You Are Number Six/New Media

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Examples of You Are Number Six in New Media include:

  • In Conquering the Horizon Evelyn is a Hive Mind. Her individual bodies usually have semi-independent lines of thought and emotions, but they are still very much linked like a proper hive mind (same memories, know each others location, access each others senses, access to each others thoughts, and a given body considers itself much more expendable than the body (and life) of a non-hive mind person). Individual Evelyns often have a model name (based on the body type) and a number:
And so we gather here today to honor three great Evelyns, Tinkerbell Enhanced Five, Seven, and Eleven. Though we were too lazy to give them more original names, the Star Wars reference was totally worth it.
—"Mr. Mooshi" (Evelyn),  Conquering the Horizon