
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
File:Gadsby (book cover).jpg
1939 book front illustration
Written by: Ernest Vincent Wright
Central Theme: social impoving change / literary playground
Synopsis: a story that omits a common symbol that follows "D" in most latin writing symbols lists, about a man striving to transform his little town.
First published: 1939
v · d · e

Gadsby is a long fictional book by Mr. Wright.

John Gadsby transforms his tiny town, Branton Hills, with it starting off as a small town, not doing much, but a bunch of youth try to stand up for it and show adults that youth can aid a town in growing into a thriving city. Gadsby, Champion of Youth, assists in this, shaking down rich widows for cash to furnish a library, hospital, night school and so on. This flip-flop, from "why, our town ought to build a..." to scrambling for funds to build it, occurs on many occasions with distinct things showing up. Kids go off to war, but show up again without injury. Gadsby winds up as mayor of Branton Hills, watching his kids marry off and grow his family with grandkids; Mrs. Gadsby also plays a part in Branton Hills' growth.

Oh, and also, it omits a particular symbol that is usually found in books.

Don't mix this up with that Gatsby book.

Tropes used in Gadsby include:
  • Individual Nomination: Gadsby paints John Gadsby's activity.
  • Writing with Constraints: It's a lipogram, avoiding that glyph which usually follows "D" in lists of Latin writing symbols. Wright brings strain upon his writing, as Gadsby is only in past actions; only a minority of actions do not apply that 'post-D' symbol (unusual conjugations, such as 'saw' or 'built', assist in that); thus, Wright jots phrasings with 'ing' and portrays accounts with many 'did <action word>' or 'had <action word>'.
  • Dying Town: This is how Gadsby starts, but John Gadsby assists in Branton Hills's growth.
  • Citrusy Narrator: Mocks his circumlocutions now and again.
  • Idiosyncrasy-Displaying Information: Such a task did a particular wiki discuss about clarifying Gadsby's analysis and information. Various authors built support for abolishing a lipogrammatic form of writing, and so it now subsists that that singular symbol functions candidly. Although Gadsby's datum shows no lipogrammatic quality, that old form of writing is still conspicuous in through 'history'.
  • Now Significant City: Branton Hills winds up with city status.
  • World War I: All action occurs in or around Branton Hills, but its young boys do go on a trans-Atlantic trip to fight in World War I.