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{{quote|''"I didn't spend six years in evil medical school to be called "mister", thank you very much."'' |'''Dr. Evil''', ''[[Austin Powers]] II'' }}
This is a school that teaches their students how to be better villains. There will be courses on mayhem, [[Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word|extortion]], use of [[Bad Powers, Bad People|powers]] for [[Good Powers, Bad People|evil]], money laundering and many other topics. Usually the school will be a strictly evil institution that is staffed entirely with [[Sadist Teacher|Sadist Teachers]] and directed by the Principal / [[Big Bad]]. Despite this rigid order much of the rules have two big caveats: [[Might Makes Right]], and the teachers won't punish cheating-- rather, they'll punish ''[[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty|getting caught]]'' because it's a sign of sloppy work.
Presumably, such a school is funded by graduates tithing back money to the principal, though he or she may get funding from parents who enroll their children because they [[In the Blood|want their kids]] to [[Legacy Character|follow their evil jackboot-steps.]]
To be fair, [[Dark Is Not Evil]], and the Academy Of Evil may just be suffering from a bad reputation. In this case it will at worst be teaching the <s>Dark</s> [[Grey and Grey Morality|Off-Grey]] [[The Dark Arts|Arts]] and fomenting [[Ambition Is Evil]] and [[Guile Hero]] in the student body. Speaking of which, expect it to have a near [[Asskicking Equals Authority|Darwinian social scene]] that makes most prisons seem like a [[Sugar Bowl]]. [[Alpha Bitch]] won't just badmouth you, she'll have her [[Girl Posse]] cut you up and sell you for parts to the [[Mad Scientist]]-in-training.
If there is a good aligned [[Wizarding School]], [[Ninja School]], or [[Super-Hero School]], expect them both to be rivals. May overlap with [[All-Ghouls School]]. This will most likely be were villains get their [[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate|Morally Ambiguous Doctorates]].
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== [[Anime]] And [[Manga]] ==
* The eponymous institution in ''[[Hollow Fields]]'' is a school for mad scientists, with courses in graverobbing, building machines of destruction, and so forth.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[Alan Moore]] did a ''[[2000 AD]]'' gag strip based on one of these for Ming-style [[Space Opera]] bad guys.
* The Praetorian Academy in ''[[PS238]]''.
* Xavier's School for Exceptionally Wayward Youth in ''X-Men Noir'' is a reform school... but Professor Xavier taught his students how to be better criminals rather than actually reforming them. He insists this was a ploy to gain their trust so they would gradually open up to him and therapy could begin in earnest. In reality, he was developing and studying them to prove his theory that sociopathy is the next stage of human behavioral evolution.
* In mainstream ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'' continuity, Emma Frost used to be headmistress of the Massachusetts Academy -- a front for the Hellfire Club that produced the Hellions, rivals to the then-Xavier Institute student body, the ''[[New Mutants]]''. When Emma had her [[Heel Face Turn]], the Massachusetts Academy became a [[Super-Hero School]], the front for ''[[Generation X]]''.
** In the more recent ''[[New Mutants]]'' title, the Hellions were another "house" within the Xavier Institute, but still kind of villain-y and rivals to the New Mutants team.
* Oft mentioned in ''[[Justice League International]]'' was the Manga Khan School of Melodrama, which taught students how to ''talk'' like a villain.
* In the [[Marvel Universe]], any institution run by [[Taskmaster]] is this - he first came to prominence running schools for henchmen of other supervillains. Later, during ''[[Dark Reign (comics)|Dark Reign]]'', he was in charge of ''The Initiative'' for a while. He's so good at what he does that the government sometimes hires him to train their operatives, including a replacement [[Captain America (comics)]].
* St. Hadrian's Finishing School for Girls in ''[[Batman]] Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes''.
* Villain Academy in ''[[Sentai School]]''.
== [[Film]] ==
* There is one implied to exist in the [[Austin Powers|Austin PowersVerse]].
* [[The Karate Kid|Cobra Kai]] is essentially a Dojo of Evil.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* Catherine Jinks's ''[[Evil Genius Trilogy]]'' sends its protagonist, the [[Sociopathic Hero]] Cadel, to the Axis Institute, which includes courses like "Poisoning" and "Forgery."
* The Higher Institute of Villainous Education, or ''[[HIVE Series|H.I.V.E.]]''
* From ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'': Durmstrang, where people are said to be taught the Dark Arts instead of fighting against them is likely this. Grindelwald, Dumbledore's arch-nemesis comes from here.
** Not quite played straight, since we do meet Durmstrang alumni who are definitely not evil and take a hard stand against evil (Viktor Krum comes to mind right away) and this isn't shown as being very odd. And even Durmstrang had to draw the line and expel Gellert Grindelwald, where a school that really played this trope straight would probably have nurtured him.
*** Given that Durmstrang is the only school we ever see in canon for children from the Nordic countries or eastern Europe, not having at least a few of them be good guys could have had some seriously unfortunate implications.
** The entirety of Hogwarts in [[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows|Book 7]] when it's being run by the Death Eaters- they change the curriculum to be all-evil, all the time.
* There is a "[ Shadow Academy]" in the ''[[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]'', as a Dark Side counterpart to the Jedi Academy.
* The Nightmoore Academy of Frank Peretti's ''[[Veritas Project]]'' series.
* ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'' has Mesana opening a lot of those during [[Crystal Spires and Togas|The age of legends]], and its pupils were ''not'' dedicated to idle cackling.
* Played with in [[Discworld]] with the Assassins' Guild School, which while it does still teach the art of assassination, is also considered a prestigious academy for gentlemen and, as of recently, ladies. Another Academy of Evil is discussed in ''[[Discworld/Sourcery|Sourcery]]'', though it may not actually exist:
{{quote|Of course, all [[Evil Vizier|Grand Viziers]] talk like that all the time. There's probably a school somewhere.}}
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* The Academy of Evil, from ''[[Crash Twinsanity]]'', a private school that literally teaches students to be evil, for the sake of being evil. The series' antagonist, Dr. Neo Cortex studied here, while his niece was thrown out and had to continue her studies at the Evil Public School.
* The Institute of Evil, Nether Academy - the setting of ''[[Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice]]''. It's literally a school in ''hell'', where demons go to learn how to be properly evil (By their [[Poke the Poodle|generally awkward]] standards). Also doubles as a [[Bizarro World]], since honor students are the ones who never attend class or do their homework, while delinquents maintain 100% attendance (even though the teachers rarely bother showing up), and give THEMSELVES homework (which they always complete) since the teachers won't. They also pick up litter. Oddly, the so-called "delinquents" are the only ones who ever get to graduate from the academy, since they run off the same standards as any other school in that regard... In fact, {{spoiler|the previously mentioned delinquents are the first ones to ever graduate, which amounts to be [[Kicked Upstairs]]. You see, the Academy's objective is to make the students remain paying the tuition for all the eternity.}}
* Scholomance in ''[[World of Warcraft]].''
* The Sith Academies on Korriban and Malachor V in ''[[Knights of the Old Republic (video game)|Knights of the Old Republic]] I'' and ''II'', respectively. The former encourages backstabbing and killing your fellow students and even teachers to gnaw your way to the top.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* Evil University in ''[[Adventurers!]]''.
* The defunct webcomic ''[ Mad About U]'' was set in a university for mad scientists.
== [[Web Original]] ==
* The [[Round Robin]] story ''[[Dark Heart High]]'' uses one as a setting.
* Deville Academy, in the [[Whateley Universe]], is a school that takes in poor, young delinquents... and turns them into the best thieves, spies, and killers on the planet. Except for those mutant supervillains.
* The [[SCP Foundation]] frequently has to deal with SCPs created by Alexylva University, a mind control-obsessed organization from an [[Alternate Universe]].
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'' had Brother Blood as headmaster of such a school.
* In ''[[Winx Club]]'' has Cloudtower opposing Alfea Academy.
* The Huntsclan Academy in ''[[American Dragon Jake Long]]'', where students are taught how to slay dragons and to be overall [[Fantastic Racism|racist]] [[Knight Templar|Knight Templars]].
* [[Phineas and Ferb|Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz]] intended to open one. He tried to drive laundromats bankrupt so he could turn them into school buildings.