Ad Astra Per Aspera: Difference between revisions

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** Vacuity Pocket RHJ2E have 2442 Earth ruled by an [[The Draka|Afrikaner slave culture]], which was promptedly exterminated by the Coalition.
** Vacuity Pocket MRITX9 have 2604 Earth [[The Matrix|in perpetual darkness and ruled by sapient machines]]. Humans are harvested for energy; however, simulations are centered around eternal torment instead of a late-20th century setting. After the machines hack into and depressurize ten Technocracy warships, Earth was nuked from orbit.
** Vacuity Pocket CA1497 have [[Ring WorldRingworld|several gigantic ringworlds]] instead of planets orbiting Sol, the product of an ancient and advanced alien civilization.
** Vacuity Pocket FR13ND541P is populated by [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|sapient pastel-colored equines]]. Coalition forces entering the dimension was infected with "[[Incorruptible Pure Pureness|Amicability Syndrome]]", which can transform even the most bloodthirsty maniacs into happy, decent human beings. The invaders unwittingly spread the disease across the galaxy when they return to trueline, causing the three powers to make peace between themselves as well as with the xenos powers. With the end of incessant warfare and the advent of a pan-galactic multispecies democracy, [[Happy Ending|the sapient lifeforms of the Milky Way would finally explore the universe together in peace]].