Characters that appeared in Tite Kubo's Bleach. There are so many that they occupy eight pages. This page deals with the denizens of Karakura Town and the Soul Society.

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WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Ichigo's Zanpakuto and Hollow



The spirit of Ichigo's sword. He takes the form of a middle-aged man with Cool Shades, long hair, and a black coat. The first spirit we actually catch a glimpse of in the series.

Hollow Ichigo

The other spirit inhabiting Ichigo's inner world. He is Zangetsu's Literal Split Personality and takes the form of a pale-skinned doppelgänger of Ichigo with white hair and Black Eyes of Crazy, and is the source of his Hollow powers.

Karakura Town residents

Masaki Kurosaki


Species: Human


Isshin's human wife and the mother of Ichigo, Karin and Yuzu. She was a beautiful, sweet redhead who died when Ichigo was as much nine years old, protecting him from a Hollow that attacked the poor kid when they were walking by the local river. Her death completely changed the family dynamics: Ichigo was a crybaby but matured into a Hot-Blooded Knight Templar Big Brother, Yuzu became a responsible and sweet caretaker, and Karin toughened herself up to not have people worry for her. Little did they know, her murderer would be back later...

Karin and Yuzu Kurosaki


Species: Human


Ichigo's younger sisters. Twins but otherwise nothing alike. Notable in that Yuzu seems to have completely missed out on the family power, completely unable to see ghosts or Hollows for the most part. Karin sees them as well as Ichigo in the beginning, she just chooses to ignore them.


Ichigo: "Several years have passed since I saw Karin's crying face. Up until Mom's death, Karin was a crybaby (...) The least she could do was to not make Yuzu and others worry about her. So, no matter what, she didn't cry."


Tatsuki Arisawa


Species: Human


Ichigo's childhood friend and former karate partner. Best friends and self-appointed protector of Orihime from bullies and classmate Chizuru.

  • Bokukko: To the point where girl-crazy Chizuru won't even hit on her.
  • Bully Hunter: She met Orihime by shooing bullies away from her.
  • Childhood Friends: She is Ichigo's childhood friend, but since she is outside of the Nakama, this is only shown in very emotional moments between Tatsuki and Ichigo.
  • Designated Victim: She has fallen prey to every single spiritual power she has encountered so far in the series, the most recent being Tsukishima's "Book of the End".
  • Friendship Moment: Chapter 25.2, things like loneliness, a bittersweet variation when Tatsuki contemplates how she and Ichigo drifted apart over the years, but realizes that she still has a connection to him, no matter how trivial. This proves important to a heartbreaking plot point later in Winged Eagles, When Tatsuki confronts Ichigo about Orihime's disappearance.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: When Kon (in Ichigo's body) kissed her on the cheek, her response was to toss school desks at him. Kon goes so far as to lampshade this.
  • Informed Ability: She is supposed to be a black-belt martial artist, but we never see anything like martial arts from her, and everything about it is word of mouth from Tatsuki herself.
  • Martial Arts Uniform: A childhood flashback. Also, she, Chizuru and Orihime are attacked by a hollow just after she's changed out of the uniform she was previously wearing.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to Orihime's Girly Girl.
  • Tsundere: Seemingly.
  • Wendee Lee

Mizuiro Kojima


Species: Human


Friend and classmate of Ichigo's and foil to Keigo, generally playing the Straight Man in their group. Yet another with burgeoning spiritual power.

  • Action Survivor: Upon waking up in a sleeping city, the first things he grabs are food, water, a cell phone charger, a gasoline canister, and stun guns for everyone.
  • Dissonant Serenity: He doesn't seem too fazed by all the crazy shit going on around him, even after seeing the guy who's trying to kill them disintegrate objects with his reiastsu.
  • Jun Fukuyama
  • Kidanova: Surprisingly successful in his pursuits in what little we see. Apparently he's so good he's been able to get a homemade meal almost every day of his life since entering middle school despite not having parents or doing it himself.
  • Likes Older Women: Stated to have a preference for older women. Considering he's distanced from his mother, that has... interesting implications.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Slighty hinted to be one before meeting Keigo, Ichigo and Chad
  • Missing Mom: She still lives, but he's mentioned to be distanced from her.
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Those Two Guys: With Keigo.

Keigo Asano


Species: Human


Third member of Ichigo's group at the beginning of the series and the most energetic of the three. Usually shown with Mizuiro.

  • Action Survivor
  • Ambiguously Bi: While he obviously shows interest in women (just ask Rukia, Orihime, Rangiku, etc), there seem to be hints that Keigo is attracted to Ichigo (and perhaps Chad), or at least unhealthily obsessed with him. When Ichigo and Chad returned from the Soul Society, Keigo was jealous of them, demanding to know if something happened between them and upset he wasn't included, implying to some fans he thought sex happened between them and wanted in.
  • Butt Monkey: Between being blown off by his friends and smacked around by his older sister, it wasn't a good time for him in the Arrancar Invasion arc.
  • Dumb Is Good: Takes great pride in his lack of academic ability and is a Nice Guy, sort of.
  • Flanderization: Starts off as goofy and slightly neurotic. Now he's a complete spaz who can't be on camera for more than five minutes without freaking out over something. Filler takes it Up to Eleven. Hell, at one point he makes a joke about Ichigo seeing something that he can't (refering to a Hollow and within thirty seconds he's literally running away screaming.)
    • Hell as part of the Karakura Rizers his special ability is running away.
    • Completely averted in the Deicide arc. He's been staying pretty calm, coming up with some pretty logical plans, and is showing Hidden Depths.
  • Keet
  • Lovable Coward
    • The So-Called Coward: After Tatsuki tells him to run away, he does -- but reappears two chapters later with Zennosuke's sword, and in the next chapter, after seeing Aizen take a bomb to the head and survive, he turns around and charges at the Nigh Invulnerable Big Bad himself.
  • Pretty Freeloaders: Well, he doesn't think Ikkaku and Yumichika are that pretty, but his wilful and bossy older sister Mizuho has a huge thing for bald men.
  • Secret Keeper: He doesn't know the significance of this, but he's one of only three people (along with Renji and Yumichika) that Ikkaku has willingly revealed his bankai to.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Is aware of strange things happening with Ichigo, but when he starts running into Soul Reapers and seeing Hollows, he assumes that they're making a movie. Eventually, it became impossible to ignore when he witnesses a fight between Ikkaku and an Arrancar.
  • Those Two Guys: With Mizuiro.
  • Took a Level in Badass: It seems Ikkaku and Yumichika's Badass Badassery has rubbed off on him—see The So-Called Coward entry above.

Mizuho Asano


Species: Human


Keigo's older sister, Mizuho is the 24th Student Council President at Karakura High School and handles multiple school affairs, including the local Kendo Club.

  • Genki Girl
  • Fetish: She has a huge fetish for bald/shaven men. Ikkaku finds her a handful to deal with as a result: she's a massive fan of his appearance.
  • Hand or Object Underwear: She forces Ikkaku to do this is episode 229 by walking into the bathroom to give Ikkaku's back a scrub. Ikkaku is so shocked he drops his towel and is forced to use his hands to cover himself.
  • Hot-Blooded
  • Stalker with a Crush: Filler episode 229 turns her into one for comedy purposes as part of her plan to win Ikkaku's heart by being a "considerate woman". She's even willing to walk in on Ikkaku in the bathroom to give his back a scrub and secretly plants an alarm clock on him so she can randomly pop up with lunch at just the right time (Ikkaku's actually in the park when she dives out of the bushes with lunch).
  • Student Council President: The 24th, no less, and Ishda's predecessor.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail

Chizuru Honsho


Species: Human


One of the girls in Tatsuki and Orihime's circle of friends. Often used as a Plucky Comic Relief in the Karakura-based chapters, where she tries to flirt with Orihime if not downright grope her, only to be thwarted by Tatsuki.


Chizuru: Forbidden love... So beautiful!


Mahana Natsui, Michiru Oogawa and Ryo Kunieda


Species: Human


The other three ladies from Orihime and Tatsuki's circle of friends.

Ryuken Ishida


Species: Human / Quincy
Affiliation: Unknown
Quincy Bow: Klavier


Director of Karakura General Hospital and Uryu's father, though they're estranged to the point that Uryuu doesn't even call him "father" but refers to him by his first name. Uryuu holds a grudge against him for being opposed to him being a Quincy and constantly belittling his talent, though it seems that Ryuuken was/is simply worried about his son (not that he'd ever admit it). Ryuuken himself is apparently much stronger than Uryu, but claims not to be interested in being a Quincy because one can't make a living from it. He seems to have known Isshin for a long time and their relationship is similar to that of their sons.

  • Aloof Dad
  • The Archer: Like all Quincies, but his bow is of a different type than his son.
  • Cool Old Guy: Younger that the norm, but still counts.
  • Cursed with Awesome: His attitude towards his quincy powers to the point where he claims he's incapable of getting rid of his powers even if he tries.
  • Dr. Jerk: When viewed through his son's eyes, he's certainly appears to be this although an early manga scene suggests otherwise when Isshin tells an orderly at the hospital that Ryuuken would free up bedspace if he knew Isshin was the one asking. Later on, when he's seen interacting with people other than his son (specifically Ichigo and Orihime) he's actually a much gentler, kinder and even protective personality. It seems he and his son bring out the worst in each other.
  • Dysfunctional Family: He and his son have a truly nasty estrangement, he doesn't appear to have gotten on much better with his own father, and his wife is Uryuu's Missing Mom.
  • Generation Xerox: His relationship with Isshin is similar to that of their sons.
  • Give Him a Normal Life: Uryuu believes this is the reason his father gave up being a Quincy but his grandfather implies Ryuuken is actually hiding something. Considering the Vandenreich, he may be protecting Uryuu from their own distant kin.
  • Hand Wave: Initially says he has no interest in being a Quincy. He later clarifies after showing up to save Uryu that it doesn't mean he doesn't have the power, just that he merely doesn't want to use it, but can't get rid of it either.
  • Hot Dad: Without most of the positive implications of the trope.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: He claims this is how he feels about his power... of course, he also walks around in a white suit, wears a tie covered in crosses and just happens to always carry the Quincy Cross wherever he's goes... not a bad quincy shout-out package for a man who claims to loathe his quincy roots and power.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: In order to restore Uryuu's powers, Ryuuken has to be able to be able on the fly to put an arrow through a chakra point 19mm to the right of the sinoatrial node of the heart without damaging the tissue around it. Granted, he's a surgeon and knows his way around the inside of the human body...but that's still one helluva shot.
  • Jerkass: His relationship with his son is so bad that the latter refers to him by his given name, even by Western standards that shows the cold nature of their conflict. However, when he's seen interacting with people other than his son, he seems to be a kinder personality, even offering to give Orihime a lift home because he knows her life might be in danger.
  • Ken Narita: His seiyu.
  • Man in White: he wears a white suit when he first turns up in the manga (in the anime, his suit is closer to a pale beige).
  • Parent Ex Machina: He first shows up—outside of flashbacks—to save Uryuu's life and restore his powers.
  • Pet the Dog: Arguably, his interactions with Orihime.
  • Retired Badass
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: Moreso than his son.
  • Stoic Spectacles: Again, more so than Uryuu—he's cold, collected, and infuriatingly aloof.



Species: Modified Soul
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly) / Karakura High School


Kon is a Mod[ified] Soul, the product of a recalled Soul Society experiment in giving 'vacant' human bodies Hollow-killing powers. After a brief yet entertaining hijacking of Ichigo's body and the acquisition of his current stuffed toy body, he settles down into his role as comic relief. He's still entrusted with Ichigo's body when his soul's out Hollow-hunting, to maintain the Masquerade to Yuzu and Karin.

Don Kan'onji


Species: Human


Misaomaru Kan'onji is a spirit medium and the host of the TV show Ghost Hunt. He is known for his trademark laugh (BWAHAHAHA!) He met Ichigo when he and his friends went to see him live. Unknowingly he removes a spirit's soul chain and turns him into a Hollow. After Ichigo saves him, Kanonji declares him his apprentice. He makes appearances in filler episodes, where establishes a Five-Man Band known as the Karakura Superheroes consisting of him, the Kurosaki sisters, the Urahara shop kids, and Kon. Later on, in another filler arc (though based on manga Omakes) he is put in another by order of Urahara: The Karakurizer team.

He reappears in the Real Karakura Town, rescuing Tatsuki from Aizen. He then helps her, Keigo, Mizuiro, Chizuru, and Michiru get away.

Ikumi Unagiya


Species: Human


Voiced by: Yuko Kaida (JP)


A character in the in the Xcution/Fullbring Arc. She is Ichigo's boss at his part-time job in her shop, whenever he decides to show up for his job, or she decides to kidnap him back to it.

Sora Inoue


Species: Human / Hollow


Voiced by: Yuji Ueda (JP), Liam O'Brien (English)


Sora Inoue (井上昊, Inoue Sora) was Orihime Inoue's older brother and caretaker, who became the Hollow, Acidwire (アシッドワイヤー, Ashiddowaiyā) after his death. He actually perished years before the storyline, having been wounded in a car accident; Orihime carried the fatally injured Sora to the Kurosaki clinic, but despite Isshin's efforts, he died. His soul then was corrupted (in the anime, due to another Hollow; in the manga, after crossing the Despair Event Horizon) and started hounding his younger sister. . .

Soul Society residents

Ganju Shiba


Species: Plus
Affiliation: Soul Society


A member of the established Shiba clan. He helps Ichigo and his friends get into the Seireitei with his sister's help. Usually gets into fights with Ichigo. He is also a master of fireworks and can change the ground into sand if he wants.

Tropes associated with Ganju:

Kukaku Shiba


Species: Plus
Affiliation: Soul Society


Ganju's older sister and owner of a house with statues of arms on the outside. She owns a large cannon that she lets Ichigo and friends use to get past the barrier of the Seireitei.

Tropes associated with Kukaku:

  • Action Girl: Mainly in the video games, but in canon, she's perfectly willing to jump into the fray against Aizen.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Invoked. Unlike Ganju, she never was angry at Rukia for Kaien's death, mainly because she knew the full story from Ukitake. She even punches Rukia when she apologizes and tells her it's all right.
  • Bandage Babe: On her right arm and forehead, among other places.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted. She lacks an arm. In the anime, she replaces it with a prosthetic one; in the manga, she has only her stump.
  • Berserk Button: Leave her pipe alone.....
  • Bokukko: Ore variant.
  • Bottle Fairy: After Rukia apologizes to her and Ganju over the deal with their older brother, Kukaku threw a party for Rukia on the night before Ichigo and his gang left the Soul Society.
  • Cool Big Sis: A more tomboyish example, so this is especially evident when she's calm and relaxed.
  • Does Not Like Shoes/Foot Focus: Is always barefoot, even if everyone else isn't.
  • Handicapped Badass: She lacks her right arm the manga (in the anime, this is changed to her wearing a prosthetic).
  • The Ladette: Very much so, as something of an abrasive, short-tempered drill sergeant, but even she can show a softer side, rare as it is.
  • Out of Focus: Hasn't been heard from since the Soul Society arc, apart from a brief re-appearance in the filler Bount arc, with a role nearly iddentical to that of the one she played in the Soul Society arc.
  • Playing with Fire/Megaton Punch: Did this when Ichigo and Ganju broke her kiseru while fighting.
  • Tsundere: In the end, she really loves her brother, but don't expect to hear that loud anytime soon....

Jidanbo Ikkanzaka


Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society Zanpakutou: Unknown


The guard to the Seireitei's western gate, a large giant. He's the older brother of Ikkanzaka Jirobo, fourth seat of Squad 7.


Jidanbo: One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Seven! Six! Eight! Um... Six! Eight! Time to finish up... Ten!!!


Hisana Kuchiki


Species: Plus
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)


Byakuya Kuchiki's late beloved wife. Originally a Rukongai resident who arrived with her baby sister Rukia upon their deaths in the living world to District 78 of Southern Rukongai. Was forced to abandoned said sister in order to survive, and could never forgive herself for that.

  • Dead Big Sister, Dead Wife: To Rukia and Byakuya, respectively; the former did not know any of this until the end of the Soul Society arc, however.
  • Happily Married: ... Until she died five years later from terminal illness [2]
  • Ill Girl: Speculated to have either been caused or compounded by her repetitive guilt-driven visits to Rukongai in search of her aforementioned sister.
  • My Greatest Failure: Considers herself unworthy of being Rukia's big sister, due to her abandonment of her as a baby... so much that she made her husband promise on her deathbed not to tell Rukia about being her sister.
  • Posthumous Character
  • Promotion to Parent: Inverted and Subverted. It's Hisana and her baby sister who die, not their parents, and then, she couldn't hack it.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: The "Love Above One's Station" version: Subverted; her husband, then implied to be the current family head, went as far as to explicitly defy his own clan's elders in order to marry her, in spite of her commoner background.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Hisana's adoptive sister-in-law, Rukia, was told that Byakuya adopted her into the Kuchiki family because she bore an uncanny resemblence to Hisana (she's basically a carbon-copy of her), so she technically fits the trope (if we extend "family" to adopted members). It turns out that Byakuya was only telling half the truth; her adoption had less to do with her appearance, and more of being Hisana's blood-related sister, making her a perfectly straight example.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko

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  1. Unagi being eel, ya standing for shop.
  2. about 50 years before the Bleach storyline's beginning.