The Human Centipede/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Non Sequitur Scene: After the girls get a flat tire, a Dirty Old Man drives by, tell them how bad he wants to fuck them, and then drives off.
  • Complete Monster: Dr. Heiter wants to sew people together mouth-to-anus. Do we need to explain this?
  • Dancing Bear: Some people don't care about the quality of the movie, only how ridiculous it is.
  • Fridge Horror: The fact that someone actually thought of this is probably just as scary as anything in the movie.
  • Fridge Logic: How are they going to do a sequel if Heiter is dead? Please don't tell us there's another person out there with the same idea...
    • By going the meta route: In Human Centipede II, a guy decides to create a centipede after watching the first movie.
    • Since each body is still being nourished by its own digestive tract, and the first guy is the only one not eating another person's shit, won't the other victim-segments end up dying of malnutrition?
      • They'd die even quicker from dehydration since they have no mouths to drink water with.
      • At least in the first movie the members of the centipede are hooked up to an IV drip while in their cage overnight.
    • The middle and back actors really had to play large parts of the film with their mouth at someone else's butt, right?
      • Oh, I'm sure they were wearing underpants and some padding over their asses. Altough shooting in a hot studio with your nose right in someone's sweating butt can't have been fun...
    • Why did the police not call for backup immediately, especially after Seeing the Human Centipede in Heiter's Bedroom?
    • Why was the truck driver the only person Heiter gagged? With all the shouting Lindsay, Jenny and Katsuro do during his lecture you'd think he'd wanna keep them quiet, too.
    • Just how did Heiter get the Human Centipede up and the down the stairs through out the whole movie? And why were the three surprised to see the stairs during their escape and have to figure out how they were going to walk up them?
    • Why is Lindsay treated like a corpse in waiting? She's not in a good spot, true, but the police arrived in a vehicle that's going to be noticed missing in hours, tops, and that's before considering how she may be able to cut her way free.
  • Memetic Mutation: 100% medically accurate.
    • The Centipede in general has been parodied almost to this point. A common game on the internet after the film came out was to decide who should be in a real-life version of the Centipede, and what positions they should be in. Centipedes made from hated celebrities (Justin Bieber, Paris Hilton, various Disney Channel stars) are among the most commonly proposed.
    • Tosh.0 has turned "Rohyphnol. Rape drug." into a Running Gag.
    • There are probably more parodies of these movies than people who have actually seen them (neither film managed a wide release and only played at midnight).
  • Most Annoying Sound: As Daniel Tosh said, the girls' acting is so bad you almost want them to be sown into someone's ass so they'd stop talking.
  • Narm: large sections of this film have some very bad acting.
    • "YOU! Are the... MIDDLE piiiiece!"
    • "Shit! I have to shit. I'm sorry... please forgive me..."
      • Though, to be fair, there isn't much else he could say in this situation.
    • Katsuro's ridiculously poetic threat to Heiter: "The Japanese possess unbelievable strength when backed into a corner!"
    • Heiter's really pathetic attempt to mimic chicken clucking.
    • Then there is the actual Human Centipede itself. It's just three people kneeling with their mouths sown to their asses. The concept seemed much scarier in your head now, doesn't it?
    • The last twenty minutes or so of the sequel zigzags between this and Squick. It's really hard not to laugh when you see all the victims sewn together because you know this physically can't happen. But at the same time, it's really hard not to gag when they all shit in each other's mouths. But then Martin pukes afterwards, and the next thing you know, you're laughing again. But then the pregnant woman turns out to be Not Quite Dead, gives birth in a car, and crushes her baby's head underneath the gas pedal. Start gagging again. But THEN Yennie hits Martin in the balls, and shoves a centipede up his ass while he pathetically whines. Start laughing again.
  • Narm Charm
  • Nausea Fuel: You don't even need to see it. Just READING about it is enough to put you off food.
  • Nightmare Retardant: Although the premise really is Nightmare Fuel, the absolutely narmful acting, the efforts made to make fun of the film, and the mere existence of a ridiculously random fanfic make it nearly impossible to take it seriously anymore. Perhaps it really is scarier if you don't see the movie.
  • Squick: Yes. There is squick here. Would you like details? Oh Lord, where to begin... oh, I know! How about the part where Lindsay is forced to eat Katsuro's poo?
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: Kids love it!
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: To some extent, Martin is this in Full Sequence. He was sexually abused by his father, who went to prison because of it. And his equally horrible mother actually blames Martin for her husband's arrest and treats him like garbage. His psychiatrist Dr. Sebring pretends to be his friend but actually wants to sexually take advantage of him. And most people's first reaction to him, even when he hasn't done anything, is to insult and belittle him. While there is no excuse for the actions Martin takes, it's nonetheless easy to see how all of this can combine to finally make Martin snap and lose himself in grotesque fantasy, and want to enact that fantasy on the people who've wronged him. By the time he actually sets to work, he's so deeply involved in his mania he also targets innocents.