This memorable exchange, from the episode "Television".
Christine: As you all know, Vanessa is new to the show and Vanessa, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. Vanessa: There is something I wanted to ask you. Christine: Sure? Vanessa: How do they make that slime they're always dumping on you? Christine: First they take some liquid and then they add some jello powder and some flour. Sometimes some soap and they dump it all over me. Vanessa: Where do they dump it from? Christine: Actually Vanessa, I've always wondered that too, but I just don't know. green slime falls on Christine's head Vanessa: Interesting. Is it always green like this? Christine: Well, yeah it usually is, but I guess it could be red. red slime drops on Christine's head Christine: Or... it could be blue. blue slime drops on Christine's head Christine:getting annoyed Or yellow. yellow slime drops on Christine's head Christine: Yep... Okay, you guys think you're so smart? Let's see stripes. red, yellow, and blue slime falls on Christine's head Vanessa: Boy, must be tough being a TV star. By the way, how do you get this stuff out? Christine: Well, it usually washes out with water. water falls on Christine's head Christine: Usually.