300/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** An in-story example: "We will fight in the shade."
** Also, the movie did that to ''[[The Man Who Saves the World]]'' due to Leonidas having a very similar appearance to the main villain in that film.
** It's hard to take many previous works with phrase "[[This Is Madness|This is madness]]" seriously anymore due to the ''300'' film.
** Leonidas isn't the only [[God of War (Video Gameseries)|Spartan]] with an affinity for making gods bleed.
* [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff]]: The movie was a ''massive'' hit in Greece and cultural neighbor Cyprus, probably because it depicted Greeks as total [[Badass|badasses]].
* [[Gratuitous Special Effects]]: This movie makes heavy use of prosthetics, [[Green Screen]] and lots of CGI. The same battle was depicted in the movie ''The Three Hundred Spartans'' decades earlier with little more than fancy costumes and prop swords. The comic is comparitavely more realistic with its visuals.
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* [[Memetic Number]]: The title itself.
* [[Narm]]
* [[Older Than They Think]]: A number of lines from the movie are actually from [[HerodotusThe (Creator)Histories|Herodotus]], including "fight in the shade." The Spartan epitaph planted by the side of the road is actually still visible as a marker from the Classical period:
{{quote| Go tell the Spartans, passer by,<br />
That here, by Spartan law, we lie. }}