Power Rangers Zeo/Funny

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • In "King for a Day, Part 2," Zedd and company enjoy watching Jason fighting off a brainwashed Tommy. They anticipate "the Rangers finally out of the way"... only to realize that would gain them nothing, as the Machine Empire would be able to conquer Earth unimpeded. This leads Zedd to declare - much to his disbelief and difficulty - there's only one thing they can do:

Zedd: (seething) We have to...help the Power Rangers! (shudders)
Rita: (faints)

  • The episode where Rocky is turned into a hybrid plant-man, resulting in Getting Crap Past the Radar with his slew of pickup lines directed at Kat.
  • "Another Song and Dance". Morphing call. The best part is that while Nakia Burrise does have an excellent singing voice, Jason David Frank... doesn't (although, according to some sources, Frank's singing voice is good, he just thought it'd be funnier for Tommy to be hilariously off-key.)
    • Y'know what? The entire episode itself is hilarious, since we get both Tanya & Tommy being forced to sing all their dialogue after a monster afflicts the two with a spell that causes them to sing non-stop. Even their morphing callsigns are redubbed in their singing voices for this episode. We also get the Megazords being forced to dance thanks to the aforementioned spell. Which is hilariously awesome.
  • The Rangers defeating Cogs by pieing them. Especially at the end. All the Cogs except one teleport away. The straggler asks "Hey, where'd they go?" and then gets hit by a pie from each Ranger.
  • Something about Zedd's line when Rita gets them approval to crash in Master Vile's galaxy while the Machine Empire invades Earth is hilarious.

Zedd: Goodie goodie gumdrops...

  • Zedd's peace offering to the Machine Empire includes giving young Prince Sprocket a present; at this point, Zedd has stolen a page out of Jokey Smurf's playbook...

Zedd: (driving away in the camper) I hope they get a bang out of our going-away present...(chuckles)