Überwald/Image Links: Difference between revisions

Convert media template into media: links
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m (Convert media template into media: links)
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* [http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfriwuQsSb1qcxmejo1_500.jpg Mountain lake in the mist]
* [http://www.marsteller.org/Image14.gif An etching of the real Castle Frankenstein]
* {{[[media|:uberwald_young-frankenstein_3007.png| The opening shot of Castle Frankenstein}}]] from ''[[Young Frankenstein]]''
* [http://littlefrog626.deviantart.com/art/Castle-Uberwald-163274582 Another spooky remote castle] by [[Deviant ART]] artist LittleFrog626
* [http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3122/2772462550_71cc667b31.jpg Nosferatu's castle]