Most Wonderful Sound (Sugar Wiki)/Comic Books

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Examples of the Most Wonderful Sound in Comic Books include:

  • X-Men has the sound effects we know and love: Nightcrawler's "Bamf," Wolverine's "Snikt," and the "Zakt/Zapt" of Cyclops' Eye Beams.
    • "Snikt" has a dozen different versions: Unsheathing is "snikt", re-sheathing is "snakt", when X-23 does it it's "shikt" and "shakt", and when he had the bone claws, it was "schlikt" (sp?) and "schlakt". Some writers forget and use "snikt"/"snakt" for all versions, though.
    • When Storm gets mad...really mad...the sound effect "Skara-KOOM!" (or some variant thereof) shows up. Raw elemental awesome will usually ensue.
  • Dreamwave Comics' Transformers series had "SPOOM!" It was a wonderfully Narmy sound for the explosion of someone getting a hole blasted in his gut, and fans loved it. Simon Furman, not so much, and he didn't use it for very long despite - or perhaps because of - delighted fans begging him to use it more.
    • On the flipside, "SHEAAAAGGGGH!" and variations tend to be poked at.
  • Don Martin of "Mad Magazine" was the master of wonderful onomatapoeia.
  • In Howard Chaykin's American Flagg, the Sonambutol guns (which shot tranquilizers at rioting crowds) when "Papapapapapa" when the trigger was pulled back, "OOOOO" as they shot and "mow mow" when the Sonambutol capsules burst and released the drug.
  • Thor and Hercules tend to have wonderful sound effects: "Ska-crack!" "DOOM!" and so forth.
  • There's something to be said for Spider-Man's "Thwipp". Though it takes three more steps towards Crazy Awesome with Marvel 1602 where the sound effect is changed to... wait for it... "Thwippe".
  • "Hurm"
    • Ronch ronch ronch
  • "Snicker-Snack!"
  • For fans of a certain maniacal Monster Clown, "AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!". Spells doom for his victims, but spells awesome for his fans.
  • The old Captain Mar-Vell from, well, Marvel comics, when he switched places with Rick Jones to become the Cap: K-TANG!
  • Two words: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! Bonus points if it's Captain America (comics) who gets to call that out.