Scott Pilgrim vs. the World/Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Knives He only likes her [Ramona] because she's really old! She's probably like 25!

  • Development Hell: Probably due to the fact that only the first book was released when the project was green lit. Edgar Wright was dead set on casting Michael Cera as Scott from the beginning but he was around 16 at the time. He was a much more reasonable 20 by the time filming commenced.
  • Fake American:
    • Matthew Patel is played in the film by British actor Satya Bhabha. Justified in that he moved from London to Chicago when he was 12 and is currently based in New York. Director Edgar Wright originally didn't plan on casting British actors in his first American film, but was fooled by Bhabha's accent and had no idea he was from the UK.
    • Inverted with much of the rest of the cast, when you think about it, since many American actors play fake Canadians.
    • Alison Pill, Michael Cera, and Ellen Wong are all actual Canadians. Pretty much everyone else are Americans pretending to be Canadians.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
  • Name's the Same: Stephen Stills, named after the guitarist from Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. He even hangs out with a guy named (Young) Neil.
  • Throw It In: According to the DVD trivia track, Comeau's line of how "the comic is better than the movie" wasn't in the script, but Comeau's actor threw it in because Bryan Lee O'Malley was visiting the set that day.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Re-shoots in early 2010 were held partially to film the theatrical ending. Originally, Scott and Knives ended up together. The ending screened to test audiences and will appear on the DVD.
    • An idea for the same re-shoots, which was never filmed due to time constraints, involved the film turning out to be All Just a Dream -- and that Scott is actually a serial killer who murdered seven people. It is implied this ending would only appear on the DVD as an extra. Fans of this concept also whipped together a little tribute to it.
    • The DVD contains storyboards and concept art for a very different conclusion to the final battle. Two words: Mecha Gideon.
    • O'Malley was working on the last novel while the movie was being filmed, which is partially why the ending is different in the movie than in the book. The ending to the movie was actually supposed to be much more somber in tone, with Scott and Knives rekindling their relationship and playing Ninja Ninja Revolution together, and Ramona walking through the door alone.
  • Word of Saint Paul: In commentary, Aubrey Plaza, who plays Julie, asserted that her character had (and possibly has) an unrequited crush on Scott, which is why she's so hostile to him. While Bryan Lee O'Malley, the creator of the original Scott Pilgrim comics, responded that Plaza was "making shit up", Edgar Wright, the director of the film adaptation, supported this view.

Random facts

  • An odd fact mentioned in the making-of documentary. The studio originally wanted the film to be shot in New York, Edgar Wright had to insist on using Toronto. One of the producers mentioned that normally, anything that identifies Toronto as Toronto has to be avoided when normally shooting a movie in Toronto, but here they could go nuts in shooting these locales. And they did.
  • Ellen Wong, the actress who plays Knives, is actually a few years older than Michael Cera.
  • This movie has caused Michael Cera to turn himself into a real life example of Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass. He underwent martial arts training for the film's fight scenes and enjoyed it so much he started training for real. He still looks like a complete wimp, but nowadays he's a complete wimp with a black belt.