Bleach/Characters/Two Point Two

Characters that appeared in Tite Kubo's Bleach. There are so many that they occupy eight pages. This page deals with ex-Shinigami, Visoreds and Fullbringers.

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WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.


Kisuke Urahara

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Benihime


Ichigo's mentor, at first. Known for usually wearing sandals and hats (so he's called Geta-Boshi or Hat & Clogs), and runs a very weird store. His personality may be a bit eccentric and playful, but he's the real deal. Urahara is later revealed as the former President of the Soul Society Research & Technology Center as well as a Gotei 13 Captain. His Zanpakuto is Benihime.


Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki (JP), Michael Lindsay (US, since debut), Doug Erholtz (US, voice double for Zanpakuto filler arc & Soul Resurreccion), Manuel Campusano (Latin America)


  • Action Science Guile Hero: Responsible for turning the 12th Division into a science bureau and was the original developer of the gigai, is as kickass a fighter as any of the senior captains, but prefers to use the protagonists as surrogates in his conflict with Sosuke Aizen, quite callously manipulating them and holding back information during the Substitution and Soul Society arcs.
  • Actually a Doombot: Or rather, a blow-up doll.
  • Anime Hair: Seriously, his wick never once budges. It looks as if it were stuck on his forehead...
  • Anti-Hero: Type III
  • Arch Enemy: Inverted; Aizen hates him, but Urahara doesn't seem to mind.
  • Asskicking Equals Authority: Standard for any Shinigami Captain, but played twice, the first rather more literally than most since his duties as the 3rd Seat of the 2nd Division included being the warden of what was essentially an insane asylum, and it was actually a requirement of the job that he was to kick the ass of every single person committed to it (most notable, one of them was Mayuri).
  • Awesome but Impractical: His opinion on his bankai (seems to be a 2nd Division theme- Soi Fon has issues with hers as well). It's not clear what his bankai is, but the only thing we know about it is that its "not suitable for training", which suggests its pretty damn dangerous.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis
  • Badass
  • Badass Bookworm
  • Balls of Steel: Hiyori thinks their made of brass.
  • Benevolent Boss: Not really shown, but his conversation with Shinji demonstrates that this is his attitude.
  • Beware the Nice Ones
  • Big Good: Subverted; he's more of a Mysterious Backer, working behind the scenes and employing similar tactics as the Big Bad, in order to defeat the Big Bad. In fact, following Aizen's defeat, it seems that Urahara's willingly chosen to shift that role onto Yamamoto, if only for Xcution-related matters.
    • The jury has been called back in on this one, seeing as of chapter 487 Urahara has, seemingly, gotten promoted to Guest Star Party Member with Ishida sitting this one out as Ichigo and company return to Hueco Mundo, suggesting he might actually take on a much more hands on approaching to helping Ichigo and his friends in the coming arc. Still remains shifty as ever though, natch.
  • Blond Guys Are Evil: While not being really evil, he remains very manipulative.
  • Bloody Murder: Benihime's apparent power which includes:
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Nake - Benihime!" ("Scream" or "Cry" in the English dub), "Chikisume no Tate!", "Kamisori - Benihime!", "Tsuppane - Benihime!", "Shibari - Benihime!", "Hiasobi - Benihime - Juzutsunagi!", various Kido spells.
  • The Chessmaster: Just as good as Aizen.
  • Creepy Good: He functions as a team mentor, but his secretive mannerisms and tendency to know everything give him an unnerving edge.
  • Dirty Old Man
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: If you have to train with him, good luck trying to survive.
  • Eccentric Mentor: Don't let his goofy, childlike behavior fool you; he can kick all kinds of ass.
  • Gadgeteer Genius
  • Good Is Not Nice: He exhibits mannerisms of this caliber.
  • Guest Star Party Member: May or may not have been promoted to this position with Ishida currently on the bench after tagging along to Hueco Mundo with Ichigo and friends to see what's going on. Only future chapter will tell for sure if he plans to stick around and contribute in a helpful straight up manner for once.
  • Guile Hero
  • Hat Damage: "I do believe you've killed my hat."
  • It Amused Me: "AMAZING HEADBAND OF JUSTICE!!" Also, his screwing with Yammy.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Possibly literally....
  • Lovable Sex Maniac
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Hachimaki: Amazing headband of justice in place! Amazing armor of justice protect me!
  • Made of Iron: Well, anyone of note in this series is, but when a Groin Attack against you hurts only the attacker's leg, you deserve special points for this trope.
    • He might've worn some kind of armor there. It would be the tamest of surprises associated with him afterall ...
  • Meaningful Name: His name is a pun. While Urahara is an actual Japanese word, it is not a name; the kanji used here are "bank" and "meadow," but it's a play on the Japanese word for "reverse." The kanji used to write Kisuke's given name mean "fond" and "assistance." So the name sounds like "reverse fond assistant."
  • Mysterious Backer: Yes, he is Aizen's equal in intelligence. Yes, he is a major supporter of the protagonists. Yes, he is one of the two co-catalysts for the series, but he's just as manipulative as his Evil Counterpart, withholding information at certain points and using others as surrogates to handle the heavy lifting in his place. He's one of the top players in the series, but he's definitely still as shady as ever, even after appealing to Yamamoto to restore Ichigo's powers. He looks oddly melancholy after Yamamoto accepts.
  • Mysterious Past: For all we know of him, there's an awful lot we don't know. We don't know how he came to be raised alongside Yoruichi. We don't know what motivated him to research hollowfication and the Hougyoku or what he was after by doing so. We don't know why he's met the Soul King when even captains can't do that. We don't even fully understand the origin of his conflict with Aizen or what their end goals actually are.
  • Never Bareheaded: He wears his green-and-white-striped hat constantly. The brim usually keeps his eyes in shadow, and he frequently uses it to help obscure the rest of his face. When someone knocks his hat off, he is quick to put it back on, even if it has been damaged.
  • Nice Guy: During his tenure with the Gotei 13, towards his then subordinates, especially a very PMS-prone Hiyori.
  • Nice Hat
  • Ninja Samurai Gadgeteer Genius Soul Reaper
  • Obfuscating Stupidity
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: He's more of an engineer though, or at least the Soul Society equivalent of engineering. Contrasts nicely with Mayuri, who is more of a biochemist. It results in Urahara being portrayed as the "eccentric inventor" while Mayuri wears the "mad scientist" hat.
  • Omniscient Morality License : Has a tendency to keep things from the heroes, especially his role in the Hogyoku's creation and its importance in Rukia's arrest. This isn't all, though; as the original creator of the Hogyoku or rather, second, as Aizen created one first, which fell under Aizen's hands, he's partly responsible for the Visored affair, the development of the Arrancar, Orihime's kidnapping and the Battle of Karakura. To say nothing of his absolutely fucked-up way to give Ichigo his powers back, which simultaneously causes him to gain an inner hollow.
  • Orcus on His Throne: For a long long time, Urahara's role has been to sit back and manipulate everyone else into taking out Aizen, despite being indirectly responsible for every event in the series so far, but he moved to the front lines twice so far: First when the Arrancar first appeared in the world of the living, and in 402, to take on Aizen.
  • Perma-Stubble
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: More so than Yamamoto, or the Court of 46, despite being in exile.
  • Replacement Scrappy: In-universe for Hiyori.
  • Retired Badass: Doesn't normally fight, but when he gets serious... he does.
  • The Rival: Aizen, Mayuri, and Soi Fon, who may or may not be a love-rival for Yoroichi. They are all one-sided, in their own way.
  • Say It with Hearts: Has the tendency.
  • Suddenly Always Knew That: As suited for the former 3rd seat of the 2nd Divison, and a childhood friend of Yoruichi, but a bit of a surprise for the reader, he was one of the more competent and skilled hand to hand fighters in all of Soul Society.
  • The Other Darrin: The English actor for Ichimaru temporarily took over as the voice for Urahara due to personal issues the original VA was experiencing.
  • Trickster Mentor
  • Two Guys and a Girl: With Tessai and Yoruichi, as they all grew up together, although their full connection is still mysterious.
  • The Wonka: In friggin' spades, and likely the best-known anime example as the very strange and very effective shop owner.

Yoruichi Shihoin

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Unknown


One of the most beloved female characters in Bleach. Yoruichi is the dark-skinned Soul Reaper who acts as a mentor/guide or sorts for Ichigo and friends in Soul Society and later revealed as one of the more powerful Soul Reapers. She was once a member of the Shihouin noble family, and was the mentor of Sui-Fon. She has the ability to turn herself into a black cat, complete with masculine voice. Also, later chapters reveal her to be the former Captain of the 2nd squad of Gotei 13, preceding Sui-Fon. When Urahara was exiled, she followed him without telling her pupil, resulting in a warrant for her immediate arrest being issued and still active a hundred years later.


Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (JP), Shiro Saito (as a cat) JP, Wendee Lee (US), Terrence Stone (as a cat) (US), Rebeca Martinez (Latin America), Pedro D'Aguillon Jr. (as a cat) (Latin America)


Tessai Tsukabishi

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Unknown


General assistant to Urahara around the store who has to occasionally strong arm his boss into looking after himself. Later revealed to be a childhood friend of both Urahara and Yoruichi and the former captain of the Kido Corps in Soul Society.


Voiced by: Kiyoyuki Yanada (JP), Michael Sorich (US), Martin Soto (Latin America)


Jinta Hanakari and Ururu Tsumugiya


Two kid assistants to Urahara's shop. Jinta is a slacker and hot-tempered, while Ururu is reserved and moody all the time.


Voiced by: Takako Honda(JP), Jeannie Elias (US) - Jinta
Noriko Shitaya (JP), Wendee Lee (US) - Ururu


Isshin Kurosaki


The father of Ichigo, Yuzu and Karin. He's a doctor at a small clinic and, apart from some rather odd parenting techniques, seems to be an otherwise normal human who can't even see ghosts like Ichigo and Karin. Later revealed to be a former captain-class shinigami who revealed to Kon he'd known all along that Ichigo was a substitute shinigami who left Kon behind in Ichigo's body to maintain The Masquerade. His Zanpakuto is Engetsu.


Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa (JP), Patrick Seitz (US), Roberto Mendiola (Latin America)


  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: As far as Ichigo and (to some extent) Karin are concerned.
  • As You Know: Isshin and Urahara discuss the Visoreds and the Arrancar, informing each other of much information they both already know, for the benefit of the reader and Kon (and, in the anime, the Bount modsouls as well). Later on, the "Turn Back the Pendulum" arc revealed that the truth was more complicated than they had chosen to reveal at the time.
  • Badass: If you can kill Grand Fisher as an Arrancar during Resurreccion in a single strike, and go one-one-one with Aizen and push him to his (then-)limits quite easily, you count.
  • Badass Beard: He's always had a shadow of a beard, but during Ichigo's three-month Dangai training, this grew into a full beard.
  • Big Good: Shares the role with Urahara in their Aizen counter-offensive, especially in acting as a mentor and partner to Ichigo.
  • Bumbling Dad: Very often.
  • BFS: Inverted. His sword is actually pretty small, looking more like a cleaver, but as he states if captain-class Shinigami had swords that represented their reiatsu they would be wielding weapons the size of skyscrapers so learn to condense it.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: This guy is a doctor? And a shinigami?
  • Calling Your Attacks: Like most of the characters, in fact. "Getsuga Tensho!"
  • Carpet of Virility: He's one of the hairest men in the series.
  • Cool Middle-Aged Guy: ...Sometimes. In Shinigami form, always.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: The reveal probably counts as a Moment of Awesome.
  • Dr. Jerk: He told Ichigo to butt off while trying to treat Sado. He and Ryuuken also debated who the worst father out of the pair of them actually was. They both agreed it was Isshin.
  • Finger-Poke of Doom: Points his middle finger at Aizen and sends him flying through several buildings.
  • Generation Xerox: His interactions with Ishida Ryuken are much like a less energetic version of their sons'.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: His dead wife Masaki had long reddish hair.
  • Hidden Depths: A quirky doctor and father, that's how he was introduced to the story. Then it was revealed he was a captain-class shinigami who was a very old friend of Urahara's. Then it was revealed he and Aizen knew each other. And then it was revealed he was powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with Aizen. And Aizen wasn't even surprised. So, who on earth is this guy?!
  • Hot-Blooded: Subverted. He plays the part as a human but, as a shinigami, he's anything but.
  • Jerkass: Can be this sometimes, and he even acknowledges it as well.
  • Lamarck Was Right His own sword is Engetsu, just a character different from Ichigo's Zangetsu, and he has his own Getsuga Tensho. Heavily implied that he used the Final Getsuga Tensho at some point in the past as well, seeing as he knows what Ichigo has to do to learn it.
  • Large Ham
  • Mysterious Past: Where to start... He's captain-class, so was he a captain? What was he captain of? Did he relinquish the position? Was he put on leave? Was he put under cover? Why is he in the human world? How did he become a doctor? Why did he choose that profession specifically? Why did he voluntarily give up his powers? How? Was it through Final Getsuga Tenshou? What's the secret he and Ryuuken are keeping? How did he meet Ryuuken in the first place? If it's not normal for Ryuuken to call him "Kurosaki" what did he used to be called? How did he meet Urahara? Why do he and Aizen know each other? What role does his wife play in his past? The list of questions are endless.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Pretty much every interaction he has with Kon before the end of the Soul Society Arc.
  • Open-Minded Parent/Pervert Dad: He seems to encourage Ichigo to have relationships with girls.
  • Papa Wolf: He is this in spades when it comes to his daughters. They... don't appreciate it. Slapstick ensues. He'll go Papa Wolf for Ichigo, too, when Ichigo needs it.
  • Perma-Stubble
  • Retired Badass
  • Smoking Is Cool: His wife told him the only time he looked cool was when he was smoking. He only smokes once a year - in front of her grave, on the anniversary of her death.
  • Tall, Dark and Snarky


The Visoreds are Shinigami who have partially embraced their Hollow side, obtaining the ability to temporarily wear Hollow masks after going through the "Hollowification" process. For that, they left the Soul Society, where they were actually captains and lieutenants from Gotei 13. Their Hollowification was NOT voluntary, but a consequence of an awful trap staged by Sousuke Aizen, who then blamed Kisuke Urahara for it. As a consequence, they had to leave Soul Society and escape to the human world, with Urahara being exiled there as well.

All possess Mask Power and Mask of Power, and they have a mini story arc based on them named "Turn back the Pendulum", which explains their pasts. Exotic Eye Designs also qualifies, as their scleras turn black and their irises turn yellow whenever they use their Hollow masks. Late Arrival Spoiler also applies - they're all former captains or lieutenants in the Gotei 13, sans Hachigen (who was with the Kido Corps).

Following the Time Skip, Hirako, Muguruma and Otoribashi have returned to the Soul Society, while Hiyori, Lisa, Hachi and Love remain in Karakura Town. Mashiro's current status is unknown.

Shinji Hirako

Species: Visored
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Sakanade


The unofficial leader of the Visoreds, he was the one that tried to recruit Ichigo into their little band. He was the former captain of the 5th Division, with Aizen as his lieutenant, prior to his Hollowfication. His Zanpakuto is Sakanade.

He was reinstated as the captain of the 5th squad, after Aizen was defeated.


Voiced by: Masaya Onosaka (JP), Roger Craig Smith (US)


  • Ascended Extra: Went from an extra on a volume cover, and could've been one Ichigo's classmates, but appeared much later as the unofficial leader of Shinigami-Hollow hybrids, ex-captain of Sosuke Aizen and former colleague of Kisuke Urahara. Can't get any more ascended than that.
  • Badass: He utterly wiped the floor with Grimmjow, and was also the first character ever to actually injure Aizen.
  • Batman Gambit: His What an Idiot! moment is actually one of these. He "reveals" his reversing ability to Aizen, without revealing that he can pick and choose which of the three dimensions he reverses. This causes Aizen to think he has him figured out. Cut to him reversing front and back on Hitsugaya's attack, and Aizen never suspecting a thing because Hitsugaya isn't reversed in the other two dimensions.
    • Out-Gambitted: His Batman Gambit gets flushed as Aizen reveals that the person they've been slicing to ribbons is actually Hinamori. Captain Broken has been using Kyoka Suigetsu this whole time.
  • Blatant Lies: Him referring to any pretty girl he meets as his "first love", including Lisa (according to herself).
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: AND HOW!
  • Butt Monkey: Hiyori keeps giving him sandal-beatdowns, but he's not gonna leave it at that and take it like a punching bag - just don't expect him to actually punch her back as many times as she's done to him.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Collapse - Sakanade!"
  • Chekhov's Gun: Remember, a long while back, when Shinji introduced himself in class by writing his name backwards? Turns out that his Zanpakuto's released power is to reverse his opponent's sense of direction. Down is up, left is right, a cut on the right arm will show up on the left, and so forth. Gives Shinji a brief Moment of Awesome as he was the first character to injure Aizen.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: His actual debut was as a student in the first Bleach volume cover. Design was re-worked and he appeared much later as a transfer student, just with a Zanpakuto and a Hollow mask.
  • Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: He explains his shikai's inversion ability to Aizen, though Aizen had already figured most of it out and Shinji neglected to explain some key points of his ability.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: As a Captain, he had long hair. After being exiled he kept it in a pageboy style. Now after. Being reinstated as a captain, his bangs over his left eye are now shorter than his right.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: After the time-skip, he wears his fringe in an asymmetryical design.
  • Interface Screw: A non video game example in how his shikai works.
  • Kansai Regional Accent: Unlike Gin, this is played for the usual effect.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: In a completely deadpanned voice and face, he will say flat-out "That pretty girl there is my FIRST LOVE."
  • Mysterious Backer: Before his backstory was revealed in Turn Back The Pendulum, he was portrayed as one in the Arrancar arc.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: At first, we think he's just some doofus who gets abused by Hiyori. Then we not only learn that he's the unofficial leader of the Visored, but we see him kick the crap out of Grimmjow seconds after the Espada uses Ichigo's body as a soccer ball. Not to mention, back when almost everyone was fooled by Aizen's Bitch in Sheep's Clothing act, he never really trusted him.
  • Volleying Insults: With Hiyori.

Hiyori Sarugaki

Species: Visored
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Kubikiri Orochi


Highly short-tempered, irritable and tomboyish, she's arguably the closest to Shinji out of all the other Visoreds. Once attempted to kill Orihime and Chad to keep them from learning of hers and Shinji's identities. She was once the lieutenant of the 12th division under Urahara, whom she absolutely loathed. Her Zanpakuto is Kubikiri Orochi.

Unlike Shinji, she has decided to stay in Karakura with Lisa, Love and Hachi for the time being.

Voiced by: Reiko Takagi (JP), Mela Lee (US, Episodes 110-130), Laura Bailey (US, Episodes 206 onward)


Kensei Muguruma

Species: Visored
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Tachikaze


A more serious and decisive member of the Visored, though is easily annoyed and temperamental. He was once the captain of the 9th Division with both Mashiro and Tousen under his wing. In addition, he's the first one to be Hollowfied, which technically makes him the oldest Visored. He saved a much younger Shuhei Hisagi from a Hollow, who became a Shinigami to try and be like him. His Zanpakuto is Tachikaze.

After the Time Skip, he gets reinstated as captain of the 9th division.


Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (JP), Dave Mallow (US)



Kensei: "What... did... she... just... say?!"
Risa: "She just asked where the bathroom was! Calm down!"


Mashiro Kuna

Species: Visored
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Unknown


A youthful Visored noted for her rather childish behaviour at most points. She was Kensei's lieutenant, and the second to be Hollowfied.


Voiced by: Akemi Kanda (JP), Laura Bailey (US)


  • Action Girl: Kicks quite a lotta ass, considering she was a lieutenant, which is still hard to believe since she's pretty immature when off-work.
  • Berserk Button: "How dare you. You ripped my scarf. I'll never forgive you."
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Okay, so Kensei chose her to be the Ninth Division lieutenant... why, exactly?
  • Calling Your Attacks: "MASHIRO KI~CK!"
  • Cute Bruiser: Not on Hiyori's level, but she does kick ass, and is quite cute herself.
  • Fan Girl: Of Sentai series.
  • Genius Ditz: Was able to keep her Hollow mask for 15 hours, apparently during her first try. To put it into perspective, during his first try, Ichigo could manage eleven seconds, tops.
    • Despite having over a century to practice, the other Visoreds can only last a few minutes at a time.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Her Hollow mask.
  • Idiot Ball: When up against Wonderweiss, was told to watch her mask's time limit by Kensei, to which she didn't listen; she cited her experience and massive advantage over holding out under 15 hours. As you can imagine, the thing breaks off during the fight and she promptly got her ass handed to her. No explanation is given to why her mask didn't last its usual amount of time, and Wonderweiss's ultra-specialized abilities shouldn't have caused it.
  • Kick Chick: Her preferred method of fighting, but she does have a zanpakuto (that she never uses). All part of her being a Kamen Rider Shout-Out.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Known for randomly groping herself when she's asleep.
  • Male Gaze: On her ass, in this one shot.
  • Odd Couple Ship Tease: With Kensei.
  • Scarf of Asskicking
  • Shout-Out: To Kamen Rider, due to the style of her jumpsuit, habit of attacking with kicks, wearing a scarf, and hollowfied form and mask.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: She hasn't been seen since the battle with Wonderweiss, who subsequently appeared to battle Yamamoto. She and Kensei were not present or acknowledged during the brief gathering after Aizen's defeat, at which Hirako, Lisa, Love, Rojuro and Hachigen are present.
  • Woman Child: Ditzy, oblivious, tantrum-prone and spacey, even though she looks about 14.
  • You Gotta Have Green Hair

Rojuro "Rose" Otoribashi

Species: Visored
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Kinshara


A comparatively calm, easy-going Visored, with a seemingly disinterested flair, that has a thing for music. Former captain of the 3rd Division. His Zanpakuto is Kinshara. He regained his former position after the Time Skip.


Voiced by: Shouto Kashi (JP), Christopher Corey Smith (JP)


Hachigen "Hachi" Ushoda

Species: Visored
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Unknown


The largest and friendliest of the Visoreds, quite kind-hearted and subservient to the more authoritative members. He was the lieutenant of the Kidou corps, under Tessai's wing.

Has apparently decided to stay in Karakura with Love, Lisa and Hiyori, as of 481. While he isn't seen in-page, Hiyori states that they're living in the same house.

Voiced by: Takashi Nagasako (JP), Joe Ochman (US)


  • Achilles' Heel: He's out of shape, considering he became out of breath after doing a few Flash Steps.
  • Badass: You wouldn't know it from looking at him, but he actually has the best combat performance of all the Visored, defeating both the Hollowified Kensei and Mashiro easily in "Turn Back the Pendulum" and being the only Visored to actually win his Fake Karakura fight.
  • Barrier Warrior: His specialty is binding spells.
  • Beehive Barrier: Hachigen's Kikai no Joumon.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Kickass spellcaster.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Various Kido spells.
  • Gentle Giant: Within the Visored band, he's the largest and nicest one you'll likely ever meet.
  • Handicapped Badass: After several failed attempts by him and Sui-Fon to kill Baraggan, he finally does it by using kido to teleport his decaying hand into Baraggan's stomach, allowing the death aura to spread to him. To paraphrase: "If your power truly is absolute, then not even you can stand against it."
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Hachi.
  • Rose Haired Guy

Lisa Yadomaru

Species: Visored
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Haguro Tonbo


The relatively calmest of the female Visoreds, a bit secretive, aloof and detached, but around as irritable and tomboyish as Hiyori from above. Was the ex-lieutenant of the 8th Division. She seemed to be very caring for Nanao when she was just a child. Her zanpakuto is Haguro Tonbo.

481 shows her and Hiyori living a normal life in Karakura, alongside Love and Hachi.

Voiced by: Kanako Hatori (JP), Tara Platt (US)



Lisa: I-I'm not a pervert! I-I'm just really curious!
Kensei: (in the background brushing his teeth) Isn't that the definition of a pervert?


Love Aikawa

Species: Visored
Affiliation: Soul Society (formerly)
Zanpakutou: Tengumaru


A laid-back, easy-going manga reader, somewhat carefree with a slight tough-guy feel. Was the ex-captain of the 7th Division. His zanpakuto is Tengumaru.

As of 481, it's mentioned that he has stayed in Karakura with Hiyori, Hachi and Lisa.

Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (JP), Travis Willingham (US)



Xcution is a secret organization operating in Naruki City. There is no official hierarchy within the organization, but it seems that Kugo Ginjo holds more power than the average member. New members are recruited by current members who approach them and persuade them into joining. The process of contacting the organization is intricate and secretive and can only be achieved by means delivered by the organization. Every member of Xcution is a "Fullbringer", a special kind of human with the power of Fullbring, which allows one to use their pride in an object to manipulate its "soul" for a variety of effects. Fullbringers are born to women who are attacked by Hollows during pregnancy, meaning their powers bear more resemblance to a Hollow's than a Soul Reaper's.

The members of Xcution have one single wish: to become normal humans. In order to do so they must give their powers their exact opposite: a living human with the powers of a Soul Reaper. It is to that end that they wish to aid Ichigo Kurosaki in regaining his Soul Reaper powers. However, there are some former Xcution members who have their own plans.

Except they don't, and are actually all part of a plot to steal Ichigo Kurosaki's powers to strengthen their own. And Ginjou turns out to have been THE other Shinigami Substitute, and the reason why there weren't any others until Ichigo came along: he recruited the others, who were empowered humans rejected by others until he came along.

Kugo Ginjo

Species: Human
Affiliation: Xcution
Fullbring: Cross of Scaffold


Voiced by: Hiroki Tochi (JP)


A mysterious and manipulative individual, Ginjo is the apparent leader of Xcution, although he doesn't seem to care too much of it, or acknowledge any real ladder within the organization. He approached Ichigo, tempting him with bogus investigative questioning regarding his father to arouse his interest concerning Xcution. According to Hitsugaya, Kugo was the first ever Substitute Shinigami, but his going AWOL is what prompted the implementation of the anti-Substitute law in the Soul Society.

His Fullbring, "Cross of Scaffold", allows him to transform his cross pendant into an enormous claymore that can use an explosive energy attack.

In his final battle with Ichigo, Kugo sustains massive wounds to the point where he can't even stand. After collapsing and wondering what would Ichigo have done if he was a Substitute Shinigami before him, Kugo eventually dies..

  • Anti-Hero: Type IV, particularly for his brutality towards Ichigo. And then Chapter 458 came along, and he was Evil All Along.
  • Bad Boss: Orders Tsukishima to kill Shishigawara after they're done fighting the Soul Reapers since his Fullbring might become too much for them to handle.
  • BFS: Ginjo is able to use Fullbring to turn his pendant into a very large claymore.
  • Bishonen: When he drops his slicked back haircut and lets his hair down, he becomes pretty attractive (Note that the image is a spoiler, view at your own risk).
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Initially seemed to be Ichigo's strongest ally against Tsukishima, but it was a Memory Gambit meant to divert Ichigo's trust away from his real allies, and Ginjo's recently reverted back to his true self via a second slash by Tsukishima; the two were cohorts from the start.
  • Brought Down to Badass: Sometime in the past, after he lost his Shinigami powers.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Bankai!"
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Getsuga Tensho!"
  • Card-Carrying Villain: So much so that Tsukishima had to rewrite his mind to help him win Ichigo's trust. Tsukishima claims he's a terrible actor and could never have acted as a convincing good guy otherwise.
  • Cry for the Devil: Chapter 477 is very much about this. Ichigo seems to hold pity for him, Riruka says that Ginjou saved the Fullbringers but only Ichigo could save him, and Tsukishima mourns him openly on his own.
  • Combat Pragmatist: BIG TIME.
  • Dark Is Evil: He dresses in all black, is manipulative, rude and brutal, but he did not seem like a villain. Until Chapter 458, when this is played straight.
  • Dark Messiah: Riruka's speech at the end of chapter 470 is shaping him up to be this to the Xcution members.
    • Confirmed when we see him recruiting the Fullbringers after their past blew up on them big time and specially in 477 when we both see Riruka refer to him as one, and we see how he met Tsukishima.
  • Establishing Character Moment: When he first bumped into Ichigo, Ginjo acted like a spaz as his bag gets dropped, but right after Ichigo hands it over to him and leaves, Ginjo flashed a smirk while having his Face Framed in Shadow. All you needed to know about his character was revealed in his very debut.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Ichigo, being both BFS wielding former Substitute Shinigami who have a Sword Beam technique, with a rude personality that hides a kinder side. However, while Ichigo's a genuinely good person, Ginjo was just acting. As far character designs go, both incorporate/have incorporated fur (think Ginjou's jacket, Super Hollow Ichigo's fur, the fur in the coat worn by the Hollow Ichigo/Tensa Zangetsu fusion) and skull/bone (the Substitute Shinigami badge, Super Hollow Ichigo again, Ichigo's Fullbring, Ginjou's sword chapter 458 onwards) motifs in their designs). And Ginjo is a shinigami with hollow powers, like Ichigo.
    • He even has Ichigo's tendency to empathize with opponents through battle. Which he uses on Ichigo.
  • Evil Laugh: A spectacular one near the end of chapter 458.
  • Evil Sounds Deep
  • Expy: Hmm, let's see. A villain who happens to be the previous holder of the hero's job title, check. He apparently went AWOL, check. He comes back with a bunch of normal humans with powers, check. He has a Dissonant Serenity - filled, Bishonen partner, check. Are we talking about Ginjo, or Sensui?
  • Face Framed in Shadow: Like Aizen, whenever he says something dramatic, a shadow covers most of his face.
  • Facial Markings: His bankai slaps a cross mark on his face, keeping in the theme of his Fullbring name.
  • Foreshadowing: There was his eye-reflection on Tsukishima's sword, that bogus info about Isshin to bait Ichigo into Xcution, the Half Truth to Chad about "Book of the End", the brutal training inflicted upon Ichigo, the self-admittance that he'd make a cliched villain, and finally, the dropping of a First-Name Basis with Ichigo after Tsukishima cut Ginjo. Tsukishima even calls Ginjo out on that last bit.
  • Genre Savvy: Knows he looks like a villain and if it'll get him what he wants, has no problem acting the part.
  • Good Colors, Evil Colors: When he is playing the role of the "good guy" and his "Cross of Scaffold" is untainted, its guard is a shade of gold. After he got cut by Tsukushima to regain his memories and infused his Substitute Shinigami Combat Pass with Cross of Scaffold, the guard became addition to gaining a skull.
  • Last-Name Basis: Virtually everyone calls him by last name, it is a tradition amongst Bleach villains after all...
  • Half Truth: He said that Tsukishima's sword can cut through anything. Come Chapter 468...
    • Also, he said that Book of the End is just a sword that cuts through anything, and it doesn't have any special powers. It sounds like a massive lie, but in chapter 477, Riruka confirmed that Tsukishima can 'switch' from his Retconjuration sword to a regular, cutting blade.
  • Important Hairstyle Change: After being released from Tsukishima's Fullbring, he lets his hair become messy with strands hanging over his face.
  • Interim Villain: While Kubo hasn't elaborated on his backstory yet, Ginjo was the first substitute Shinigami, who seems to know about Isshin and Urahara. While he's only appeared in the Lost Agent arc, his potential legacy might have an effect on the story later on, at least regarding Isshins past.
  • Killed Off for Real: It's interesting to note that this is the only opponent that Ichigo actually kills.
  • Memory Gambit: One that rivals Death Note in effectiveness.
  • Mysterious Backer: He's even shadier than Hirako.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: In retrospect, instead of coldly sparing him, offing Ichigo on the spot would've prevented Rukia from restoring Ichigo's Shinigami powers.
  • Not Worth Killing: Does this to Ichigo after he steals his Fullbring power. Comes back to bite him in the ass.
    • Subverted, It's actually a Pet the Dog moment since Ginjo does tell Ichigo he never intended to kill him at all.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: His first encounter with Ichigo, in which he pretends to be a spaz and has him return his lost bag to him.
  • Oh Crap: After The Reveal, when Ichigo gets his Shinigami powers back.
    • And delightfully again when he actually sees Ichigo in action for real.

Ginjo: "Hah! Your Getsuga Tensho's power has grown, I'll give you that! But the improvement is minimal! Your only hope hasn't given you anything! This isn't nearly enough to kill me, Kurosaki!"
Ichigo: "You idiot. That wasn't a Getsuga Tensho.That was a practice swing."

  • Older Than They Look: Implied, at first glance, he looks roughly the same age as Ichigo, but a few chapters later he is shown consuming alcohol (even getting drunk at one point) and occasionally refers to Ichigo as "Kid". Since he was the first Substitute Shinigami, chances are that he's around as old as the senior captains.
    • Comfirmed in Chapter 477, He was a fully grown adult when he met a very young Tsukishima.
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: His bankai turns his hair white.
  • Power Parasite: His apparent goal, but in an unusual twist, he personally trains with The Hero himself for it. After completing the training, Ginjo literally backstabs Ichigo, merges a Shinigami badge with his sword, impales Ichigo through the chest and absorbs his Fullbring. After going One-Winged Angel, he can give upgrades to his fellow Fullbringers by slashing them with that same sword. In addition, Ishida ascertained that Ginjo now has Getsuga Tensho and the same reiatsu level as Ichigo.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Really hates Tsukishima's sadism, because mind raping people makes them useless.
  • Psychotic Smirk: Frequently.
  • Properly Paranoid: Why does he want to kill Shishigawara in spite of the latter's Undying Loyalty to Tsukishima? Well, Shishigawara is starting to doubt his loyalty to Tsukishima; he hasn't been bookmarked yet.
    • There's also the fact that his power is extremely unpredictable and deadly. The last thing he wants is to make an underling more powerful than himself or Tsukishima.
  • Red Eyes of Crazy : In his Bankai state his sclera turn red.
  • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: After absorbing Ichigo's powers and enhancing himself he's now wearing a sort of bone armor. Even part of the handle of his sword now looks like a spine.
  • Smug Snake: Is haughty and arrogant when in control. Breaks down fast when unanticipated events (e.g.: the discovery that Ichigo's got way more reiatsu than he thought).
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: He has Grimmjows' build, Isshins' fashion style and Aizens' silhouettes, along with his interest in leveling Ichigo up. Minus some of the Blood Knight tendencies, he's most like Grimmjow in personality.
  • Sword Beam: Which is huge.
    • And as of Chapter 470, he can use Getsuga Tensho.
    • He outdoes that in Chapter 476 by firing a gigantic cero from the tip of his sword.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red Oni to Tsukishima, but for all his bravado, Ginjo is the more pragmatic of the two. See Tsukishima's section below.
  • Tall, Dark and Snarky
  • Taking the Bullet: Saved Ichigo from Tsukishima, but it reverted him back into his true self as a result.
  • Thigh-High Boots: Part of his his Fullbring armour chapter 461 onwards.
  • Tell Me About My Father: Played with as he approaches Ichigo while saying "I know about your father's Dark and Troubled Past. Do you want to know?"
  • Training from Hell: Subjects Ichigo to this, to the point of slashing his eyes and blocking Orihime's path when she tries to help him.
  • Victory Is Boring: When Tsukishima suggested bookmarking Ishida, he refused because according to him, a fight they can't lose is boring.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: In his bankai state
  • Whole Costume Reference: It would be quite a coincidence indeed if Kubo didn't borrow the wardrobe of Squall Leonhart.

Shukuro Tsukishima

Species: Human
Affiliation: Xcution
Fullbring: Book of the End


Voiced by: Daisuke Ono (JP)


The founder of Xcution, he successfully transferred several Fullbringers' powers to a Substitute Shinigami, but killed everyone directly involved afterward and disappeared. (It later turns out that these are Fake Memories he planted within the members of Xcution.) In his first appearance, he attacks and wounds Ishida or so it seems, it later turns out it was Ginjo who did it, then sends out Shishigawara to attack Orihime. When Shishigawara hesitates due to his infatuation with her, Tsukishima appears and cuts Orihime down, He later makes an unexpected arrival at Xcution's base, slicing the door straight through. After fighting Sado, Ichigo and Ginjo atop the roof of their base, the destruction alerted the police, forcing everyone to bail out before they arrived, but not before Tsukishima took a cheap potshot at Chad.

His Fullbring "Book of the End" allows him to transform his bookmark into a katana purported to be able to cut anything; however, it has become increasingly clear that it also allows him to implant his existence into a target's (this includes people andinanimate objects) past without leaving a wound. Through this, he can make himself a friend or an enemy of that person or, with objects, retroactively gain experience of them, or lay traps, for example. Apparently, the effect is removed if the target is stabbed again. The details are not fully explained, but according to Tsukishima himself this is different from altering the timeline or implanting false memories; changes can only be applied to one target at a time, and while the changes will affect Tsukishima as well, they don't cause sweeping rewrites to the world at large. As a catch, also, if the person given these false memories starts to be defused, he can re-brainwash them and cause them physical pain as he does so. although the effects are also undone if Tsukishima dies. According to Riruka, Book of The End actually has two blades: one that can falsify history, and the other one that has no special ability other than an extremely sharp cutting edge which Riruka states he uses to kill people.

He was fatally wounded in his fight with Byakuya, leaving him near death, Ginjo himself confirms that at most, he has 10 minutes left. He pulls himself together to attack Ichigo after the latter's fight with Ginjo, before collapsing unconscious again. He comes round to find himself being carried on Shishigawara's back and realises that he was never as alone as he always thought he was. He's last seen being carried off into the sunrise by Shishigawara, but the manga makes it ambiguous as to whether he died or survived.

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: Ginjo reveals that Shukuro's Fullbring ability is that the katana can slice anything, and seemingly implant fake memories of him within those he stabs.
  • Adaptation Expansion: The anime greatly expands his role in the first part of the Fullbring Arc, in the Manga; he attacked Uryu and then disappeared until he attacked Orihime. In the Anime, he makes an Early-Bird Cameo before his and Ginjo's attack on Uryu Ishida, his attack on Keigo and Mizuiro is shown rather than implied, he has a few confrontations with Ichigo before they properly met and he is shown using his powers to send Hollows after Ichigo.
  • Arch Enemy: Barring Grand Fisher, Tsukishima's far more personal an antagonist to Ichigo than any of the others ever were.
  • Arc Villain: Unless the anime decides to drag out the effects of Book of the End, it looks like Tsukishima's been regulated to this status.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: A rather convenient side-effect that Book of the End gives him. Bookmarking a weapon gives him instant knowledge of the complete ins and outs of said weapon.
  • Ax Crazy: May be one, if chapter 462 is of any indication: Tsukishima's power has apparently "broken" an rendered "useless" many people before according to Ginjou, and it seems like Tsukishima does it just for fun. Also, it seems like he likes making deranged smiles, which is hardly a sign of mental health in fiction.
  • Badass Bookworm: His Fullbring takes the form of a bookmark and then becomes a katana when unleashed. He seems genuinely fond of reading as well, and explains his power to Ichigo by making references to sci-fi literature.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Throughout the Lost Agent arc, he shared the role with Ginjo; were it not for Tsukishima, Ginjo wouldn't have succeeded in so much as convincing Ichigo to train with Xcution.
  • Bishonen: You...did see his picture up there...right? Taking a look at who his seiyuu is, you could even say the anime team lampshaded it.
  • Big Fancy House: Lives in a mansion in the middle of a forest.
  • Black Eyes: Type 1 in the Manga. The anime ignores this and gives him non-descript Brown Eyes.
  • Close-Call Haircut: Inflicts this on Orihime. And on Riruka.
  • Complete Monster: Very much enjoys maliciously invoking this attitude towards beings affected by "Book of the End". Ginjo even called him out on it.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He shows signs of this in chapter 459.

"That's not true. You're just horrible at acting. That's why we did it."

  • Defeat Means Friendship: Played with. He defeats people by turning them into friends. Not that they have any choice, though.
  • Dissonant Serenity: He's calm, gentle, and utterly reasonable in his behaviour. All it does is highlight the level of insanity his powers inflict on those around him. You know it's bad when a villain can make it look like the horrified hero is the one who's being unreasonable to object to mind-rape.
  • The Dreaded: A more subtle example. Tsukishima remains his nonchalant demeanor, but he tags polite jabs at Giriko and Yukio's apparent biggest flaws (the former drinks too much, the latter plays games too much). It's easy to see the nervousness in Giriko and Yukio's features.
  • Evil Only Has to Win Once: He stabs you once, and the battle is finished. At least until he stabs Byakuya and then he discovers the one thing he can't defeat: Undying Loyalty.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Not as deep as other roles by Daisuke Ono, but still deep enough to qualify.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Rather serene and polite, even when he's faking it, but it just serves to further emphasize his status as an antagonist.
  • Foreshadowing: That Early-Bird Cameo means a lot more than it might at first glance.
  • For the Evulz: In chapter 462 he begins messing with Orihime and Chad's heads for no apparent reason, while wearing an horrific Slasher Smile. Ginjo tries to get him to stop. Tsukishima's answer? A polite smile oozing sadism.
  • First-Name Basis: As part of his friendly facade, he's pretty much the sole villain with an habit of calling everyone by their first name: Ichigo, Yukio, Byakuya. Oddly enough, Ginjo is the sole exception..maybe because he's probably the person who knows him the best, so his false friendliness would be pointless.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: He built Riruka's gun. Possibly subverted considering the power of his fullbring.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A huge one on his forehead. According to 477, he seemingly acquired it as a young boy right before meeting Ginjo.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: His motives and goals are just as much of a mystery as his Fullbring was at the time.
  • How Dare You Die on Me!: " Don't Die!!! Don't Die, Ginjo!!!"
    • Followed up in the following chapter by: " Why did you have to die? Why, Ginjo? WHY?! (...) Why didn't you teach me what to do if you died?!"
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: At the end of chapter 472, Byakuya impales him with a hidden fistful of Senbonzakura's petal-blades.
  • In-Series Nickname: Yuzu and Karin call him "Shuu-chan", Tatsuki and Keigo call him "Shuu-san".
  • Ink Suit Actor: Seriously, take a good look at Tsukishima, then a look at Daisuke Ono, his seiyu. Apart from the scar, there's really no difference at all.
    • He's even more similar to him here. The split fringe, the
  • I Was Never Here: Inverted. He can use his powers to actually insert himself in places where he hasn't been.
  • Lean and Mean: Very tall and slim, and undeniably malicious.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Hard Hitting type. He can get behind you and stab you before you even notice that he's moved.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Primarily involving Ichigo.
  • Marty Stu: Actually invoked by his Fullbring, though it's portrayed much more seriously. Once he "bookmarks" someone, the victims act unusually protective and friendly of him (e.g. Ikumi only smiles sweetly towards her son; Karin doesn't panic that easily; Tatsuki never calls others by nicknames), to the point where Chad and Orihime, two of Ichigo's most loyal friends, actually turned against Ichigo. He also makes it so that he was present for the important things in everybody's lives. He Marty Stu'd himself into Aizen's defeat, everything Ichigo has done, and even replaced important people in Orihime and Chad's lives: her brother Sora and his "Abuelo", respectively.
  • Mind Rape: When he realises Sado and Orihime are beginning to fight his mind control, Tsukishima takes advantage of this to inflict a brutal Mind Rape instead of simply attempting to bring them back under control. According to Ginjo it's actually a bad habit of his where he deliberately takes his mind control powers too far simply to permanently break his victims minds, and he does seem to be enjoying the torture they're undergoing. Fortunately, Urahara and Isshin intervene just in time to save the pair. It fails horribly against Byakuya.
  • More Than Mind Control: He inflicts mind control on Ichigo's friends and family and Mind Rape on Sado and Orihime but he does neither to Ichigo. Instead, he uses what he's done to everyone else to play with Ichigo's head and even his sense of reality in a manner befitting this trope.
  • Never Found the Body: His fate is left ambiguous in the anime; they omitted the part where Orihime forgets him.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: In the first chapters of the Fullbring arc, Ichigo knew nothing about who he was, what his true motives were, nor did he know what his true ability was. The more he and the audience have learned, the more seriously he started taking his menace.
  • Power Parasite: A more mundane variant, but when he bookmarks someone, he gains their memories, learns of their abilities and counterattacks accordingly. There's only one drawback - he can't predict when his opponent would improvise.
  • Pride Before a Fall: He was correct in saying that Byakuya couldn't win regardless of which known technique he would think of using, but he didn't expect Byakuya to improvise instead.
  • Prophet Eyes: When his mind-control power kicks into high gear, his eyes take on an eerie, evil all-white cast. They just glow purple in the anime.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to Ginjo. He may be the more cautious of the two (suggesting to Bookmark Ishida; calling Ginjo out on using a Last-Name Basis with Ichigo), but he's far more malicious, while Ginjo is a practitioner of Pragmatic Villainy.
  • Remember the New Guy?: His power can make people believe he has always been a part of their life and this allows him to manipulate them.
  • Retconjuration: He can make it so that he interacted in any way he pleases with whatever he cuts with his sword. In his fight with Byakuya, he uses his power to enter the past of the place they were fighting in and set up a series of traps. He also cuts Byakuya's sword, which results in him knowing every single one of Byakuya's techniques because he helped Byakuya create those techniques. In the end, Byakuya has to throw away everything he's ever known and learned and invent an Indy Ploy.
  • Slasher Smile: As the arc develops, Tsukishima upgrades his Psychotic Smirk to one of these to produce a Nightmare Face.
  • Smug Snake
  • The Sociopath: Fits several of the traits described.
  • Surreal Horror: Does one of the mental and emotional variety to Ichigo by affecting everyone around him with "Book of the End".
  • Tall, Dark and Snarky: Definitely tall, definitely dark. Mockingly polite to most, snarky towards Ginjo.
  • The Stoic: Since his debut, his expression has changed about five times.
    • Not So Stoic: Briefly, upon temporarily losing his arm. It happens again when Ichigo gets his shinigami powers back, again when Kisuke and Isshin knock Orihime and Chad unconscious, saving them from his Mind Rape, when Senbonzakura's petals block his attack on Byakuya, and when Riruka blocks his attack on Ichigo. which is immediately followed by a Skyward Scream.
  • Undying Loyalty: Deliberately inflicts this upon anyone that gets slashed by his Fullbring, making them rather friendly and protective of him regardless of their personalities. But he's unable to do much about Byakuya's already existing Undying Loyalty towards Ichigo, possibly because he deliberately attacked Byakuya's bond with his sword and didn't seem to realize until the very end that it wasn't Byakuya's most important bond.
    • It seems like Tsukishima himself might feel this toward Ginjo, believe it or not. Taken further in 478, where his first scene has him screaming at the skies as he mourns Ginjo's passing.
    • He also failed to account for the fact that Byakuya is willing to to terrible things for the greater good, so that nobody else has to. Including killing his retroactive "mentor" Tsukishima.
  • Unperson: If he dies and/or is defeated, his targets completely forget about him. In Chapter 478; Riruka mentions him in front of Orihime, and though she can perfectly recall the other Fullbringers, she can't remember Tsukishima.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Possibly, if the last page of 477 (in which a pre-teen Tsukishima is comforted by Shinigami!Ginjo) is a hint.
  • Villainous Breakdown: While not exactly a "Breakdown" per se, he does get pretty pissed when Byakuya continues to insist that he can easily kill him as he continues to improvise techniques.

Tsukishima: Don't make me laugh, you think something like that can kill ME!?

    • He does have an official one when he sees Ginjo on the ground, begging for him not to die.

Riruka Dokugamine

Species: Human
Affiliation: Xcution
Fullbring: Dollhouse


Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi (JP)


An overconfident and vain young girl, she immediately falls in love with Ichigo upon first sight - not that she'll admit it to him. She mainly assists him in his new Training from Hell.

Her Fullbring "Dollhouse" allows her to basically be a Reality Warper to anything or anyone she finds cute, permitting said things or people with heart-shaped "passes." This includes shrinking people down to the size of an action figure and "permitting" them into her cardboard dollhouse.

  • Abnormal Ammo: Her gun stores miniaturized objects, which re-enlarge upon being fired, to hopefully catch an opponent off guard and crush them.
  • Apologetic Attacker: Genuinely so, to Rukia, in chapter 471, since she actually ended up possessing her.
  • Berserk Button: HATES being called "a normal human".
  • Blind Without'Em: The problem is that despite this, she refuses to wear contacts (they're not comfortable) or glasses (they're not sexy).
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Even more so in her backstory.
  • But Now I Must Go: In chapter 479, she's seen standing atop of a building and using her powers to leave the scene.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: I permit you.
  • Character Development: Her Taking the Bullet for Ichigo and Rukia was the single most selfless act she's ever accomplished. Guess that happens when you hide inside someones' head and listen to their thoughts regarding their best friend.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Since her power isn't very useful in direct combat, she carries a gun.
  • The Comically Serious: Against Rukia.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Sorta weaponized with her powers.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: She the only Fullbringer to actually defeat a Shinigami. Granted Rukia was holding back but still.
  • Cry Cute: In Chapter 478, after waking up and speaking to Ichigo, Rukia and Orihime. She denies that she's crying, though.
  • Curtains Match the Window: She has magenta hair and eyes.
  • Dangerously-Short Skirt: Her minidress is a curious fashion choice for a girl her age, but she's willing to fight in it all the same.
  • Dark Chick: Riruka's fiery demeanor and hilarious love for Ichigo puts her as arguably the most memorable Fullbringer in Xcution.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Seems to be her default fashion style.
  • Expressive Hair: In the filler additions to canon episodes, her hair is very much this.
  • Fiery Redhead: Pretty much the standout example in Bleach.
  • Freudian Excuse: Subverted; it seemed like she's about to receive one, but it essentially amounts to her having always been a Spoiled Brat. Though not exactly an evil one, mind you.
  • Foreshadowing: Her grim expression upon learning of Orihime's past says a lot about how Riruka herself might feel about her family or more exactly, her powers as well as the groups' intentions.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: She can take anything--or anyone--she finds cute and put it/them inside her "box". Compound this with the fact that she's fallen for Ichigo, and you got a scenario that the internet picked up on immediately. Now it's revealed that you leave her box only once she gets you wet (via sneezing on you).
  • Girlish Pigtails
  • Heel Realization: Inverted; she's always seemed to have a particular dislike for Xcution, but that wasn't why she took that slash for Ichigo and Rukia. It was because she realized that Ginjo couldn't have been saved by any of the Fullbringers in Xcution, and recognizing that Ichigo had already done so in their fight.
  • Hidden Depths: In her backstory, she was a typical Spoiled Brat who used her abilities for theft (like taking the local Alpha Bitch's cute locket), but since she still was a little girl, she had no idea just how badly her powers affected the guy (whom she had a crush on) that she placed inside her treasure box. Once she noticed that, she released him. Greedy, possessive brat, she is, but selfish, cruel brat, she isn't.
  • High Heel Face Turn: There were doubts along the way, but she's finally done it, or at least, something similar.
    • As of now, it's actually a subversion. She seems to have bonded more with Orihime than Ichigo, if their interactions after both of them wake up in Chapter 478 is an evidence.
  • Hot-Blooded
  • I'm Taking Him Home With Me: Actually weaponized. At will, she did this in her youth but stopped when she realized how it affected her crush.
  • Love At First Sight: Falls for Ichigo the moment she gets to see him clearly.
  • Motor Mouth: She can get into ongoing, one-sided conversations about irrelevant topics, oblivious over the listeners nearby.
  • Nice Hat: She gets [1] later on. Hilariously, this is just before she fights bunny-obsessed Rukia.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: After Rukia presses her Berserk Button, Riruka stuffs her into a toy puppy.
  • Power Nullifier: The consequence of getting trapped inside a plushie. Rukia is unable to grasp her Zanpakuto, depriving her of her best weapon, and attempting to use kido results in the magic backfiring on its caster.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Spoiled Brat: Has the attitude, but she evokes it upon herself, instead of having someone else do it for her.
  • Sweet Tooth: She likes her doughnuts.
  • Taking the Bullet: She used her body to protect Ichigo (and Rukia, consequently) from Tsukishima's blade. Her chest armor catches the blade, but it still left a very deep wound. Urahara treated her injuries.
  • Thigh-High Boots: Again, another curious fashion choice, but they seemed to have changed a bit after she received an upgrade from Ginjo.
  • Token Good Teammate: For all her faults, she was the only one that tried to reject an upgrade from Ginjo; she seemed to gain an understanding of Ichigo and Rukia as people; she took a slash from Tsukishima while protecting the aforementioned duo; and she scolded Tsukishima for trying to save someone "that was already saved by Ichigo". Damn.
  • Tsundere: Acts slightly like a Drill Sergeant Nasty towards Ichigo, but clearly worries about him when he's not looking.
    • Also displayed the classic portrayal of one in her Mood Whiplash-full interactions with Orihime.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Her Fullbring allows her to "put" people inside things she finds cute...
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade S!

Yukio Hans Vorarlberna

Species: Human
Affiliation: Xcution
Fullbring: Invaders Must Die


Voiced by: Mitsuhiro Ichiki (JP)


The youngest member of Xcution, just behind Riruka. Yukio is calm and quiet, usually not speaking unless something catches his attention. He seems fond of playing video games. He is slightly annoyed whenever Riruka kicks open a door, as he can see up her skirt whenever she does so.

His Fullbring, "Invaders Must Die", is channeled through his portable game console and allows him to imprison targets within a video game whose parameters (such as the gameplay system) and "characters" (his prisoners) are under his full control. It will only function as long as the battery is charged, however.

  • All There in the Manual: For a while he seemed to be a case of Only One Name, until Kubo revealed his his character profile in the back of Volume 53.
  • A God Am I: Declared himself as such to his own dimension, which isn't entirely unsound, but Hitsugaya still proved how low on the Sorting Algorithm of Evil that Yukio really is.
  • Ax Crazy: It's more subtle, since he usually has Dissonant Serenity to back it up.
  • Badass Longcoat: With a cravat, at that.
  • Berserk Button: Do not EVER tell him that he was abandoned. It was enough for him to enter a Villainous Breakdown.
  • But Not Too Foreign: As his blond hair and surname would imply.
  • Character Development: Following his humiliating defeat at Hitsugaya, Yukio's apparently started opening up more. See Pet the Dog for details.
  • Complete Monster: Another remarkable Deconstruction. He's an arrogant, condescending Jerkass who loved that he drove his father to suicide and tried to kill a comrade for losing a fight, but his Hidden Depths and his father's neglectful mindset add an extra dimension that makes him more complex than the usual example. Furthermore, Yukio's first use of his powers was to create images of his parents and make them look like the kind, understanding ones that they actually weren't at least in his POV.
  • Creepy Child: Big time.
  • Cute Mute: Played for Drama, since his lack of speech as a toddler is the reason why his parents rejected him. Later he is capable of speaking, but he never does so in front of them.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Hitsugaya, to a certain extent.
  • Evil Genius
  • First-Name Basis: Is the sole Xcution member that calls Kugo and Giriko by their first names.
  • Freudian Excuse: His sadism might've been biological, but he would've been far less homicidal if his parents gave enough of a damn to raise him properly. Fully explained in chapter 471: he was a former Cute Mute whose parents kept locked away due to his speech impediment, and was so lonely that he first used his powers to recreate images of his parents as a sort-of Imaginary Friends.
  • Hidden Depths: Claims to have enjoyed how he drove his father to suicide, but when Hitsugaya insinuated that Yukio's parents abandoned him, Yukio was pissed. He clearly takes issue with abandonment, but he went out of his way to defend his parents (whom he hated) over it, saying that he abandoned them. It's as if he's subconsciously repressing his true feelings about his parents, since he doesn't know how to deal with it.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Sure, it's Toshiro who freezes his legs, but at the end, he's defeated by the monsters he created with Invaders Must Die. Hitsugaya spares him and takes out the creatures, but only because he figured that the dimension would remain even after Yukio dies. He froze Yukio up to his hands and head, forcing him to dispel the dimensions within 5 minutes.
  • Ignore the Fanservice: Whenever Riruka kicks open a door, he can see up her skirt, much to his annoyance.
  • Jerkass: Can get rather condescending and arrogant, as Hitsugaya noted.
  • Kick the Dog: In chapter 466, after Jackie's defeat at the hands of Renji, Yukio tries to bring the sky down to kill both, and when she sacrifices her life to save Renji's, he seems amused by her death, though he admits that he was impressed by Jackie's resolve.
  • Nice Hat
  • Peek-a-Bangs: One of his eyes is always covered by a lock of hair, but which one is random.
  • Pet the Dog: In Chapter 478 he says that in three years his company will increase in size and promises to hire Jackie and the surviving Fullbringers. Then he claims it's just because he thinks they can't survive without him. This was omitted in the anime, however.
  • Product Placement: His video game console is quite clearly a PSP.
  • Self-Made Orphan: As he fights Hitsugaya in chapter 466, Yukio claims that he abandoned his parents, stole his father's wealth and bankrupted his parents' company, indirectly driving his father to commit suicide as a result. Given that parents aren't entirely noble in this series (Ryuuken and Isshin included), one could say that his parents had it coming for prioritizing their work over their son.
  • Simulation Game: His Fullbring, after being enhanced by Ichigo's, can create one outside of his videogame console, complete with copies of the other Xcution members.
  • Shout-Out: Invaders Must Die is the name of an album by The Prodigy as well as its title track.
  • Smug Snake: Actually has a powerful ability, but he was little more than a fly compared to a Shinigami Captain.
  • The Sociopath: Bemused at Jackie Taking the Bullet for Renji, relished that he drove his father to suicide, and completely fine with the prospect of Riruka dying.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: His reaction to Jackie being Not Quite Dead

" Jackie? Oh good, you survived"

  • Villainous Breakdown: After Hitsugaya told him that he was abandoned, Yukio completely loses his shit.
  • Yangire: He looks like a snarky and cute boy, but as chapter 466 makes clear, he's actually a sadistic, murderous prick.
    • Potentially subverted, since he was seen crying in a flashback, indicating that he was actually sad when he heard about his father's suicide. Taken even further in chapter 478, see Pet the Dog.

Moe Shishigawara

Species: Human
Affiliation: Xcution
Fullbring: Jackpot Knuckle


Voiced by: Hiroyuki Yoshino (JP)


From Miyashita Commercial High School, Shishigawara works under Tsukishima. His Fullbring, "Jackpot Knuckle", takes the form of a knuckleduster with three slot machine icons. Depending on how lucky Shishigawara's roll is, the opponent will experience equal misfortune. Upon contact, the numbers roll, and if he hits a jackpot, Shishigawara can manipulate a probability related to whatever he punches; for example, he causes a piece of the hilt of Ginjo's sword to break off due to simple wear and tear.

  • Apologetic Attacker: A bit sarcastic about it, though.
  • Blessed with Suck: The unpredictability of Jackpot Knuckle means that he can't fight with any level of consistency, which makes him incredibly threatening nonetheless, but he could go right back to being an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain if his luck runs out.
    • Logical Weakness: The more he uses "Jackpot Knuckle" against one opponent, the less likely he is to get a "jackpot" due to probabilities changing over time.
  • The Brute: While he doesn't look the type, his Fullbring's abilities allow him to fight this way.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: A lot more dangerous than his early appearances would have suggested.
    • He's pretty much the only Fullbringer other than the Big Bad Duumvirate (and Riruka) who's managed to give his opponent a helluva good fight - and without a powerup.
    • Taken to a few extremes in the anime, where he beat Ikkaku bloody. The latter still won with a smile, despite vomiting a gallon of blood.
  • Delinquent: He goes to a school full of stereotypical Japanese banchos. While he doesn't exactly sport a perm, he more or less plays the part with the way he dresses and speaks.
  • The Dragon: Seemed to be this for Tsukishima, though he's apparently the only lackey under his wing. Dialogue between Ginjou and Tsukishima implies he's a member of Xcution, but not very well liked at all.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Resorts to it after he breaks Hozukimaru in his fight with Madarame.
  • Hot-Blooded: Odd for a sidekick of a disturbingly calm man.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Eventually turns out to be a Not-So-Harmless Villain once he's in a real fight, to the point where Ginjo wants him dead for it.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Love At First Sight: Apparently, for Orihime.
  • Made of Iron: Other than his Fullbring, he's a baseline human, yet he and Ikkaku finish their fight with Good Old Fisticuffs, trading several blows before he's finally knocked out with a headbutt.
  • My Name Is Not Sushigawara
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Has a slot machine-based Fullbring that, while unpredictable, is potentially very deadly. Ginjo even seems to consider him a greater threat than his fellow Fullbringers. and it's noticable that, excluding Riruka, the only Fullbringers who give their shinigami opponents a run for their money are the Fullbringers who don't receive Ginjou's power-up from Ichigo: Tsukishima and Moe.
  • Oh Crap: He dislocates Ikkaku's shoulder and assumes he's got the fight won, but then Ikkaku nonchalantly sets it back into place with just his muscles, causing this reaction.
    • And gets another one when at the end of their fight. He thinks he landed the deciding blow on Ikkaku only for Ikkaku to come back with a massive headbutt that ultimately knocks him out.
  • Too Powerful to Live: Ginjo views this of him. Ironically, Ginjo dies and Shishigawara lives on..
  • The Unfavourite: Despite having a rather powerful Fullbring, he didn't recieve an upgrade from Ginjo, and the latter even flat-out orders Tsukishima to kill him after fighting the Shinigami because his getting any stronger would threaten their group.
  • Winds of Destiny Change: His Fullbring's power. If Shishigawara can get a little lucky, his opponent gets to be unlucky.
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: If he finds a girl pretty, he won't bring himself to attack her.
  • Undying Loyalty: For Tsukishima.

Jackie Tristan

Species: Human
Affiliation: Xcution
Fullbring: Dirty Boots


Voiced by: Atsuko Yuya (JP)


A member of Xcution. Jackie is a tall woman with short dark hair. She wears a dark long-sleeved shirt with tight fitting trousers.

Her Fullbring, "Dirty Boots", increases her physical combat strength as her clothes are dirtied.

After being beaten handily by Renji, she sacrifices herself to save him from being killed by Yukio's Fullbring...or so we thought, after the Shinigami vs. Xcution battles are over, she appears alive and well although her boots are destroyed along with her Fullbring

  • Absolute Cleavage: Shows as much as Matsumoto does, with a cleavage that's almost as large (in some shots).
  • Action Girl: Tristan's the most action-oriented chick amongst the Fullbringers in Xcution.
  • Adaptation Expansion: Enough that her backstory was the first to get revealed in the anime.
  • Ambiguously Brown: For a while, at least. Then this color spread in the manga came, and the anime followed suit with a similar skin tone.
  • Anti-Villain: How often will you see an antagonist Taking the Bullet for someone that struck them down in a Curb Stomp Battle?
  • Berserk Button: She really seems to have an inferiority complex as when she trains Ichigo, she treats him like a novice only for him to show his skill and reveal that he had more then enough experience when it comes to fighting. She practically goes ballistic on him (not that it does any good). When she faces off against Renji after receiving some of Ichigo's Fullbring power, she comments again that she is the better fighter. But Renji, after taking the full brunt of her power the first time, just treats her little more then an annoyance and tells her to hit him with all she's got. She gets pissed once more as a result.
  • Broken Bird: Strongly implied in flashbacks, in which we see a teenage Jackie screaming and crying under the rain. Confirmed in a Tear Jerker manner in chapter 471 of the manga.
  • Clothes Make the Superman: Her clothes, specifically her boots, serve as her Fullbring 'Dirty Boots'
  • Driven to Suicide/Heroic Sacrifice: Tries to off herself to save Renji from being killed by Yukio. she seemingly pulls it off but in chapter 478, it turns out she's still alive.
  • Flat Character: Averted; for the longest time, she's received the least characterization from the Fullbringers, until (in classic Bleach fashion) she fights someone, first with Ichigo through training, then with Renji. We even get a glimpse of her past in chapter 466 before her Disney Death scene, and her past is fully revealed in chapter 471.
  • Foreign Fanservice
  • Freudian Excuse: Out of all of Xcution, she's the one who has the best and more legitimate Freudian Excuse - she was from a very poor family, and her parents and siblings were slaughtered for her father's involvement in the black market.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Her Fullbring is blatantly a dominatrix outfit. And the attacks get stronger when her boots get dirty.

Jackie: "Sand, dirt, mud, blood, other bodily fluids, anything will work."

    • Also in her enhanced dirty boots form when she covers herself in sludge the only part of her that's not covered is her genital area.
  • Irony: She hated her Fullbring, but she admits (to Yukio) that she feels even worse without it.
  • Kick Chick: Her specialty, but it doesn't work against Ichigo or Renji.
  • Mauve Shirt: The anime plays her role up with a lot more prominence than her manga incarnation. It'll most likely make her death that much more striking for anime viewers and make them rejoice when after it turns out she's alive.
  • Out of Focus: We last saw her fighting Ichigo. About 12 chapters later, she's been regulated to cameos, but she gets two chapters' worth of screentime and backstory implications to make up for it. The anime averts it through Adaptation Expansion, however.
  • Shout-Out: "Dirty Boots" is also the name of a song by Sonic Youth.
  • Sole Survivor: Of her slain family.
  • Street Urchin: In her past.
  • The Worf Effect: Even with her power-up, Jackie was quickly defeated by Renji in little more than a single chapter. Still held her own fairly well, even when the only reason it lasted for that long was because Renji refused to fight her.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: A more subdued case, but she calls Ichigo out on his hero complex, something that fans (and his own friends) have taken issue with for years.

Giriko Kutsuzawa

Species: Human
Affiliation: Xcution
Fullbring: Time Tells No Lies


Voiced by: Atsushi Ono (JP)


The eldest member of Xcution, and their apparent bartender at their base of operations. He is a very to-the-point person, and has a rather cruel way of training Ichigo in the use of his Fullbring.

Kutsuzawa's Fullbring, "Time Tells No Lies", allows him to place "timers" and restrictions on basically anything based on conditions of his choosing. If these conditions aren't met, the target is purged by the flames of time. Kenpachi easily kills him.

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  1. The tails on the back of her hat