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''A Tale of Two Sisters'' (aka ''Janghwa, Hongryeon'', literally 'Rose Flower, Red Lotus') is a 2003 South Korean psychological horror film by Kim Ji-woon. It is both the highest-grossing Korean horror film and the first to be screened in American theatres.
The film is inspired by a Joseon Dynasty folktale entitled ''[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Janghwa_Hongryeon_jeon:Janghwa Hongryeon jeon|Janghwa Hongryeon jeon]]'', which has been adapted to film several times. [[Foreign Remake|An American remake]] titled ''[[The Uninvited 2009 (Film)|The Uninvited]]'' was released in 2009—not to be confused with a completely different Korean horror film from 2003 also titled ''[[Film/The Uninvited 2003|The Uninvited]]'', nor the 1944 American film [[Film/The Uninvited 1944|of that name]].
The film centers around two teenage sisters, the older Su-mi and the younger Su-yeon, returning to their father Moo-hyeon's house after a stay in a mental institution following the death of their mother. They frequently clash with their new stepmother (formerly their mother's nurse), Eun-ju, who behaves in an incredibly difficult manner around them (and becomes increasingly cruel over the course of the film). Coinciding with their return home, however, are several eerie and frightening events (doors opening by themselves, bizarre apparitions, strange sounds, and terrifying nightmares, amongst other things), and it quickly becomes uncertain if these events are real, a product of the girls' disturbed mental states, or the cruel mind games played by Eun-ju. Or is it something else entirely?
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** Also, during the same scene but before Su-yeon turns up, Su-mi is happily looking through some old photographs... until she comes across one with Eun-ju in it, and ''every'' picture after that features her hovering in the background...
* [[Nightmare Sequence]]: Su-mi has a seriously creepy one involving her mother, a clearing in the woods, and blood. Then [[It Got Worse|it gets worse]].
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: Su-mi and Eun-ju have a ''brutal'' fight towards the end of the film.
* [[No Periods, Period]]: Averted. Su-mi wakes up to find blood where Su-yeon was sleeping, indicating that the latter started her period during the night. She then goes into Eun-ju's bathroom to borrow some sanitary pads. Eun-ju then comments how interesting it is that she also got her period on the same day. A short while later, Su-mi goes to the toilet, where she discovers to her surprise that she too has started her period. {{spoiler|The reason for this becomes clear at the end of the film.}}
* [[Nothing Is Scarier]]
* [[Oedipus Complex]]: {{spoiler|Following [[The Reveal]], the earlier scene where Eun-ju waits in bed for Moo-hyeon (who reluctantly puts his arm around her to get her to sleep) takes on a very different light.}} This is only a partial example, as {{spoiler|Su-mi genuinely believes herself to be Eun-ju at this point.}}
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* [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot]]: When the uncle's wife is having a fit {{spoiler|(or being possessed)}}, she pukes on the floor, before her spasms cause her to roll her face and hair in it.
* [[Wicked Stepmother]]: ''Legendary.''
* [[Wham! Episode]]: There is Wham Moment upon Wham Moment from around the halfway point onwards.
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|"Su-yeon is dead!"}}
* [[White Shirt of Death|White Dress Of Death]]: Just look at the [http://media.smashingmagazine.com/cdn_smash/images/asian-movie-posters/tale_of_two_sisters.jpg film poster].