A Day Without a Mexican/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Anvilicious]]: About the benefits immigrants give to the U.S.
* [[So Bad ItsIt's Good]]: Basically the entire movie.
* [[Special Effect Failure]]: That weather map post-disappearance was overly crude. Yes, all the satellites were gone, but surely the new weatherman (the old one was a Mexican) had something ''other'' than magic marker to work with?
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: This may be almost imperceptible for American and foreign audiences, but not for Mexican ones: The message of the entire movie is that Mexicans inmigrants are important for the American economy. Yeah, that's OK, except that it ''conveniently ignores'' the contribution of Central and South American immigrants, and if the Mexicans disappeared from the U.S., the Central and South Americans could replace them without any problems. But, since the movie was [[Creator Provincialism|directed by Mexicans]] and Mexicans normally treat Central Americans (and sometimes, South Americans) [[No Koreans in Japan|in the same way Japanese treats Koreans in Japanese media]] it's obvious that the movie suffers from the Mexican version of [[America Saves the Day]].