Accidental Aesop: Difference between revisions

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** The same thing happens when they try to mock religion. Brian turns just about everything into an anti-theism rant, and gets openly pissed off at anybody who has any religious beliefs (mostly because [[Hypocritical Humor|religious people are intolerant]]). He is genuinely meant to be seen as the [[Only Sane Man]]. The problem is, Jesus and God are both characters in the show. Brian has met both of them. Any time Brian mocks religion, [[Flat Earth Atheist|he's blindly ignoring what's clearly right in front of him]].
*** Except for the episode that ended with Jesus himself saying all religions are "pretty much crap", but that comes off more as [[Mary Sue|the universe contorting itself to make Brian right]].
** And then there's the pro-marijuana legalization episode which, of course, uses every "stupid stoner" joke and stereotype in the book. Basically, any attempt by Seth MacFarlane and the other writers to advocate their liberal views is always going to wind up backfiring because the humor is so incredibly ''lazy''... they either don't feel like (or aren't capable of) writing more subtle and clever humor, or they think the people watching [[Viewers are Morons|are drooling idiots]] (which says something about the sort of people they think are vulnerable to their intended messages).