Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S02/E01 Rocketship XM/YMMV

Specific to the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version:

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Joel's invention exchange is an ersatz version of the Power Loader from Aliens, meant to be used as a mobile drum set for rock bands. (TV's Frank immediately steals the idea.)
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • After Crow's comment about the inappropriateness of the movie's subject material, Joel asks the Mads, "Why don't you just show us Marooned?" Forrester's reply: "We couldn't get it!" Two years later, though, they would get it, thanks to Film Ventures International's repackaging of Marooned as Space Travelers.
    • Crow makes a couple references to Super Mario Bros. during the debrief about the space mission. 17 years later...