Kick-Ass (comics)/Awesome

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • The first appearance of Hit Girl, where she first appears after running a katana through a drug dealer and letting his body slump to the ground, says THAT line, and then proceeds to slaughter everyone in the room, except for Kick-Ass
    • Actually, it was a naginata, which personally just makes it more awesome.
  • Kick-Ass & Red Mist charge into a burning building to save a distraught woman's baby, despite having no super powers or fire fighting equipment. Of course, the "baby" wound up being a cat, but still.
  • After being electrocuted by his testicles and watching Big Daddy take a bullet through the back of his head, Kick-Ass comes up with the escape plan of getting one of Frank Genovese's goons to hit him so hard that he falls backwards & breaks the chair he's tied to, before getting up and using parts of the broken chair to fight his way out. And it almost happens, if not for the presumed dead Hit Girl choosing that moment to jump out of the shadows and kill everyone.
  • Kick-Ass & Red Mist having their showdown, where despite still suffering from the effects of his torture & escape plan, Kick-Ass uses the remains of the chair he was tied to in order to beat Red Mist into a bloody pulp; despite Red Mist being relatively unharmed until this point & wielding a gun.
  • "Just some kids dressed up in Halloween costumes"
  • Frank Genovese taunting Kick-Ass by remarking that Kick-Ass didn't have the balls to shoot him, only for Kick-Ass to shoot Frank in the balls
    • Also Crowning Moment of Funny, as Frank screams that Kick-Ass just shot him in the "tunk", before Hit Girl yells "Tunk you!" as she drives a meat cleaver in his head, and proceeds to kill everyone else in the room. Again. The entire time this is going on, Kick-Ass is just stood in amazement as to how fast the word "Tunk" has caught on, as earlier in the series Dave is told by his friends that they've created a new curse word (Tunk) to serve as the male equivalent to a certain other four lettered word.
  • "Just wait 'til they get a load of me"
  • Kick-Ass beats the living shit out of a gang about to beat up a person with pipes and punches. And this is considering he got his arse whipped in the previous issue.
  • "Avengers fuckin' assemble, asshole!"

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