Topic on User talk:Timthetroper

Your proposed page "Doel" has been rejected in moderation...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

... for two reasons: one, because it lacks the standard markup necessary for it to integrate into the wiki structure, and two, because it consists of nothing but a character list and a single (unmarked up) trope. At the very least, works pages should actually describe the work, which your proposed page fails to do. Your page is almost as close to zero content as it's possible to be without actually being blank.

Feel free to resubmit a version of the page with, you know, actual content, but before you do we strongly urge you to read our Works Page Guidelines, which lays out the minimum we like to see in work pages. Following its suggestions will vastly improve the chances that your proposed page will be approved, as will using the ATT Page Creator, which will start you off with a skeleton page with all the minimum required markup in place.

You will also want to go through our Style Guide, which lays out how we like to see content presented on the wiki.

We also strongly recommend that you read How We Do Bans Around Here. This isn't a threat -- this is the wiki policy strictly controlling how and when user bans can be applied by an Admin. We want you to be aware that unlike TVT, we do not ban users on whims or because we're cranky -- and that you know what we do ban people for, and what it takes, so you can avoid future problems.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I'm sorry, but we're rejecting "Doel" again, because you clearly did not review the help pages I pointed you at above. Your proposed page continues to lack the following:

  • Page type template
  • Tropelist template
  • Proper bullet point markup on the trope entries
  • Categories

To vastly increase the odds of your proposed page passing moderation on your next try, follow these two extremely simple steps:

  1. (Re-)Read the Works Page Guidelines and pay specific attention to the section entitled "Page Layout".
  2. Create the page using the ATT Page Creator -- it will automatically insert 90% of the markup you are missing for you.

However, I am afraid I will have to warn you that if you submit a page candidate lacking the necessary markup again, we can only conclude you are ignoring moderator communications, and you will be subject to a temporary ban under item 2 of section 2.3 of How We Do Bans Around Here. We don't want to have to do that with someone who very clearly wants to contribute to the wiki and the community, but if you continue to ignore the minimum requirements we have for a page we have to do something to get your attention and emphasize just how important the matter is.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I don't know what to tell you. Your third try is closer, and it shows that even if you are not replying to these messages you are at least reading them and trying to get things right -- so an attention-getter tempban is not the thing to do here. But the new page you submitted still isn't functional. This is what's still wrong with it:

1. Instead of a page type template -- {{work}}, in this case -- you have somehow put part of the show's title into template markup:

{{Si Doel A}}nak Sekolahan/ Doel The Educated (TV Series)

In addition to that not doing anything useful and painting a red error message across the top of your page, you also don't have to put the work's title at the top of the page you're creating -- that's done automatically by the wiki if you gave the page the right name.

2. You still have not yet put bullet points on any of the tropes. Instead you put them... inside an unterminated HTML blockquote markup? Why? What made you think that was the right thing to do?

Not all your categories are appropriate, but hey, you're using them this time, so we'll call that a win and let the Wiki Magic do what fixing is needed when the page eventually goes live. However, we can't just dump the page as-is into the wiki and let the Wiki Magic fix the rest of it -- it's just too badly broken. So it's not coming out of moderation.

It's vitally important that you learn how to create a page properly. The mods have way too many other things they need to do to keep the wiki running to handhold a user every time they create a page (and clean up after them when they get it wrong). Being able to create a page properly is an important part of qualifying for automoderated status here, which is when we give you the ability to write directly to the wiki instead of to the moderation queue. If you can't create a page properly, you aren't ever going to get automoderated privilege, and if you are this enthusiastic about getting this one page onto the wiki, I'm sure you're going to want to keep editing and get that privilege.

The only other things I can suggest at this point is, go back and reread all of the Works Page Guidelines... and if you've been using the Visual Editor, try switching to the Source Editor ("Edit source" on the page menu) instead. That will give you more control over what goes on the page.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Okay, look. At this point we should probably give up, but I'm giving you one more chance. But honestly, as far as we can determine you are either deliberately ignoring specific instructions or are simply incapable of understanding the written word.

I will put this simply: while your attempts to improve your candidate have mostly succeeded, you have consistently failed to add one of the simplest and most basic markups required on one of our pages, and that is bullet points on the trope entries. We have explicitly pointed it out at least twice so far. We're going to try one more time. And only one more time.

In the source editor, a list of tropes on a work page should look something like this:

* [[A-Team Firing]]: Explanation here.
* [[The Abridged History]]: Explanation here.
* [[Accidental Kiss]]: Explanation here.

This produces a list looking like this on the page:

Here are the first few entries on Doelā€'ā€s tropelist, as they appear in the source editor:

[[Arch Enemy]]: Doel and Roy. The latter had mocked him in Sarah's season 1 birthday party, resulting in a feud that led to a fist fight in season 3. They somehow achieved a semi-truce by the end of the series.

[[A Day in Her Apron]]: Sabeni tried to cook for his family at first after he and Lela (who had neglected her family) fought in season 2 (after she had thought that he and an attractive woman friend were starting an affair). Later in the episode, he gave up and gave his children money to buy themselves some food.

[[Bittersweet Ending]]: Sabeni had always wanted Doel to become a successful professional and had given his consent to Doel and Sarah's relationship. However, His dreams only came true after he was killed in a car accident at the start of season 3, as seen in the following examples:

*Doel managed to find a stable, well paying job by the end of season 3, which is in-series approximately a year after Sabeni's tragic death

*Doel and Sarah were married at the end of season 6 (and the end of the series). This was tearfully re-iterated by Lela during one of the series' closing monologues, where she told her late husband that all his dreams had been fulfilled already.

This is what it produces on the rendered page:

Arch Enemy: Doel and Roy. The latter had mocked him in Sarah's season 1 birthday party, resulting in a feud that led to a fist fight in season 3. They somehow achieved a semi-truce by the end of the series.

A Day in Her Apron: Sabeni tried to cook for his family at first after he and Lela (who had neglected her family) fought in season 2 (after she had thought that he and an attractive woman friend were starting an affair). Later in the episode, he gave up and gave his children money to buy themselves some food.

Bittersweet Ending: Sabeni had always wanted Doel to become a successful professional and had given his consent to Doel and Sarah's relationship. However, His dreams only came true after he was killed in a car accident at the start of season 3, as seen in the following examples:

  • Doel managed to find a stable, well paying job by the end of season 3, which is in-series approximately a year after Sabeni's tragic death

  • Doel and Sarah were married at the end of season 6 (and the end of the series). This was tearfully re-iterated by Lela during one of the series' closing monologues, where she told her late husband that all his dreams had been fulfilled already.

Can you see the difference? Can you see why there's a difference? As we've pointed out a couple times, and which the Page Layout section of the Work Page Guidelines explicitly instructs in its second item, entries in a trope list start with a bullet point, which is created by putting an asterisk and space ("* ") at the start of each individual trope. This is important.

Everything else on your page is acceptable, but if you cannot learn how to do this, we will not pass the page in Moderation. Further, I'm afraid we've wasted entirely too much time trying to teach you something that every other new contributor seems to get right the first time. This is a formal warning: if you submit yet another version of the page missing this simple and fundamental markup, you will be blocked from editing the wiki for at least two weeks per section 2.3, item 3 of How We Do Bans Around Here: "Refusing to learn from honest mistakes, or repeatedly making the same honest mistake after it's been pointed out." I should probably also note that your persistent refusal to actually reply in this thread technically qualifies you now for a ban under item 2 of the same section ("Repeatedly ignoring a mod."), but we're being generous because it's clear you're reading these messages. You're just unwilling to respond to us and perhaps clear this up quicker.

EDIT: If you are using the Visual Editor, and have no idea how to apply the bullet markup, this is what you do. Highlight the tropes. Then, at the top of the edit window look for an icon that looks like three vertical dots with horizontal lines next to them. Click on this, and a dropdown menu will appear. The very first item on this list repeats the icon with the text "Bullet list". Click that, and it will apply the bullet markup to the selected lines. Just to make things explicitly clear, this is what it looks like:

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak