The Seven Deadly Sins (anime)

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A 2014 anime based on a manga written and illustrated by Nakaba Suzuki, the same author of Kongoh Bancho.

The kingdom of Liones has fallen under the rule of the Holy Knights, a group of warriors that before served loyally to the king but now for some unknown reason had revolted against him, and is forcing the population to help them in a war against some unknown enemy. Princess Elizabeth, a young teenage girl who knows nothing about fighting, decides then to search for the Seven Deadly Sins, renegade knights who were supposedly killed ten years ago. She ends up finding one of them: Meliodas, the sin of Wrath. However, Meliodas is amnesiac and don't remembers exactly what happened when the Sins supposedly betrayed the kingdom, but was searching for his companions together.

Animated until the second season by A-1 Pictures. After, animated by Studio Deen.

Tropes used in The Seven Deadly Sins (anime) include:
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Brittania is filled with magical warriors and creatures, but a lot of characters can't believe a pig is talking when they meet Hawk.
  • Anti Hero: Episode 6. Ban isn't above beating up a random person to take his clothes.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Elizabeth in her waitress's outfit.
  • The Beast Master: Friesia can control insects with her magical power.
  • Brown Note: Ruin's powers involve playing a song with his bell that makes people see their own allies as enemies.
  • Complete Immortality : Ban don't ages and any wound done to him quickly regenerates.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Meliodas' bar "Boar Hat" is on top of Hawk's mom head; therefore, is a hat.
  • Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: Ruin explains his powers to Elizabeth in episode 6. It turns to be redundant: she had already figured it out and took it out his bell he uses to hypnotize people out of his staff.
  • Fanservice: Women wearing skimpy outfits, plus extremely perverted male protagonist, equals a lot of this. And Ban is there to fill the female(and gay) niche.
  • Formerly Fat: In flashbacks as a knight, King is shown to be very fat, but looks thin in the present. The change is so radical that Ban does not recognise him at first at episode 7. King later reveals that this fat, older form is just a transformation he does at will to look more formal, though with much effort, despite nobody being bothered by his child form.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Diane is very girly acting and wears twin pigtails.
  • Going Commando: Episode 13. Meliodas takes a moment to notice Elizabeth isn't wearing underwear while grabbing her rear.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: The Seven Deadly Sins have a bad reputation at the start of the anime, being known as criminals.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Ban is impaled by his own jailer at the beginning of episode 6.
  • Lethal Chef: No-one seems able to keep Meliodas' cooking down for more than a single mouthful save for Hawk, the pig.
  • Leotard of Power: Diane's primary outfit. Considering her giant size and her fighting style demanding agility, it's justified, since a skirt would inevitably expose her underwear.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: Justified. Ban is immortal and therefore knows major injuries will not have major consequences or kill him.
  • Miss Fanservice: With Meliodas perving all around her and making her wear a revealing costume, Elizabeth qualifies.
  • Missing Mom: Elizabeth's mom died when she was very young.
  • Older Than He Looks:
    • Meliodas is thousand years old; he looks like a child.
    • Same for the fairies King and Elaine, which look prepubescent at best. King's fat form looks adult though.
  • Peek A Bangs: Elizabeth's hair covers her right eye.
  • Power At a Price: Episode 13. Helbram takes notice Meliodas' loses the ability to use Full Counter as he uses his shadow-like powers. He can't decide if it's a result of Meliodas becoming The Berserker or that what he is fighting is a Super-Powered Evil Side.
  • Power Parasite: Ban's primary powers allow him to steal the abilities of his enemies and add to his own.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Diane is 750 years old, but only looks and acts like she is in her later teens a best. She isn't really immortal; giants just age slowly than humans.
  • Skewed Priorities: Episode 6. Diane cares more about gushing over Meliodas that she and Hawk's safety as a prison is demolished by Ban and Meliodas playing with each other.
  • Talking Animal: Hawk, and it seems unique to him; other characters get surprised at hear him talk and his Mama doesn't talk human language either.
  • Tomboy: Veronica's short hair, attitude, and Elizabeth's remarks she liked to play with swords as a child puts her firmly in this territory.
  • Worthy Opponent: Ruin comes to see Elizabeth as one by episode 6, and explains how his powers work as reward, believing she can't defeat him.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Elizabeth is an unique case, because she only wears stockings on one leg on her waitress uniform. Class S.