'Pataphysics: Difference between revisions

Adds more on The Collège de 'Pataphysique.
(Not trope twice.)
(Adds more on The Collège de 'Pataphysique.)
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[[File:Véritable portrait de Monsieur Ubu.png|thumb|200px|frame|The Grand Gidouille on Ubu's belly is a symbol of ‘pataphysics.]]
{{quote|''"If physics proposes: 'You have a brother and he likes cheese,' then metaphysics replies, 'If you have a brother, he likes cheese.' But 'Pataphysics says: 'You don’t have a brother and he likes cheese.' "''|'''Georges Perec''', novelist and pataphysician}}
{{quote|''"Pataphysics, the science of imaginary solutions, was initially developed by the drinker, piscator, cyclist, and pistolero Alfred Jarry, who on the side was a puppeteer and man of letters whose work paved the way for Dada. In this context, the concept of pataphysics has been lifted from its absurdist roots and brought into the larger world of fantastic literature, where it may prove of practical use."''|'''Dr. Herpetophilious''', pataphysicist and pataphysician <ref>https://theaip.wordpress.com/2010/12/16/introduction-to-pataphysics/</ref>}}
{{quote|''"If you understand something in only one way, then you don’t really understand it at all. The secret of what anything means to us depends on how we’ve connected it to all other things we know."''|'''Marvin Minsky''', American cognitive scientist in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), co-founder of Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s AI laboratory}}
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== Real Life ==
* The Collège de 'Pataphysique, founded in 1948 in Paris, France, is a "society committed to learned and inutilious research". (The word 'inutilious' is synonymous with 'useless'.) A quote from the Zombie 'Pataphysics blog <ref>http://zombiepataphysics.blogspot.com/</ref> explains more: {{quote|''"The Paris-based College de 'Pataphysique, in which I have the honour to hold the Chair of Catachemistry and Computational Metallurgy, is more or less like Freemasons on LSD, though with far, far more bureaucracy, consisting in an all-embracing, devious network of sub-committees, and quite a lot of wining and dining. It is, however, a deeply serious institution, and numbers or has numbered many illustrious avantgardists, scientists, philosophers and writers amongst its members, from Marcel Duchamp, Raymond Queneau, Boris Vian, Max Ernst, Eugene Ionesco and Georges Perec to the Marx Brothers, Dario Fo, Fernando Arrabal, Umberto Eco and Jean Baudrillard. It is also the umbrella organisation not only of OuLiPo, the Potential Literature Workshop, but also of OuPeinPo for art, and various other "OuXPo" in the realms of comic strips, music, cuisine, crime fiction and so on."''|'''BRSmith''', hold the Chair of Catachemistry and Computational Metallurgy, and is apparently a zombie or something.}}
* The Collège de 'Pataphysique, founded in 1948 in Paris, France, is a "society committed to learned and inutilious research". (The word 'inutilious' is synonymous with 'useless'.)
* The London Institute of 'Pataphysics was established in September 2000 to promote ‘pataphysics in the English-speaking world. The institute also contains a pataphysical museum and archive and organised the Anthony Hancock Paintings and Sculptures exhibition in 2002. The institute has various publications, including a journal and has six departments:
** Bureau for the Investigation of Subliminal Images