Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S08/E13 Jack Frost

Film watched: Morozko aka Jack Frost

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 presentation contains examples of:


Bear Ivan: Nastenka! What's the matter?
Crow: (as Ivan) Am I un-bear-able?


Ivan: Nastenka, darling, will you marry me?
Servo: (as Nastenka) Um, I'm nine.

  • Mind Screw: Since they didn't have any knowledge of the original Russian stories blended together to form the plot, this was what Mike and the Bots' considered the film to be. Not the the scripters of the dub seemed to have any greater clue. (Calling Baba Yaga "The Hunchback Fairy"? Really?)
  • No Pronunciation Guide

Crow: [during the credits] Oh, N-hykhnekh!


Mike: ...So the first plot point involves knitting socks. I think we're in for quite a ride, guys!

  • Viewers Are Geniuses: (When a rooster crows several times) Tom: "Boy, Peter must be going around denying everybody today!"
  • ~What Do You Mean, It Wasn't Made On Drugs?~: The crew has quite a lot of fun with these jokes when Father Mushroom shows up.

"Bring on my fiancé."