Y: The Last Man/Characters
Characters from Y: The Last Man
Yorick Brown
- Above the Influence
- Adult Child: He gets better. Eventually.
- Am I Just a Toy to You?: To Beth II.
- Animal Motifs: Monkeys
- Celibate Hero: Initially. And what he would like to be, in spite of his one-night stands with Beth II and P.J.
- Death Seeker
- Escape Artist
- Feigning Intelligence: At least from Hero's point of view.
- Gas Mask Longcoat
- Genre Savvy
- The Immune
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Yorick can be a real dick, but generally means well and cares for others.
- Last of His Kind
- The McCoy
- Meaningful Name: This was intentional. His parents were English majors and fans of 'the Bard'.
- Nightmare Dreams
- Non-Action Snarker -> Action Survivor Snarker
- Paper-Thin Disguise
- Prepositions Are Not to End Sentences With
- Sad Clown: Similar to Stepford Smiler, below, not that he is fooling anyone.
- Stealth Hi Bye
- Stepford Smiler: To the point where it takes a brutal intervention for him to admit that he's suicidal.
- Survivor Guilt: You. Don't. Say.
- The One Guy
- Took a Level in Badass
- The Woobie
Agent 355
- Action Girl
- All of the Other Reindeer: Nobody ever has fond memories of living in an orphanage.
- Badass Nickname: "355" is the designation for the Culper Ring's top female agent. YMMV whether or not it's a nickname
- Bodyguard Crush
- Broken Bird: As a teenager.
- Code Name
- Determinator
- Hot Amazon
- It Gets Easier
- Meaningful Rename: To signify her induction into the Culper Ring.
- No Name Given: Averted by Word of God, the hint was in the panel where Yorick carves her name on a tree. It was "Peace".
- Orphan's Ordeal: Her parents and sisters were killed in a car accident.
- Overt Operative: Having a number for a name doesn't help you blend in anywhere. Especially when you introduce yourself to everyone as such.
- Pop Cultural Osmosis Failure: She doesn't watch TV and hardly ever gets Yorick's constant pop culture references.
- Simple Staff
- Straight Woman
- You Are Number Six
Dr. Allison Mann
- All Asians Know Martial Arts: Disscused and averted.
- Asian and Nerdy: Did the Dr. give it away?
- Dressed to Heal
- Dr. Jerk
- Halfbreed: Half Japanese and half Chinese. (No offense was intended.)
- Meaningful Rename: Her original name is Ayuko Matsumori. She did it to piss off her dad.
- The Medic
- Shock Value Relationship: Her father interpreted her newfound sexuality as "lesbian until graduation".
- Invisible to Gaydar
- Truly Single Parent
Beth Deville
- The Betty: To 355's Veronica
- Bi the Way
- Living MacGuffin
Hero Brown
- Action Girl
- Bi the Way
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Broken Pedestal
- Cool Big Sis
- Heel Face Turn
- Steven Ulysses Perhero
- The Woobie
Rose Copen
- Action Girl
- Eyepatch of Power
- Fire-Forged Friends
- Heel Face Turn: After falling In Love with the Mark
- The Mole
- Big Bad: Subverted. She's' built up as a recuring villain and with her minor army of amazons she looks to be a real threat. Then she's shot in the head.
- The Corrupter
- Dropped a Bridge on Him
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Towards men in general, but is only able to make it a "you" instead of "they" when Yorick's around.
- Starter Villain
- Straw Feminist
Alter Tse'elon
- Badass Israeli
- Dark Action Girl
- Dead Little Sister
- Death Seeker
- General Ripper
- No Name Given
- Suicide by Cop: She tries, but it turns out she underestimated Yorick.
- To the Pain
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: A killer and a Jerkass.
- Dark Action Girl
- Ninja
- Smoke Out
- To the Pain
- Psycho for Hire
Dr. Matsumori
- Archnemesis Dad
- Big Bad: Subverted. Again. Doctor M is indeed the closest thing the series has to a true Big Bad but is defeated before the story's actual climax.
- Mad Scientist
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate
- There Is Another
- Truly Single Parent