Additional Evil Overlord List Cellblock A: Difference between revisions

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** UNLESS [[The Ditz|there is a happy go lucky twit]] running around [[Cloudcuckoolander|barely paying attention to everything]]. [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|Those tend to be trouble.]]
* If I ''really'' want to ''guarantee'' my success in all my diabolical endeavours, I will take three steps to guarantee that the Forces Of Good will [[Villain Protagonist|cheer me on]]:
** I will only select targets who are [[Eviler Than Thou|considerably more villainous or corrupt than I am.]] This lets me battle a variety of [[Acceptable Targets]] and [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] monsters while still allowing me to get my therapeutic Evil Overlord kicks.
** I will either uphold ''[[Well-Intentioned Extremist|somewhat]]'' [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|idealistic enough tendencies]] to be considered the hero of the situation, or be [[Rule of Funny|extremely funny]] and [[Draco in Leather Pants|sexy]].
** I shall select only sympathetic, funny, and genuinely likable individuals for my lieutenants and trusted underlings.
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**** I will keep in mind that if they are in [[Doomed Hometown|a town]] the [[Kill Sat]] can bypass [[Infant Immortality]] so if they are a threat I will do this with increased range and power, [[Karmic Death]] "what dead kids" not to mention nothing says "FEAR ME" like blatantly and totally overdoing, [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|and destroying a nation to get rid of a few kids is definitely overdoing it.]]
** All children will be brought into my raising at my special orphanages. If you can't kill them, convert them.
** Screw all that. I will [[BioshockBioShock (series)|implant symbiotes in all little girls]] so that they eternally see me as their BESTEST FRIEND!!! ^_^
* I will not [[Evolutionary Levels|mess with evolution]]. It's really not worth the problems, and it never helps.
* [[Machiavelli Was Wrong|Machiavelli was a dumbass.]] [[Villain with Good Publicity|It is better to be]] [[The Power of Love|loved than feared.]]
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* No matter what its detrimental effects may be on my war machine, I will be eco-friendly. [[Omnicidal Maniac|Killing the planet]] never ends well. I may awaken ancient nature spirits who give the hero power, or set all the animals in the forest after my blood, or simply [[Gaia's Vengeance|have Mother Earth all up in my grille faster than you can say "gas-guzzling SUV"]], and no-one wants that. Instead, not only will I be environmentally friendly, I will actively seek out and befriend said nature spirits and animals, and send them after the hero.
** In fact I will cultivate rumors that specific actions designed to antagonize said spirits will weaken me, or otherwise interfere with my plans. This will prevent the spirits from giving [[The Hero]] power, and may turn them towards me to stop him.
* If I discover a species of [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race Guys]] threatened by extinction, I will not wipe out what's left of them in order to gain access to their technology and weapons. This would just prompt a [[Last of His Kind|lone survivor]] to swear [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|vengeance against me]]. Instead, I will help them unconditionally in the hopes that they will swear undying loyalty to me. If they repay this calculated kindness by proclaiming me a weakling and declaring war on me, then I will show them that I [[The Worf Effect|am stronger]] and [[Eviler Than Thou|more ruthless]] than they are. If they still refuse to follow me then I'll subjugate them with force or wipe them out. At this point it's okay to do so, because they've proven to be [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]], and [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|no one ever really cares about those]].
** I'll offer them the ability to clone their race to rebuild their kind. That'll bring loyalty.
* If I am [[Nigh Invulnerability|immune to the hero's attacks]], I will make sure that I am also immune to my own. If I cannot ensure this, I will avoid using any attack that could possibly be [[Playing Tennis With the Boss|redirected to hit me]].