Actor-Role Confusion: Difference between revisions

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A [[Loony Fan|reality-impaired fan]] confuses the actor with the character.
Not to be confused with [[I Am Not Shazam]], which refers to the confusion of a character with the ''title'' of a work or with the character's [[Catch Phrase]]. Also not to be confused with [[I Am Not Spock]], which refers to an actor who's unable to get any part other than the character for which he or she is known. See also [[But I Play One on TV]], which is when the same thing happens in [[Real Life]]. Contrast [[Your Costume Needs Work]]. Sometimes leads to [[Becoming the Mask]] in less cynical stories.
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== Anime and Manga ==
* In the second ''[[Sakura Taisen]]'' OAV, Kohran is mistaken by a group of kids for Shounen Red, a character she plays on a radio drama—and then attacked by the baddies-of-the-episode. The rest of the team has to come up with a way to rescue her without breaking the illusion and "shattering the children's dreams."
* In ''[[Super GalsGALS!]]'' the main children characters (Sayo & co) mistake the actor from the series of Odaiba Shark as the real character, even when they see it filmed. Every time they meet he pretends to be the character to protect their dreams.
** Said actor was written out of the show {{spoiler|for one episode}} and appeared in a kid's show as an exercise coach. Sayo believes it's by chance they look similar.
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''SW fan: "Go get'em, Han Solo!"'' }}
** Of course when [[Mark Hamill]] reminds everyone that ''he'' blew up the Death Star with his eyes closed, he's told "That was just a movie, Mr. Hamill" by the exact same Star Wars fanboy.
* Fanboy on ''[[Freakazoid!]]''. The minute he sees Mark Hamill, his delusion that he's Luke Skywalker gets turned up to 11.