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Characters from Inuyasha include:

Main Characters


Inuyasha is the son of a dog Youkai and a human woman. Persecuted throughout his childhood due to his halfbreed nature, he sought to use the Shikon Jewel to become a full youkai, but fell in love with the Jewel's human guardian, the Miko Kikyo. Fifty years prior to the start of the series, Kikyo sealed Inuyasha to a tree with a magical arrow; when Kagome releases him, he resumes his mission to obtain the Shikon Jewel, which requires him to team up with Kagome to track down the broken Jewel's many shards.

Voiced by: Kappei Yamaguchi (JP), Richard Ian Cox (EN), Enzo Fortuny (LA SP), Francesco Pezzuli (IT), Jerome Wiggins (FR)

Kagome Higurashi

Kagome is a girl from the present era who finds herself in Japan's Sengoku era after falling down an old well in her family's Shinto shrine. She proves to be Kikyo's reincarnation, and discovers that she possesses strong spiritual powers resembling that of a Miko. After she accidentally shatters the Shikon Jewel, she joins up with Inuyasha to find and reassemble the broken pieces.

Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (JP), Moneca Stori (EN), Anna Lobo/Leyla Rangel (LA SP), Letizia Scifoni (IT), Maelys Ricordeau (FR)

  • Action Girl: Eventually.
  • Adaptation Dye Job: Brown eyes in the anime, blue eyes in the manga.
  • The Archer: Her skills increases with her character development: at the start when she's at her most immature, it sucks. Near the end when she's grown into The Messiah, its great.
  • Audience Surrogate
  • Bathe Her and Bring Her to Me: Sort of happens to her in one episode, though the villain intends to feed her to some immortality-fruit-bearing-tree rather than... what you'd normally expect.
  • Bathing Beauty
  • Berserk Button: Cause anyone in her circle of friends pain. Before you do, though, make sure you've made peace with any higher being you may worship.
  • Betty and Veronica: She's the Betty to Kikyo's Veronica.
  • Changed My Jumper: In the second episode a bandit remarks that her skirt is shorter than their kimono but after that no one seems to notice. Of course, regarding the way other demons and the poor dress, her garb's not the most striking thing people are used to seeing.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: To some degree, but not as bad as other examples in the page.
  • Disappeared Dad: The novels explain that he died in an accident when Kagome was little, therefore her family had to move into the Shinto temple owned by Grandpa Higurashi.
  • Damsel in Distress: Quite a few times, especially early in the series. She gradually grows out of it, though.
    • Badass Damsel: And she wasn't exactly super helpless and docile, either.
  • Eek! A Mouse!: She can handle Youkai, blood, guts, wounds, man-eating rats, two-timing boyfriends, time-travel, saving the world while trying to pass exams, lifting the spirits of the depressed, downtrodden and bullied and can even befriend the reclusive, the painfully shy, and aggressively hostile, but ask her to help a giant beast-faced hanyou in his herb garden when there's an earthworm in plain sight and she'll fall to pieces.
  • Expy: Akane.
  • Fish Out of Temporal Water
  • Five-Man Band: Fulfills a number of roles as the story goes.
    • The Chick: Before Sango came she was the only girl in a group of three guys, often kidnapped, and did more bickering with Inuyasha than shard detecting.
    • The Heart: She's a Parental Substitute for Shippo, emotional support for Sango, and steers Inuyasha to the path of herosim instead of jerkism.
    • The Hero: Although it could be argued that Inuyasha is The Hero, Kagome is the Leader of the group and the Narrator of the show. The fact that Kagome 'makes Inuyasha sit' when he is bad or the fact that whenever Kagome leaves, Inuyasha is helpless in his quest to find the jewel shards, is proof that Kagome is the dominant one in the relationship.
  • Genki Girl: Down played. She's more plucky than genki but can get really excited.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: The bulk of her powers are holy spiritual powers.
  • I Choose to Stay
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Sometimes, especially later in the story, but by then, her abilities as a priestess have matured to the point when she can automatially nock an arrow and guide it to its target through sheer willpower.
  • Is This What Anger Feels Like?: "Please let me tell you, Naraku... YOU'RE DESPICABLE!"
  • Joshikousei
  • Light'Em Up
  • Limited Wardrobe: She actually does change outfits from time to time, but spends by far most of her time in her school uniform. Some attempt at justification is made when Kagome mentions that her uniform is easier to clean.
  • Magic Skirt: In the second episode, a dirty thug became an Accidental Pervert when he decided to lift up Kagome's skirt in wonder of how small it was, thinking it was a badly undersized kimono. Of course, her panties get exposed to everyone in the room but never to the audience.
  • The Medic: She takes this role in the team, helped by the medicines from her time.
  • The Messiah
  • Miko: She has miko powers.
  • Ordinary Junior High Student: Until she fell into that well...
  • Playing Sick: Her cover for being in the feudal era all the time. Up to Eleven when she's gone for months at a time. In the real world, somebody would've got suspicious by then, even with her family covering for her.
  • Plucky Girl: Are demons and roughing it in Feudal Japan going to stop her? No, not at all. She's more worried about her grades and boyfriend issues.
  • Power Glows: In her case, a pinkish purple.
  • Reincarnation: Of Priestess Kikyo.
  • School Uniforms Are the New Black: Kagome takes a liking to wearing her uniform into the feudal era because it's easily cleaned (although it has a downside- a lecherous man once thought her skirt was a super-short kimono). Once, she did wear casual clothes... which coincided with the debut of Sesshoumaru.
  • She's Got Legs
  • Shiny Midnight Black
  • Shipper on Deck: She's a Sango/Miroku fangirl, specially in the anime.
  • Stepford Smiler: Slightly, as she learns to keep her feelings in regards to Inuyasha and Kikyo to herself. Very obvious when Kikyo almost dies for the second time and disappears: Kagome ignores her own distress and tells Inuyasha to go search for her... and her inner jealousy makes her an easy prey for The Baby's Hannibal Lectures.
    • Every one of her friends -- ordinary high school girls and super-powered youkai hunters alike—are terrified of her smile when she's pretending that she's not upset.
    • Sometimes, it happens if Inuyasha suffers the misfortune of setting Kagome off with snide comments. Kagome will crack a dangerous smile... then batter him into the ground with "Sit" commands.
  • Supporting Protagonist: Kagome is the view point character of the series, but a good deal of the plot (and fights) tend to focus on her other companions. As the series continues though, Kagome plays more and more of an active role.
  • Team Mom: Keeps The Hero and Team Dad on check, counsels The Big Girl and encourages her relationship with The Smart Guy, and is a mother figure to the Tagalong Kid.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: And then she blows up Naraku and purifies all his miasma saving everyone.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Slowly but surely it sets in, eventually turning Kagome from doddering school girl in a world she doesn't understand, to a Lady of War with mastery archery skills.
  • True Sight
  • Tsundere: Type B; sweet and nice, unless someone - most often Inuyasha - pisses her off.
  • White Magician Girl
  • Zettai Ryouki: Her schoolgirl outfit.


Aside from his considerable spiritual power as a Buddhist monk, Miroku possesses a "wind tunnel" or "air void" in his hand, a miniature black hole which sucks in anything if it's not kept magically sealed. The wind tunnel is the product of a family curse originally put on Miroku's grandfather by Naraku, and it dooms Miroku to an early death unless it can be removed by killing Naraku first. To that end, Miroku joins forces with Kagome and Inuyasha.

Miroku is a rather unusual monk, since he is a skilled con artist and a Handsome Lech who habitually asks any pretty girl he meets to bear his children - to carry on the mission to kill Naraku if he doesn't succeed, he claims.

Voiced by: Kouji Tsujitani (JP), Kirby Morrow (EN), Gabriel Gama (LA SP), Fabio Boccanera (IT), Benoit Marchand (FR)

  • Anti-Hero (Type III)
  • Bad Powers, Good People: He has the power to make anything disappear into oblivion. He only uses it against violent and hostile youkai.
  • Badass: Yeah. He just can't use his strongest attack most of the time, but he is very badass when it comes down to business.
  • The Barnum
  • Barrier Warrior: He can create small barriers.
  • Berserk Button: Don't hit on Sango. (Because that’s his job!)
  • Big Brother Mentor: To Inuyasha.
  • Broken Hero: He's easygoing, carefree and cheerful, even when he'll die very young being swallowed by his own hand.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: He flirts, cons, and generally comes across as a terrible Buddhist, but he wields a substantial amount of holy power and proves to have a deep core of spirituality when it really counts.
  • Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest: Averted and played straight. He flirts, gropes and peeks on Sango every chance he gets, but he never asked her to bear his child. At least not until he was serious about their Relationship Upgrade.
  • Catch Phrase: "Will you bear my children?"
  • The Charmer
  • Chivalrous Pervert: He is capable of being noble and a gentleman, to the incredulity of both Inuyasha and Sango.
  • Combat Commentator
  • Con Man: His favorite trick is to, upon arriving in a town, single out a particularly large and wealthy-looking house and announce that it is "threatened by evil spirits," which he then generously offers to exorcize in return for a meal and a place to stay for the night.
  • Cursed with Awesome: His curse really is a curse, but in an admirable example of making the best out of a bad situation, he uses it as a very powerful weapon as well.
    • Awesome but Impractical: It quickly becomes this once Naraku starts using insects that, if they get sucked in, will poison him. Because they're present in almost every battle, Miroku rarely has a chance to use it.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He watched his father die being sucked into his Wind Tunnel when he was a little boy.
  • Dirty Old Monk
  • Expy: Ataru, sort of, but he is nicer and more mature.
  • Feel No Pain: After taking Yakurou Dokusen's "medicine", so he's able to suck any poison into his Wind Tunnel and keep fighting even though it's still killing him.
  • Fuel Meter of Power: The Wind Tunnel will kill him eventually.
  • Handsome Lech
  • Happily Married
  • Hereditary Curse
  • Holy Hand Grenade: As a monk that is to be expected.
  • Hot Dad
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: When Sango is courted by a nice rich guy, he seriously thinks he should let go of her so she can have the nice life she needs so badly.
  • It's Personal: Naraku cursed his family.
  • Kryptonite Is Everywhere: The Saimyoshou are always around preventing him from using his curse.
  • Ladykiller in Love: He's an unrepentant womanizer who falls in love with Sango, not that it stops his flirting. Cue Hiraikotsu.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac
  • Loveable Rogue: He'll do anything to have a comfortable and enjoyable life, whether it's conning, lying or even stealing to get food, lodgings, money and women.
  • Lust: Runs in his family, and one of the reasons his grandfather ended up with the Wind Tunnel.
  • Magical Gesture
  • Master of the Mixed Message: Even his proposal had this.
  • Moment Killer: Tender moments between Miroku and Sango are most often ruined by Miroku's wandering hands.
    • On one hilarious occasion, when he managed to keep his hands to himself, she reached around to touch his rump—checking for a tail, to make sure he wasn't Shippo in disguise. [1]
    • On another rare moment, Miroku tries to comfort her which he usually would've ruined with his wandering hands, however Miroku remains perfectly chivalrous and prepares to walk away. Sango's lampshading of the usual routine, arguably, it's the starting cause of the moment killer.

Sango: "That's it?"
Miroku: "Hm?"
Sango: "Well it's just that usually after the encouragement you try to do something lecherous."
Miroku: [smiles, sighing] "Sango..." [places his hand on her breast] "If that's all you wanted you should have said so."
[cue slap]


Sango comes from a village of professional demon slayers. After the deaths of the other hunters, including Sango's father and little brother Kohaku, she first mistakenly pursues Inuyasha intending to kill him, but later joins forces with him and the others. Sango's primary weapon is Hiraikotsu, an enormous boomerang made from demon bones, but she's also skilled with a variety of other weapons and tricks, and has a broad array of knowledge about youkai and how to fight them.

Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima (JP), Kelly Sheridan (EN), Liliana Barba (LA SP), Emmanuela D'Amico (IT), Yael Elhadad (FR)


Kirara is a nekomata - a two-tailed youkai cat - who is also Sango's companion. She can change from a tiny feline to a huge fanged one for Sango to ride on, and has the ability to fly in her larger form.

Voiced by: Tarako (JP)

Shippo / Shippou

Shippo is a young fox youkai who joins Kagome and Inuyasha following the death of his father. Since he is still a child, he is not very strong in battle, but can change his shape and has a repertoire of trickery that occasionally comes in handy. His youth and immaturity bring him into frequent conflict with Inuyasha; it is not clear exactly how old he really is, given that youkai age more slowly than humans.

Voiced by: Kumiko Watanabe (JP), Jillian Michaels (EN), Laura Torres (LA SP), Laura Cenciarelli (IT), Audrey Lebihan (FR)

Supporting Characters

Myoga / Myouga

Myoga the flea was once a servant of Inuyasha's father, and tries to help Inuyasha and his friends by providing useful information, although he is a coward and a bit of a lecher. He claims Inuyasha's blood is delicious, and often appears by biting Inuyasha to drink some of his blood, usually resulting in getting squashed by Inuyasha.

Voiced by: Kenichi Ogata (JP), Paul Dobson (EN), Daniel Abundis (LA SP), Mino Caprio (IT), Hughes Boucher (FR)

Kikyo / Kikyou

As a Miko and the Shikon Jewel's guardian, Kikyo's responsibility was to purify the Shikon Jewel and keep it out of anyone else's hands. Falling in love with Inuyasha, however, led to her death, and she had the Jewel burned with her body in order to protect it, causing it to reappear within the body of her reincarnation, Kagome. However, this is not the last we see of her...

Voiced by: Noriko Hidaka (JP), Willow Johnson (EN), Georgina Sánchez (LA SP), Francesca Guadagno (IT), Claire Beaudoin (FR)

Sesshomaru / Sesshoumaru

Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's half-brother, and unlike Inuyasha is a very powerful full-blooded youkai. He initially appears in pursuit of the sword Tessaiga, which their father had created from his own fang and left for Inuyasha to inherit; although Sesshoumaru also inherited a sword, Tenseiga, he feels he has no use for it since it is a healing sword which cannot wound anyone.

Voiced by: Ken Narita (JP), David Kaye (EN), Alfredo Basurto (LA SP), Niseem Onorato (IT), Phillpe Leroy (FR)


Rin was a young orphan child who encounters Sesshomaru while he is recovering from being beaten by Inuyasha. In spite of Sesshomaru's coldness, she shows no fear of him and instead develops a case of hero worship. For his own reasons, Sesshomaru allows her to accompany him and Jaken thereafter.

Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP), Brenna O'Brien (EN), Mariana Ortiz (LA SP), Letizia Ciampa (IT)


Kohaku is Sango's younger brother. Apparently killed along with the rest of the youkai hunters, he reappears not long afterwards under the control of Naraku, who uses him in frequent efforts to manipulate Sango.

Voiced by: Akiko Yajima (JP), Alex Doduk/Danny McKinnon (EN), Eduardo Garza (LA SP), Fabrizio de Flaviis (IT)


This goblin-like youkai is Sesshomaru's longsuffering and loyal retainer. He is not a very powerful fighter, but can wield the Staff of Two Heads in order to assist Sesshoumaru when needed.

Voiced by: Yuichi Nagashima (JP), Don Brown (EN), Carlos Iñigo/Alfredo Basurto (LA SP), Fabrizio Mazzotta (IT), Christophe Giordano (FR)


Kaede is Kikyo's younger sister and assistant. Following her loss of an eye and Kikyo's death, she became a miko herself, and is an old woman when Kagome arrives in the past and unseals Inuyasha. She recognizes Kagome as Kikyo's reincarnation, and assists Kagome and Inuyasha by providing advice and information.

Voiced by: Hisako Kyoda (JP), Pam Hyatt (EN), Ángela Villanueva (LA SP), Cristina Grado (IT), Frederique Cantrel (FR)


Totosai is a youkai blacksmith, the one responsible of forging Tessaiga and Tenseiga from the fang of Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru's father.

Voiced by: Jouji Yanami (JP), Richard Newman (EN), Paco Mauri (LA SP), Giancarlo Padoan (IT), Yann Guillemot (FR)

Koga / Kouga

Kouga is the leader of a tribe of wolf youkai. He has collected several Shikon Jewel shards, which enable him to run incredibly fast and to execute powerful kicks. He kidnaps Kagome due to her ability to sense Jewel shards, and soon develops a crush on her, much to Inuyasha's annoyance.

Voiced by: Taiki Matsuno (JP), Scott McNeil (EN), Irwin Daayán (LA SP), Corrado Conforti (IT), David Maisse (FR)


Ayame is a wolf youkai princess, grandaughter of the well-respected leader of a tribe allied with Kouga's. She claims to be Kouga's fiancee, though he says he doesn't remember any such thing.

Voiced by: Yumi Kakazu (JP), Natalie Walters (EN), Patricia Acevedo (LA SP), Eleonora Leti (IT)


A huge half-human, half-demon character who owns a field of healing herbs along with his old, human mother. Despite his large, intimidating appearence he's a gentle and shy creature.

Voiced by: Hisao Egawa (JP), Michael Dobson (EN), Jorge Ornelas (LA SP), Saverio Indrio (IT)

Naraku and his incarnations


The main villain of the series, a youkai of strange and mysterious origins. He seeks to obtain and corrupt the Shikon Jewel, and uses extremely manipulative tactics in order to pursue that goal, proving to have a hand in nearly everything bad that happens over the course of the series.

Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa (JP), Paul Dobson (EN), Luis Alfonso Padilla (LA SP), Andrea Ward (IT), Emmanuel Lemire (FR)


Kanna is a "detachment" of Naraku, a creature created from his body. She appears to be an emotionless young girl with white hair, and uses a mirror which can monitor distant events, trap souls, and reflect energy back onto attackers.

Voiced by: Yukana (JP), Janyse Jaud (EN), Lupita Leal (LA SP), Gemma Donati (IT)

  • Adaptation Distillation: The anime build up her emotion more steadly than the manga up to point that she has extra part of episode in the Final Act for herself.
  • Attack Reflector: Her mirror.
  • Battle Butler: To Naraku. Inuyasha's group is shocked by the realisation that her loyalty to Naraku is so extreme she'll die for him. and then Kagome learns Kanna used her death to cover a last minute betrayal to reveal to Kagome what Naraku's Achilles' Heel is.
  • Black Eyes: As black as the void her demonic nature represents. It also serves to emphasise her (mostly) emotionless state.
  • Creepy Child
  • Emotionless Girl
    • Subversion in the Anime: She feels sad about Kagura's death and it's implied to be the reason for her post-mortem betrayal.
      • Not really since in the manga before she faces Inuyasha and his Nakama for the last time she feels the wind and believes that it was Kagura. Also when Naraku tells Inuyasha and the others that Kanna had no feelings, Kagome says he is wrong and that Kanna didn't want to die and that she wanted to be free and also her betrayal were signs that she did have emotions.
  • Flower in Her Hair: She keep two white lilies in her hair.
  • Hime Cut
  • Magic Mirror. Her Weapon of Choice, which she uses to steal souls. It also turns into a monstrous demon that she is linked too.
  • The Stoic: Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh!
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl
  • Woman in White
  • Your Soul Is Mine: Her mirror again.


Kagura, like Kanna, is a detachment of Naraku. She has power over wind, and unlike Kanna is more rebellious, with a will of her own. She serves Naraku only because he can kill her at any time, and hopes to be free of him someday.

Voiced by: Izumi Oogami (JP), Janyse Jaud (EN), Diana Pérez (LA SP), Cinzia De Carolis (IT), Isabelle Bouchemaa (FR)


The third of Naraku's detachments, is a beastly-looking ogre with powerful fangs and the ability of reading minds. He destroy's Tessaiga with his fangs, but is slaughtered by Demon!Inuyasha. Later Sesshomaru revive his head so that his teeth can be used to forge Tokijin.

Voiced by: Masaharu Satoh (JP), Michael Kopsa (EN), Roberto Mendiola (LA SP), Mario Bombardieri (IT)

Juromaru and Kageromaru

The fourth and fifth detachment of Naraku. Juromaru is a pretty looking boy with white hair who behave like a beast. Kageromaru is a worm-like creature with scythes for arms who lives inside Juromaru's body and can talk. They're defeated by Inu Yasha and Koga's combined efforts.

Voiced by: Takumi Yamazaki (JP), Brian Drummond (EN), Giuliano Bonetto (IT)


The sixth detachment of Naraku, appears as a faceless man born from a blob of flesh. He's actually the true Onigumo and Naraku's human heart. After a fierce struggle with Inu Yasha he's re-assimilated in Naraku.

Voiced by: Hiroshi Yanaka (JP), Brian Dobson (EN), Luis Daniel Ramírez (LA SP), Vittorio Guerrieri (IT)

The Infant

Another detachment of Naraku, created in the depths of Mt. Hakurei. The infant is in fact Naraku's human heart, removed in order to free Naraku from his remaining feelings for Kikyou. Removing his heart also means that Naraku cannot be killed unless the heart is destroyed or returned to his body.

Voiced by: Ai Kobayashi (JP), Chiara Zanni (EN), Héctor Emmanuel Gómez (LA SP), Stefano Mondini (IT)


After the Infant is split in half, one of the halves becomes Hakudoshi, a white-haired young boy with powers very much like Naraku's but had an agenda of his own.

Voiced by: Ai Kobayashi (JP), Chiara Zanni (EN), Héctor Emmanuel Gómez (LA SP), Stefano De Filippis (IT)


Naraku's final detachment, he appears to be a beautiful young man with a playful disposition. He is purely loyal to Naraku and has a wide variety of powers.

Voiced by: Mitsuaki Madono (JP), Andrea Lavagnino (IT)

  • Battle Butler: And loyal to Naraku to the death as well.
  • Bishonen
  • Dull Surprise: Inuyasha's group react intensely as they realise Kanna's literally tearing herself to shreds to carry out the last order Naraku gives her. Byakuya's reaction is clinical. He simply assesses the situation as evidence of the lengths to which Naraku will make his detachments go and contemplates the likelihood that something like this will happen to him. It does.
  • Eye Scream: He can detach his eye to spy others.
  • Fantastically Indifferent: Like Kanna, his main purpose is to performa a specific duty for Naraku that will result in his death. Unlike Kanna, he remains loyal to the end and barely bats an eyelid over having to sacrifice himself.
  • Foreshadowing: As he watches the manner in which Kanna dies, he contemplates that's his likely fate as well. He was right.
  • Just Following Orders: He tries to interfere with Sesshoumaru's pursuit of Mouryoumaru. When Sesshoumaru turns on him, he asks Sesshoumaru not to hate him because he's just doing his job, and then beats a hasty a retreat.
  • Master of Illusion
  • Mega Manning: The true purpose of his sword.
  • Ornamental Weapon: Subverted. It's seemingly purely decorative, but turns out to have quite specific abilities.
  • Paper Master
  • Teleporters and Transporters

Other Villains

Mistress Centipede (Mukade Jōrō)

The very first hostile demon in the series, is the one who kidnaps Kagome and drag her beyond the well. She's killed pretty quickly by Inu Yasha.

Voiced by: Rei Igarashi (JP), Pauline Newstone (EN)

Yura of the Hair

One of the first dangerous villains seen in the series, she appears as a skimpy dressed ninja girl who can manipulate hair like wires. Her true form is a cursed haircomb.

Voiced by: Akiko Yajima (JP), Chiara Zanni (EN), Liliana Barba (LA SP), Perla Liberatori (IT)

The Raiju Brothers

A pair of Raiju looking for the Jewel, they murdered and skinned Shippo's father. The younger brother, Manten is big and beastly and obsessed with his lack of hair. The eldest brother Hiten is more human looking and wields a lightning pike.

Voiced by: Nobutoshi Canna (Hiten) and Tetsu Inada (Manten) (JP), Andrew Francis (Hiten) and Alvin Sanders (Manten) (EN), Gabriel Ortiz (Hiten) and Jorge Ornelas (Manten) (LA SP), Stefano Crescentini (Hiten) and Nanni Baldini (Manten) (IT), Remi Caillebot (Hiten) and Pierre-Stefan Montagnier (Manten) (FR)


An old oni witch known for creating living clay puppets. She's the one who resurrects Kikyo in a body of bone dust and dirt in order to have a powerful servant, but is eventually destroyed by her.

Voiced by: Yoshiko Ohta (JP), Cathy Weseluck (EN), Magda Giner (LA SP), Alina Moradei (IT)


An old evil demon who used to be Totosai's disciple, before being rejected for his brutal and inhuman ways. He forges the Tokijin sword for Sesshomaru but is possessed by the blade and eventually destroyed by it.

Voiced by: Takeshi Aono (JP), Robert O. Smith (EN), Carlos del Campo (LA SP), Saverio Moriones (IT)


An elder Dragon Youkai who fought with Inu Yasha's father in the past and was sealed in a cliff, not before inflicting a fatal wound to the dog demon. He's fred from his seal by Naraku in order to kill Inu Yasha.

Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (JP), Trevor Devall (EN), Martín Soto (LA SP), Stefano Mondini (IT)


A Miko and a contemporary of Kikyo. Tsubaki felt that she, not Kikyo, should be entrusted with the Shikon Jewel; when that didn't happen, her jealousy drove her to become a black miko.

Voiced by: Miho Satou (JP), Sharon Alexander (EN), Mónica Manjarrez (LA SP), Laura Lenghi (IT)


An old, giant Bat demon. He's currently using his granddaughter Shiori to keep up a powerful barrier on his lands.

Voiced by: Ryuuji Saikachi (JP), Gerardo Vásquez (LA SP), Vittorio Di Prima (IT)


Leader of the Band of Seven, a powerful group of Psychos For Hire that roamed through Japan and was slaughtered ten years before the story sets. Naraku revives them with Shikon shards to have them as his bodyguards while his body evolves inside Mt. Hakurei.

Voiced by: Takeshi Kusao (JP), Matt Hill (EN), Gerardo García (LA SP), Giorgio Borghetti (IT)


One of the Band of Seven, Bankotsu's best friend and most loyal follower.

Voiced by: Ai Orikasa (JP), Jenn Forgie (EN), Rocío Prado (LA SP), Monica Bertolotti (IT)


One of the Band of Seven, the strategist and fire arms expert of the group.

Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (JP), Brian Drummond (EN), Jorge Ornelas (LA SP), Maurizio Fiorentini (IT)


Another member of the Band of Seven, and even more bloodthirsty than Jakotsu... when he's dominated by his Super-Powered Evil Side, that is.

Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata (JP), Michael Donovan (EN), José Luis Orozco (LA SP), Mirko Mazzanti (IT)


A robotic man who serves as the primary muscle of the Band of Seven.

Voiced by: Hisao Egawa (JP), Mark Gibbon (EN), Alessandro Pala (IT)


Member of the Band of Seven, is an ugly, short man and poison user, who's obsessed over girls. Get's killed pretty soon by Sesshomaru.

Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (JP), Trevor Devall (EN), Orlando Rivas (LA SP), Danilo De Girolamo (IT)


The first member of the Band of Seven, is a colossal brute of a man that feeds on demons to restore his power. Easily dispatched by Kouga.

Voiced by: Daisuke Gouri (JP), Mark Gibbon (EN), Carlos del Campo (LA SP), Massimo Bitossi (IT)

Saint Hakushin

A Buddhist priest who agreed to sacrifice his life to save his people, but as he waited to die he succumbed to despair. He's responsible for the powerful barrier surrounding Mount Hakurei.

Voiced by: Fumio Matsuoka (JP), Hiro Kanagawa (EN), Gonzalo Curiel (LA SP)

Princess Abi (Abi-hime)

A woman who commands a vast army of demonic birds. Naraku offers her a chance to join him in his quest to defeat Inuyasha, in exchange for a cure for Abi's beloved mother Queen Tekkei—who is actually a massive bird demon that lives in a cave.

Voiced by: Saeko Shimazu (JP), Teryl Rothery (EN), Maru Guerrero (LA SP), Laura Latini (IT)

Shikon Jewel

The Shikon no Tama or Jewel of the Four Souls is a powerful jewel the size of a marble that grants whoever possesses it great power. It was created when the powerful Miko Midoriko was fighting Magatsuhi, a composite Youkai, for seven days and seven nights and by the end of the battle Midoriko ripped her own soul from her body and combined it with that of the youkai, killing both of them. Their souls merged and were placed within the Shikon Jewel, where they keep fighting for eternity.

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  1. Thanks to Inuyasha cutting it off