Sengoku Basara/WMG

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Date Masamune saw the future

Somehow he managed to see the future circa 1980' and he was really fond of it, but somehow he saw punk/metal subculture and that's why he styled his horse with Harley Davidson exhaus pipes and remembered a few english phrases. Most likely he also liked Guns'n'Roses, and that's why he says 'PUT YA GUNS ON'.

  • So... Date is a Time Lord? (filling the quota)
  • One of the things the real Date was known for was an interest in Western culture, this was probably how the writers chose to display that trait.

Sanada Yukimura is Takeda Shingen

Ok here we go. So far it's obvious that Oyakata-sama dies before the events of Sengoku Basara 3 which is the main reason Yukimura became bitter and wanted revenge on Tokugawa. Taking torch after his beloved mentor he managed to lead a great campaign against Tokugawa and he was very close to killing him but exhausted with fighting he couldn't protect himself anymore. The last opponent he faced was Honda Tadakatsu. Tadakatsu being an existence powered with spiral power took pity on Yukimura, who was always his worthy opponent and gave him another chance, using his power to send Yukimura back in time to circa 1573 where the real Shingen died. After Yukimura recovered he took his name and changed his appearance to what we know as Basara's Takeda Shingen. He also took care of his younger self and tried to change his fate, but actually he only caused a Stable Time Loop.

  • Natch, Takeda Shingen appears at the end of Sanada Yukimura's second story, alive and well.

Capcom has once again reignited the 'Dan Hibiki' rivalry with KOEI

The chronological release of Samurai Warriors and Sengoku Basara are as follows (Japanese releases):

  • November 2nd, 2004: Koei released Sengoku Musou
  • July 21st, 2005: Capcom released Sengoku Basara
  • February 24th, 2006: Koei released Sengoku Musou 2
  • July 27th, 2006: Capcom released Sengoku Basara 2
  • March 21st, 2007: Koei released Musou Orochi

Now, if we look at the timeline, Naoe Kanetsugu was first introduced in Samurai Warriors 2 by KOEI, as a fairly serious figure and judging by how they like portraying the Tokugawa as the eventual villain, they team Kanetsugu up with Yukimura and Mitsunari, and they form the main Power Trio, which thanks to Yukimura being the poster boy, get to be the heroes.

Then come Sengoku Basara 2, Capcom implemented Kanetsugu... as the Joke Character who kept screaming "I'M INVINCIBLE!!/MUTEKI!!!".

Koei was mightily pissed.

So, come Warriors Orochi, Koei decidedly picked two of Basara's Power Trio of poster boys, Masamune and Keiji, and turn them into Orochi's underlings (Character Derailment or not, Your Mileage May Vary). They obviously can't do it with Yukimura since Yukimura is also their poster boy. This status quo continues to Warriors Orochi 2.

Now, Capcom has added fuel to the fire by making Mitsunari in Sengoku Basara 3 a screaming emo who is dark and has few morals. And Kanetsugu is STILL the Joke Character.

How will this rivalry continue?

    • Well, I do not actually dislike Mitsunari. Looking at it from a sympathetic POV, the guy he viewed as a God figure died. Most likely Hideyoshi did something for Mitsunari that resulted in his current personality. I actually found this Mitsunari more interesting and conflicting than the weird honorable tactician who uses all kinds of strategies, then suddenly throws em away for honor on Sekigahara.
    • Never mind that Capcom Mitsunari is more capable in battle and KOEI Mitsunari was never a poster boy. The one who got it hard is Kanbe: Briliant strategist in Warriors and complete idiot in Basara.
      • This may actually go way back before Sengoku Basara 2. Before that, there was Kessen 3, which gives Oda Nobunaga a sympathetic light. Which would be okay, if KOEI didn't include that one scene where Nobunaga slays Akechi Hidemitsu AKA Samanosuke, protagonist of Onimusha. Capcom did not take the treatment of their Onimusha's main protagonist well, so they retaliated with Kanetsugu's portrayal, continuing the fire.

It's worth noting however that Samurai Warriors 3 treated Masamune much more sympathetically, while Capcom haven't taken any digs at SW3 poster-girl Kaihime (aside from maybe not including her in the game).

  • Although they did give a pretty blatant Take That to Basara's portrayal of Motonari:

Motonari: Please, be careful what you say. Reputations are easily made and lost. Who knows, history may record me as a cold-hearted, ruthless and brilliant tactician.
Ginchiyo: I wouldn't worry about that. Historians tend to prefer the facts too much.

Most of KOEI cameo references in SB 3 looks like compliments rather then Take That:

  • Tachibana Muneshige speaks about his wife as if she is Memetic Badass who is a better samurai then he in almost everything - she was portrated very similarly by KOEI.
  • Hojo Ujiyasu can be mentioned in Odawara's castle stage as a much more popular leader than his son. KOEI's Ujiyasu is Cool Old Guy and Capcom's Ujimasa is Grumpy Old Man. Do the math.
  • This one looks like Insult Backfire: Utsunomiya Hirotsuna wants to be a Samurai Warrior. Too bad, KOEI doesn't make nobodies of whom even Other Wiki has zero entry into their games cast.

With Nobunaga and Hideyoshi out of the picture, there can only be one more Big Bad for Sengoku Basara 3: Amakusa Shiro

Samurai Shodown and Rurouni Kenshin have both portrayed this guy for a villain. And the Shimabara uprising happened during the Tokugawa era. Think about it.

  • Not sure about that. The basis of Sengoku Basara 3 is Sekigahara. There's still the Osaka siege before Shimabara. Also, IIRC, Ieyasu would be long dead when Shimabara rolls in.
  • Jossed. Nobunaga's the Big Bad again. Maybe in 4.
    • He's not so much the Big Bad as a Bonus Boss/Giant Space Flea From Nowhere since he has nothing to do with the actual plot at hand. Technically Mitsunari is the Big Bad.
    • Mitsunari always seemed more like a Anti-Hero Antagonist than the Big Bad. Both Yoshitsugu and Motonari fit the role much better considering they were manipulating him for their own goals.
  • And Jossed again: Big Bad of Utage is Matsunaga.

The Saika Magoichi in Sengoku Basara 3 is Lady Saika, (the real) Magoichi's wife

In 3 it's revealed that she was in love with the previous Magoichi, and that she took over following his death.

  • Jossed, Magoichi is a title, Saika is the clan name. Saika Magoichi can refer to three people historically. Magoichi is much like the Mongol's Kahn.
  • Also, her story mode suggests that she was a child when the previous Magoichi was killed by Nobunaga.
  • Her real name is Sayaka.

Hideyori Toyotomi will show up in the next game, manipulated by Mitsunari, a Mori, and Yoshitsugu.

  • We can only hope for him and Hidetada Tokugawa.

Yoshiaki and Tenkai will be manipulating everyone in The Last Party in order to resurrect Oda Nobunaga.

Yoshiaki does mention how he waited for the return of Oda when you play as Oda on his stage. Meaning he didn't expect him to stay dead. Tenkai is doing it for the obvious reason. It would increase their chances of success if they worked together. The two of them will also try to backstab each other near the end since they want Oda to return for different reasons.

  • Actually, it's Tenkai and Yoshitsugu. Yoshiaki, while a douchebag doesn't seem to be the kind to do things For the Evulz.

The entire series is a historical reenactment performed by a biker gang.

Just think about it. It makes perfect sense.

  • That explains why the Date clan, who are the most biker gang-esque, are the poster boys!

The series is a very subtle sociopolitical satire

The message, history only remembers leaders, not the thousands who died for them.

Hanzo Hattori has played a major role in all 3 games so far.

You've never seen him, though, because he's practically perfected the art of ninjutsu, to the point where he can effectively hide his presence from interdimensional voyeurs. Of course, considering his lord's most loyal retainer is a goddamned robot, maybe this guess isn't so wild after all.