 'Tabby' Smith
See X-Factor
James Proudstar / Warpath
See New Mutants
Theresa Cassidy / Siryn / Banshee
- Compelling Voice: Her voice works on men 'and women.
- Distaff Counterpart / Legacy Character: Of her father, Banshee.
- Make Me Wanna Shout
- Morality Pet: To Deadpool
- Not Quite Flight: In the same ludicrous way her father does, by screaming.
- Redheaded Hero
- Screaming Woman
Roberto da Costa / Sunspot
See New Mutants
Julio Richter / Rictor
See X-Factor
See X-Factor
Danielle Moonstar / Mirage
See New Mutants
Jesse Aaronson / Bedlam
- C-List Fodder: At one point cruxified along with Skin and Jubilee.
- Mind Rape: Jesse can can affect the neural chemical responses of a living brain to induce states such as pain, sleep, or confusion.
- Shock and Awe
- Walking Techbane
Pete Wisdom
See Excalibur
Recurring Characters
Lila Cheney
See New Mutants
Vanessa Carlysle / Copycat
- Body Horror: When her powers went on the fritz.
- Disposable Woman: Another female heroine fridged by Sabretooth who claimed the murder.
- Murder the Hypotenuse: She beat up Syrin after Deadpool rejected her. She did it disguised as Wade [dead link].
- Power Parasite
- Shallow Love Interest: To Deadpool.
- Streetwalker: Before she found out she was a mutant.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Wade Wilson / Deadpool
See Deadpool.
Adam X
- Bloody Murder: His powers are weaponizing other people's blood by making them bleed then igniting the oxygen in the exposed blood.
- Facial Markings
- Fad Super
- Half-Human Hybrid: He is a half-human, half-Shi'ar
- Long Lost Sibling: Heavily implied to have been the third Summers brother... Word of God, however, says that he's just the fourth, and a half-brother at that.
- Nineties Anti-Hero: He had long hair, a backwards baseball cap, and his power was to make his blood explode so he had to cut himself in battle. Oh, and technically, his full name is "Adam X the X-Treme".
- Recently when he turned up in Utopia crossover, his nineties look was toned down by getting rid of his spiky costume and many blades. However, his backwards baseball cap and long hair still remained and he swears more than the other rioters.
- Scary Impractical Armor
- Xtreme Kool Letterz
- The Big Bad
- Cain and Abel
- Cloning Blues
- Complete Monster
- Evil Twin To Cable
- Scary Impractical Armor: Stryfe wore a suit of armour that looked like it was made out of blades, giving many readers the impression that he'd decapitate himself if he ever shrugged his shoulders.
- Spikes of Villainy: He wears a spiky armoured costume
- Split At Birth: Stryfe was created as a clone of the infant Cable who was severely infected with techno-organic virus and would make him as a perfect copy in case the original dies. Unfortunately, he was then kidnapped and raised by the evil Apocalypse.
- Tangled Family Tree
Tamara Kurtz / Dragoness
- Dragon Lady
- Not Quite Flight: She possesses a jet pack and and a set of bionic wings
- Shock and Awe (Bio-electric blasts)
Michael Mc Cain / Forearm
- Punny Name: His mutation is having four arms
- Spider Limbs
- Super Strength
- Action Bomb / Flying Brick: He is almost an Expy of Cannonball with explosive powers upon impact
- Off with His Head: In X-Cutioner's Song crossover, Kamikaze charged behind Archangel (who was busy fighting Forearm) as a sneak attack but he was accidentally decapitated when Archangel swung his sharp metallic wings.
- Meaningful Name: As mentioned above, his reckless overconfidence had cost his life.
Boom-Boom (to Archangel): Well, I guess with a name like Kamikaze, you just know he's gonna buy it. |
- Artificial Limbs
- Butt Monkey: Poor Reaper always loses his limbs at every fight and getting artificial limb replacements.
- For the Evulz: Reaper enjoys his terrorist work, looking as it's more fun than as a job.
- The Paralyzer: Reaper can paralyze his foes by touching them from contact through his skin or scythe before finishing them off but with his artificial limbs, it has less effect.
- Sinister Scythe
- Fiery Redhead
- Light Is Not Good: Other than projecting heat, Strobe also has light blasts. She temporarily blinded Rogue this way in X-Cutioner's Song crossover.
- Playing with Fire
Heather Tucker / Tempo
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Although she was allied with MLF, she once seemed to see error in those ways and tried to retire to a normal life. However in Messiah Complex crossover, she reappeared as a villain again when she joined the Acolytes led by Exodus. And in the end, she moved to Utopia and began to work with the X-Men, fighting both Empath and Selene's army.
- Time Master: Tempo can manipulate time, though only in her immediate vicinity. Most often she slows or stops her opponents or speeds herself or her teammates.
Kristina Anderson / Thumbelina
- Big Sister Instinct: When she heard that her brother (Slab from Nasty Boys) was taken into custody by X-Factor, she went on a mission with her team to bust him out of prison and scolded her brother for getting himself captured.
- Incredible Shrinking Woman
- Wrench Wench: Subverted, she is a fat lady who uses her shrinking powers to fix mechanical objects and is rarely sent out to the field.
Richard Gill / Wildside
- Axe Crazy: Like this is a surprise.
- Master of Illusion: In case you were wondering what his actual powers were. Ironically, he doesn't like to use them, preferring to get physical.
- For the Evulz
X-Statix (the second X-Force series)
Team Members
Tike Alicar / Anarchist
- Bloody Murder: Sort of, in that his powers stem from his acidic sweat, which he can use to project powerful acidic force beams.
- Boy Meets Ghoul: Begins a loose relationship with Dead Girl.
- But Not Too Black: He struggles with the idea that he's not a "real" black man because he's adopted and was raised by white parents.
- The Glasses Come Off: Immediately before his death.
- The Lancer: Every element of his design and personality was specifically crafted to fit into this image.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Designed to resemble Dennis Rodman in both appearance and personality
- Out, Damned Spot!: Tike has a handwashing compulsion that gets worse during his period as official team leader.
- Sunglasses at Night: While it's never addressed, he is always seen wearing his shades, even in flashbacks to his childhood and in the shower. The implication that they're prescription is fairly strong.
Mickey Tork / Bloke
- Bury Your Gays: A parody version, at least.
- Captain Ethnic: Every gay stereotype you can imagine rolled up into one
- Manly Gay: An avid bodybuilder and an especially brutal vigilante
- Retirony: Before the new X-Force's first mission he has a romantic get together with his boyfriend and it's established that he's the only member of the team in a relationship. He dies very soon afterward.
- Bad Boss
- Broken Pedestal: When he tries to get Edie to kill Guy and it's revealed that he killed all the previous team as a publicity stunt.
- Dirty Old Man
- Red Right Hand: He has a missing arm (which apparently used to be superpowered) and red eyes.
Dead Girl
- Berserk Button: Do not disrespect dead bodies and let her get to know about it.
- Boy Meets Ghoul: Begins a loose relationship with Tyke.
- Cute Monster Girl
- Deadpan Snarker
- Embarrassing First Name: Moonbeam
- From a Single Cell: In her first appearance, she gets reduced to a pile of smoking mush on the floor by an energy blast, but totally regenerates a few minutes later.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell
- Nigh Invulnerable: Several versions at once. I mean, she's already dead, what more can you do to her?
- Our Zombies Are Different: Fully sentient Revenant with superhealing and mediumistic powers.
- Progressively Prettier: Early issues often have her drawn looking quite wizened and mummified, but soon she ends up more usually just looking like a really hot girl with blue-grey skin and rings round her eyes.
- Quest for Identity
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Memetic Sex God: Doop, in-series and to much of the book's fandom.
- Noodle Incident: Doop's history before joining the team is occasionally hinted at but never really explored. Suffice it to say, he knows Wolverine well enough that Wolvie knows Doop-speak.
- Suddenly Sexuality: Revealed to be bisexual in a comic issue after the main run.
- Wingdinglish: However, it has been claimed that Doop's dialogue is in a wingding font known as "Roswell Wreckage".
Robbie Rodriguez / El Guapo
- Canon Immigrant: In canon itself, no less.
- Companion Cube: He talks to his skateboard when nobody else is around, and even has arguments with it that sometimes get physical. Whether he's out of his mind and doing it himself or the board is partially sentient is never established.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Received probably the single most unceremonious death of any member of the team.
- New Meat: After joining the team he has his own mini arc about getting used to it
- Latin Lover: With a name that means "the handsome one"...
- Totally Radical
Henrietta Hunter
- Back from the Dead
- Brown Note: Her vengeful spirit turns her doubly-posthumous hit single into this.
- Comic Book Fantasy Casting: Looks suspiciously like Diana, Princess of Wales with dark hair.
- Executive Meddling: Was in fact originally intended to be Diana, Princess of Wales, but Marvel chickened out when it was too late to do anything but a hurried job of changing the original dialogue and artwork.
- Parody Sue
- The Prima Donna
- Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl: after her second death.
Arnie Lundberg / the Mysterious Fan Boy
- The Cape (trope): During his time with X-Statix he tried his damnedest to adhere to this archetype and his innocent worship pushed the rest of the team to at least try and do the same.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: His face is terribly scarred on one side
- Psychopathic Manchild: Reality isn't something that agrees with Arnie all that much. The answer, of course, is to simply use his powers to change it.
- Reality Warper
- Straw Fan: Arnie was a huge fan of X-Force, but doesn't think much of the change to X-Statix or Edie, his favorite member of the team, being killed and replaced.
Guy Smith / Orphan, aka Mister Sensitive
- Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin is a purplish pink
- Death Seeker: Has a secret death wish, if his daily game of Russian Roulette is any indication.
- Disability Superpower: In an interesting use of the trope, the Orphan's senses are so strong that they're extremely debilitating.
- Meaningful Rename: After his first mission, which involved reuniting a child with his parents, he changed his codename to "the Orphan" so he'd never forget his roots. He kept the name even after discovering his parents had been alive the whole time, partially on the advice of his publicist.
- Parental Abandonment: When they discovered he was a mutant. Worse, they topped it off by burning their house down with him inside. And he was three years old at the time.
- Reincarnation Romance: parodied in the Dead Girl miniseries: we find Guy initially searching for Edie in Heaven, but later find out that they already resumed their love affair there and that she dumped him because she wasn't ready to make an eternal commitment.
- Super Senses: The Orphan's powers, exaggerated to the point of deconstruction.
- Wangst Oh, the wangst...
William Robert Reilly / Phat
- Armoured Closet Gay: After claiming he was never really gay and that was just a phase he was going through; somehow this caused his powers to become unreliable/disappear almost entirely until he told the truth and permanently came out.
- Body Horror: When he's full of gunk
- Does Not Like Shoes: Often goes barefoot to use his powers more effectively.
- Faux Yay: Myles and Phat until they realise that they both really are gay.
- Gayngster
- Heroic Sacrifice: Dies shielding everyone else from the bomb implanted in Mister Code's body.
- Multiple Choice Past: When Phat first appears, he had a happy upper-class upbringing and is only pretending to have been a hard-luck gangbanger. When his parents appear a second time, they really are white trash (although it's possible they might be acting as well).
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Specifically meant to resemble Eminem.
- Rubber Man
- Shock Value Relationship: Vivisector and Phat's relationship started as a publicity stunt, and they eventually decided that while they are both gay, that's all it was and they were never really attracted to each other.
- Stout Strength: His powers are that he can fill up his body with extradimensional gunk, causing it to balloon to grotesque proportions and increasing his strength exponentially
- White Gang-Bangers: Phat deliberately crafted this image around himself as a ploy to gain X-Force membership; he's actually from a very wealthy family.
Saint Anna
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Red skinned
- The Fun in Funeral: "Here, your daughter wanted us to bring her ashes to you so you c-ACHOO. Whoops."
- White Magician Girl: Saintly young woman with healing powers.
Spike Freeman
- The Chessmaster
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- The Man Behind the Man: Spike Freeman and Coach, subverted because Spike isn't quite as evil as Coach was.
- Manipulative Bastard
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Alleged to be an uncomplimentary depiction of former X-Force artist Rob Liefeld.
- One Steve Limit: averted with Spike Freeman and "the" Spike; lampshaded when Freeman says he really likes Spike, and not just because of the name.
Darian Elliot / the Spike
- Angry Black Man: This facet of his personality is used to foster conflict between him and the Anarchist.
- Body Horror: His power of growing bone spikes out of his body
- Canon Immigrant: Based heavily on Spyke from X-Men: Evolution, though the name and the powers are pretty much all that they have in common.
- Malcolm Xerox: The Spike at his worst.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Scary Black Man
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: Ultimately sort of betrayed the team to the Bush Rangers
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Spell My Name with a "The"
- Spike Shooter
Edith "Edie" Sawyer / U-Go Girl
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Her skin is a lilac hue.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Cleavage Window: In an X shape.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: A fan favorite. This is probably why she was killed off.
- The Gwen Stacy: To the Orphan
- Panty Shot: The shortness of her skirt leads to a lot of them. This is probably quite deliberate in-canon.
- Parental Abandonment: she left her baby with her parents because she wasn't ready to be a mother
- Reincarnation Romance: parodied in the Dead Girl miniseries: we find Guy initially searching for Edie in Heaven, but later find out that they already resumed their love affair there and that she dumped him because she wasn't ready to make an eternal commitment.
- Secret Diary: A whole issue after her death has Venus reading her diary and some extra details being given about her backstory.
Venus Dee Milo
- Brother Chuck: Nowhere to be seen or even mentioned in the Dead Girl miniseries, which involved the Orphan in the afterlife still pining after U-Go Girl.
- Can't Have Sex Ever: Because she doesn't really have a body. Then Professor X shows her a special suit he had made in case she ever wanted a relationship to go in that direction.
- Death by Origin Story: Subverted as usual: when her powers first manifested she accidentally teleported her family away to an unknown fate and she was terrified that she killed them or sent them to a hell-dimension, but when she finally finds them in another dimension they've been having a perfectly OK time.
- Detached Sleeves
- Energy Being
- Invisible Anatomy: Her upper arms and legs
- Senseless Sacrifice: Gives up her chance of surviving the final battle in an attempt to save Guy and Tike. It doesn't work.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Considered one within the canon itself, especially by fanboys like Arnie Lundberg
- Zettai Ryouiki
Myles Alfred / Vivisector
- Badass Bookworm
- Bash Brothers: With Phat
- Calling the Old Man Out: Except Myles himself, no matter how harsh his feelings for his father turned, could never bring himself to express these frustrations; it took a Mad Scientist who had taken his powers (and, unwittingly, primal thoughts and feelings) for himself for them to ever get out.
- Expy: he is Wesley from Angel, if Wesley were a gay werewolf.
- Faux Yay: Myles and Phat until they realise that they both really are gay.
- Insufferable Genius
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Myles isn't a traditional werewolf, just a mutant who can turn into a wolfman.
- Shock Value Relationship: Vivisector and Phat's relationship started as a publicity stunt, and they eventually decided that while they are both gay, that's all it was and they were never really attracted to each other.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
Recurring Characters
Sharon Ginsberg
- Amoral Attorney
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against X-Statix in general, after Bad Guy tortures and mutilates her.
- Winged Humanoid
Solomon O'Sullivan
- Human Notepad: His mutant power causes words to spontaneously appear on his body.
- Multiethnic Name
- Out-Gambitted
- The Rival: To Spike Freeman
Woodstock Schumaker / Lacuna
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Her skin is yellowish orange with a darker orange pattern.
- Convenient Coma
- Hippie Parents: She becomes a shallow celebrity journalist to rebel against them.
- My God, What Have I Done?: After Guy persuades her to murder Arnie.
- Paparazzi
- Sole Survivor: Only character significant enough to get onto this page who doesn't die by the end of the main series.
- The Team Wannabe: Until she decides to become a journalist instead.
- Time Master: Her power is to freeze time and remain active herself.
Bad Guy
- For the Evulz
- Humanoid Abomination
- Mistaken Identity: Thought mistakenly to be Guy Smith after a Face Heel Turn.
Mister Code
- The Blank
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- Scannable Man: His mask is a barcode
- Scary Amoral Religion
- Taking You with Me: When his mask is removed it triggers a bomb implanted in his body, killing Phat and Henrietta, and nearly killing everyone else.
- The Un-Reveal: When his mask is removed the characters recognise him as a celebrity, but we aren't told.
The Pitiful One
- The Adjective One
- Butt Monkey
- C-List Fodder: His existence is a protest against this trope.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell
- Not-So-Harmless Villain
- The Un-Reveal: Like Mister Code, the characters recognise him when he's unmasked, but we aren't told who he was.
The 3rd X-Force series
Team Members
James 'Logan' Howlett / Wolverine
See Wolverine
Rahne Sinclair / Wolfsbane
See New Mutants
Laura Kinney / X-23
See X-23
James Proudstar / Warpath
See New Mutants
Warren Kenneth Worthington III / Angel, Archangel
See X-Men
Neena Thurman / Domino
Josh Foley / Elixir
A teenage boy who joined an anti-mutant group with the desire to be popular. The group attacks a team of teenage mutants from Xavier's and he discovers he has the power to heal during the fight. Rejected by his friends and family, he moves in at Xavier's and initially has a hard time fitting in. He has a controversial relationship with Wolfsbane, because he's technically underage. As he continued to study, his powers grew enormously, going from simple healing to genetic manipulation. He eventually turns his skin gold after being forced to heal himself. After a large group of students were killed by anti-mutant fanatics, he went mental and developed the power to create disease and kill people as well. Since then, he's been overwhelmed by his power and is starting to question the world at large. He has "mood skin" - when he's feeling calm, happy, or using his healing power his skin is gold, but when he's feeling angry, depressed or using his powers to do harm, his skin turns black.
On a side note, it's too damn bad he wasn't introduced early enough to be include in the X-Men action RPGs, since he's the only member of the X-Men ever to have dedicated healing as a power.
- A God Am I
- Anti-Hero: Type I ----> Type IV
- Attention Whore: He got better
- Hot for Student: At one point, caught in a Love Triangle between Rahne and Laurie.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Literally??? But Josh is a good guy who eventually dedicates himself to learning and helping others, vowing to never use his 'dark side' again. He does have the occasional sarcastic comment to share, though.
- Kidanova
- My God, What Have I Done?: Evcer since he discovered the true extent of his powers
- Never Got to Say Goodbye: To Laurie, who was shot in the head by a sniper right after a huge argument between them.
- Odd Couple: With Prodigy
- Shoot the Dog: one of Josh's old schoolmates, Wither, had become an Omnicidal Maniac in service to Selene to the point that he had to use his Touch of Death to put him down.
- The Medic / Healing Hands: His position in the team and his powers
- The Slacker
- Yin-Yang Bomb
Telford Porter / Vanisher
- Anti-Hero: type V
- Boxed Crook: He is kept under control by Elixir who gave him an inoperable brain tumor
- Dirty Coward
- Meaningful Name
- Teleporters and Transporters
- Church Militant
- Complete Monsters
- Corrupt Church
- The Fundamentalist
- Knight Templar
- Moral Event Horizon: In the beginning of Messiah Complex crossover, the Purifiers destroyed a town in Alaska and killed the newborn babies as well as the children all because a newest mutant child was born there.
Reverand Craig
- Abusive Father: Wolfsbane's father helped a group of religious fanatics brainwash his daughter to be a programmed killer sent after her teammate Angel. However, the plan did not turn up well on him.
- Death by Irony: Reverand Craig falls victim to the psychological conditioning The Purifiers put Wolfsbane through, when they were only able to capture her because she was trying to "save" him.
- Complete Monster A vile, hateful bastard. Messy as his death is, it's still too good for him.
- Eviler Than Thou
- Karmic Death Very.
- Offing the Offspring: Earlier on, he tried to kill his daughter Rahne (by chasing her down with a mob and burning her at the stake!) but fails when Moira rescued and adopted her.
- Scotireland
- Sinister Minister
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Subverted, as Bastion's original incarnation was explicitly made to hunt down mutants and while he gained more sentience over the years he not only held on to his directive but became much more creative in how he carried it out as well.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: In Zero Tolerance crossover, he had abused Jubilee who was held prisoner with both physical and psychological torture.
- Fake Ultimate Hero
- I Knew It!: With his bright pink skin tone, knowledge of advanced sentinal technology, and predisposed distain for mutants, many people assumed Bastion was the reincarned form of Nimrod well before his background was revealed, and they were right.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Politically-Incorrect Villain
Leper Queen
- Cool Mask: She wears her mask to cover her disfigured face
- She Who Fights Monsters
- Scars Are Forever: She allegedly started the group because of her hatred of mutants. This hatred stemmed from the fact that her daughter was born a mutant and her powers ended up killing herself and disfiguring Leper Queen's face.
She is X-23's handler in the Facility that created X-23 and assigns the clone to missions. Throughout Kimura's time as X-23's handler, she abused X-23, finding any excuse to bully her, regardless of whether X-23 failed or not.
Eli Bard
- Alas, Poor Villain
- Big Bad
- The Chessmaster
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Took In A Level Of Badass: Was originally a weak willed individual; later he almost singlehandedly manipulates the purifiers and comes VERY close to killing X-23
- Love Makes You Evil
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
Former and most prominent Black Queen of the Hellfire club, Selene has been around for quite some time and is actually the oldest mutant alive. She doubles as a superior sorceress, is incredibly powerful and very hard to kill. She singlehandedly exterminated the Externals and survived total molecular disintegration. Regal, vain and manipulative, she has recently resurfaced and maybe we'll see the full extent of her powers which has never been completely revealed.
- A Goddess Am I: Her recent surfacing gives this as her motivation.
- The Baroness
- Combo-Platter Powers: She can animate objects plus suck people's life force to feed her youth and immortality (plus some minor Psychic Powers and Functional Magic, and various inconsistently enhanced physical abilities). Until she got upgraded; as of Chasing Hellfire, it's "turn into living shadow, plus absorb people entirely to feed her youth and immortality, as well as take on the form of victims."
- Complete Monster
- Evil Is Sexy (A close second to Mystique's massive hotness)
- Immortality Immorality
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Lesbian Vampire: Perhaps it is just Claremont but trying to turn attractive teenage psychics into her deciples seems to be a particular hobby of hers.
- Manipulative Bitch: Even though she doesn't need to, she really enjoys toying with people's minds to get what she wants. A lot.
- Vain Sorceress
- The Vamp
See X-Factor
Clarice Ferguson / Blink
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Blink gained quite a fan following after a fairly short-lived existence in their mainstream storylines. She (or rather, her Alternate Continuity counterpart) got an upgraded role in the Age of Apocalypse storyline. She was so popular that she survived the destruction of that universe and became a main character in the Exiles spinoff (though it took five years).
- Evil Twin: Became this to her Age of Apocalypse incarnation following her Face Heel Turn. Ironically, not only is she the mainstream (albeit less used) version of her character, but she has never even encountered her other universe self as of yet.
- Face Heel Turn: Recently, Blink was seen in the company of Selene. Her apparent death seems to have been retconned. Instead of accidentally killing herself she transported herself to a different location and her mutant power allowed her to arrive intact.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Before Generation X was founded, she sacrificed herself to destroy Harvest and was presumed dead until years later...
- Teleporters and Transporters
Suvik Senyaka / Senyaka
Kevin Ford / Wither
Lois London / Mortis
- Ascended Extra
- Cain and Abel: She is an evil stepsister of Dazzler
- Touch of Death
- Woobie Destroyer Of Lives
The current, Uncanny X-Force series
Team Members
See Wolverine
Carried over from the previous incarnation, is co-captains with...
See X-Men
See X-Men
See Deadpool
See X-Men