Action Prologue: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Lord of the Rings]]: The Fellowship of the Ring'' starts with the Battle of the Last Alliance not only because it was establishing the backstory, but because [[Peter Jackson]] felt that the movie needed an epic battle scene with armies at both sides, not just the Fellowship vs. dozens of Orcs.
* ''[[Predator]] 2'' starts off with a 'Predator-eye' view of a pitched gun battle between the LAPD and a street gang. This battle is interrupted when the Predator kills and 'cleans' the surviving gangsters.
* The [[Film of the Book]] of ''[[Narnia|The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe]]'' starts in WWII London, where German fighter pilots are conducting an air raid.
** ''Prince Caspian'' similarly starts with Caspian escaping Miraz's assassination attempt, followed by the book's original opening of the Pevensie siblings at the train station.
* ''[[Harry Potter (film)|Harry Potter]] and the Half-Blood Prince'' opens with Voldemort's Death Eaters kidnapping the wandmaker Ollivander and destroying the Millennium Bridge in London.
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** "Love & Monsters" [[Invoked Trope|invokes]] this, the narrator character pointing out the encounter with the Doctor, a Hoix and some buckets isn't the beginning, just a good hook for the audience.
** "Gridlock" begins with a couple's flying car on a motorway being attacked by an unseen menace.
** "Human Nature" starts with the Doctor and Martha being attacked by some lasers offscreen, with the Doctor mentioning something about a watch...before it turns out to be a dream.
** "Silence in the Library" has a little girl apparently experiencing an Action Prologue through her dreams, as the Doctor and Donna board themselves up in some kind of library room.
** "Planet of the Dead" starts with [[Classy Cat Burglar|Lady Christina]] stealing a precious cup from a museum and escaping.
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== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Aquapunk]]'' starts off in the middle of a small, routine, military operation that goes painfully awry. Not only do unusual numbers of enemy casualties result, but the main character, Coron, winds up realizing that something's up and starts getting ideas that shape the decide the rest of the plot.
* The ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' story arc "Phoenix Rising" (well, the Oasis half of it, anyway) begins right away with Oasis fighting a group of convenience store robbers. Things then quiet down for a while, giving us time to know the characters, before the action starts up again when {{spoiler|Nash Straw kills Lupae}}.
* ''Pibgorn'''s arcs start this way, but they're so confusing they're pretty much [[Mind Screw]] prologues. For example, the latest arc began with a [[Rapunzel Hair|Rapunzel Haired]] Pibgorn messing around with dewdrops in a meadow, with the panels interrupted by a giant rack-focused number 8 on a plain white background out of nowhere. It then switched to short-haired Pibgorn and Drucilla talking on a glacier (Rapunzel-Hair Pib is a flashback). Pib suddenly fainted then attacked Drucilla who fought back, and then the giant 8 explodes in a shower of Photoshop brushes.
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