Cyber Team in Akihabara/Characters

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Characters from Cyber Team in Akihabara include:

The Cyber Team

Tropes the Cyber Team have in common include:

  • Animal Theme Naming: The members of the Cyber Team are all named after birds: Hibari (skylark), Tsugumi (thrush), Suzume (sparrow), Kamome (seagull), and Tsubame (swallow). Many of the other characters have also bird names.
  • Five-Man Band: The Cyber Team.
    • Hibari even lampshades this trope when she sees Uzura dressed up in a Diva costume and wonders if she's the final member of their team, since "the rule of thumb is that you need five members to complete an anime team."
  • Theme Naming: The surnames of the Cyber Team are all names of railway stations; the given names of almost every important character are all names of birds.
    • Lampshaded by Uzura in episode 08.

Uzura Kitaurawa: I was embarrassed about signing my real name, so I signed with the pen name I use when writing poetry. I did try signing "Kitaurawa" at first also, but that sounds somewhat like a train station...

    • The Divas are all named after Greek goddesses, with Tsubame's being named after the Greek equivalent of the Furies — infernal goddesses of vengeance. And since this is a Magical Girl show, the heroine's Diva is naturally named after the goddess of love.

Hibari Hanakoganei

An Ordinary Middle School Student

Densuke, her Pata-Pi

Aphrodite, her Diva

Suzume Sakurajosui

A girl from a wealthy family who speaks in an extremely polite way

Francesca Leopold Classic Renoir III, her Pata-Pi

Hestia, her Diva

Tsugumi Higashijuujou

A girl with a martial arts background and a not so secret interest in becoming an Idol Singer

Yuu Asakawa voices Tsugumi in the Japanese version.

Tetsuro, her Pata-Pi with a microphone built-in

Athena, her Diva

Kamome Sengakuji

A girl from Osaka who has a Money Fetish

  • A-Cup Angst: Kamome, who wants to have bigger boobs for Gold Digger reasons and stuff her bra in consequence. To make things worse, she has Uzura, a Schoolgirl Lesbian with a open preference for flat-chested girls, pining for her - in fact, Uzura turned her affects towards Kamome because she has less breasts than Hibari, her former crush.
  • Breast Expansion: Kamome's grandpa gave here a bikini that increases her breast size.
  • Demoted to Extra: Kamome was almost completely ignored in the movie in favor of Uzura.
  • Good Bad Girl: Kamome often does fanservicey acts and then extorts money to the ones who saw her, but deep down she is a good girl and has her reason for doing so.
  • The Idiot From Osaka: Kamome, who is hardly an idiot but personifies pretty much every other element of the stereotype.
  • Leitmotif: In the movie, whenever Kamome shows up, you can hear a Musical Pastiche of "Disco Inferno" playing in the background.
  • Money Fetish: Kamome.
  • Skirts and Ladders: The first time we meet Kamome, she is going first up stairs in a very short skirt providing a Panty Shot; when some boys enjoying the view remark her this, her first action is to demand money from them in exchange for the fanservice, so she doesn't denounce them as perverts.

Billiken, her piggy bank Pata-Pi

Amphitrite, her Diva

Tsubame Otorii

The Emotionless Girl with a dark past and ambiguous intentions.

Megumi Hayashibara voices Tsubame in the Japanese version.

  • Dark Magical Girl: Tsubame
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Tsubame.
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Tsubame is an aversion, since she avoids all the character types usually associated with pink hair.
  • Tyke Bomb: Tsubame.
  • Villainous BSOD: Tsubame Otorii. Since her introduction, she acts as the Dragon to the Big Bad, easily defeating the Cyber Team girls in every encounter. In episode 20, Tsubame is dragged home by Hibari. She spends the entire episode slowly breaking down while watching how Hibari's family interacts with one another, eventually suffering a Villainous BSOD and freakout by the credits, followed by a Heel Face Turn in the next episode. The episode is also one long Tear Jerker, as we see how horrible a childhood Tsubame actually has had up to this point.

Petit-Ange, her Pata-Pi

Erinyes, her Diva

The Sibyl Team

All working for "Black Prince Shooting Star":

Jun Goutokuji

An Office Lady bordering into Christmas Cake

Blood Falcon, her alter ego

Miyama Soshigaya

A student with Nerd Glasses

Death Crow, her alter ego

Hatoko Daikanyama

An Idol Singer

Dark Pigeon, her alter ego

Crane Bahnsteik

Also known as The White Prince, who turns out to be a 126-year-old scientist

Washuu Ryuugasaki

The school principal, who turns out to be the 400-year-old Christian Rosenkreuz

Takashi Ryuugasaki

Also known as The Black Prince and Shooting Star. A clone of Crane created by Rosenkreuz

Cigogne Ratspieu

The "father" of Tsubame and actually the Comte St. Germaine, Rosenkreuz main scientist aide

Shimabukuro Sengakuji

Kamome's grandparent and resident Dirty Old Man who used to work for Rozenkreuz and is very knowing of what's transpiring in town