Our Elves Are Better/Quotes

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Their arrogance is matched only by their firepower.
What do humans know of our pain? We have sung songs of lament since before your ancestors crawled on their bellies from the sea.
Farseer Eldrad Ulthran of Ulthwé, Warhammer 40,000
We are the Eldar, amongst the oldest of the races and perhaps once counted amongst the wisest. But we are ever reminded of our great Folly and even greater Fall. Now we are but few in number and our time left in this galaxy is short. The Age of the Eldar is over, now it is the Time of Man, the upstart, the hairy savage.
You may as well try to catch starlight as bring the Eldar to battle.
Imperial Navy Saying, Warhammer 40,000
The eldar were warriors, aesthetes, pirates, philosophers and killers. But most of all, they were liars.
Commander Sarpedon of the Soul Drinkers, Warhammer 40,000

As a rule, elves are both beautiful and graceful - and they know it, too, which is my major problem with the manky little gits. The fact is that most elves are arrogant snots.

—""Wulf", in Heart of the Lion 3: The Red and The Green, by Anthony Pryor-Brown
You're an elf. Your history is one very long love poem dedicated to bloodshed. And yourselves.
Dragon, Eight Bit Theater
Lennier: Do not touch me again in that manner. We may look like you, but we are not you.
You are but a dog, and I your master!
Random Thalmor Soldiers, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

"No! Not to go yet." Rozloom dropped to his knees. "Please, Captain, you see before you a man in great danger."
Suspicion came easily to Teldin. "Captain?" he echoed.

Rozloom's eyes flicked over Hectate Kir, taking in the slight navigator's almond-shaped eyes and slightly pointed ears. "This one calls you 'sir.' An elf shows you respect?" The gypsy slapped a hand over his heart in pantomimed shock. "If you are not great captain, you must be small god."

The gypsy's apt sarcasm so closely paralleled his own opinion of elves that Teldin couldn't resist a smile. To his surprise, the wry smile on Hectate's face echoed his own response.
The Radiant Dragon by Elaine Cunningham