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See the [[Nazi Germany]] page for the rest of the most (in)famous Nazis.
In contention for the "worst person in the world" award, as is [[Star Wars (Franchise)|Darth Vader]]. [ Here] is where you go to watch the two rap battle, and [ here] is the rematch.
Some side notes:
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* [[Hitler Cam]]
* [[Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act]] (Because too many people tried killing him, and it didn't work)
* [[Piggybacking Onon Hitler]]
* [[Springtime for Hitler]]
* [[Stupid Jetpack Hitler]] (Because [[Rule of Cool|he wanted to do it]].)
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* [[All There in the Manual]]: ''[[Doorstopper|Mein Kampf]]'' was long, boring, poorly-written... and spelled out all of Hitler's future goals in unmistakable clarity, more than a decade before he had the chance to do any of them. Unfortunately, [[Cassandra Truth|nobody paid any attention until it was too late]].
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Communism and "international Jewry", depending on his mood. Often combined the two in the guise of "Judeo-Bolshevism" for maximum fun.
* [[Asexuality]]: Some documentaries state that in the years that he was with Eva Braun, the housekeepers never saw any signs of sexual intercourse in either of their beds. Although some historians have come up with [[Armoured Closet Gay|different]] [[Depraved Homosexual|interpretations]] regarding this. Distressingly, some have also used these theories in [[Hitler Ate Sugar]] arguments against non-heterosexuals, [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|so please take care when bringing them up]]. He did once say "[[Married to Thethe Job|I am married to Germany]]." He also once said that he ''[[I Am the Trope|was]]'' Germany.
** However, he ''did'' share a passionate and very public kiss with Eva Braun when she refused to leave Berlin and chose to die at his side, which is well-attested to by multiple eyewitnesses.
* [[Ate His Gun]]: Averted. According to [[Word of Dante|Otto Günsche]], Hitler [[Boom! Headshot!|shot himself in the right temple.]]
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** Of course, unlike the stereotypical example, the man he replaced was [[General Ripper|Paul]] [[World War One|Von]] [[Imperial Germany|Hindenburg]]. who was [[Obligatory War Crime Scene|*very* far from an angel himself.]]
* [[Evil Is Cool]]: Look at those [[Evil Costume Switch|sweet trenchcoats]] the SS were sporting! Is that styling or ''what''?
{{quote| '''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]''': You're a Nazi?<br />
'''Spike''': What? Oh, no, I just ate one. }}
** And those ''amazing'' leather jackets that U-boat captains got! The [[Christopher Eccleston|Ninth]] [[Doctor Who|Doctor]] wore one because it was amazingly stylish, though he would likely object to any other connection to Nazis, especially considering their similarities to the Daleks ([[A Nazi Byby Any Other Name|who were actually based on Nazis]]).
** The clothing for the SS was made by top German clothing company [[Awesome McCoolname|Hugo Boss]], so there's a reason they looked cool despite being linked with such horrible things.
* [[Evil Is Hammy]]
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** He still did ate a small amount of meat and fish throughout [[World War Two|the 1940s]]. There is a story recollected by Gregor Strasser which tells how he refused to eat for days after Geli Raubal's death, until his fellows dragged him to a restaurant and brought him a typical South German breakfast (with ham, bacon and so on). His face turned green, he said "[[Ironic Echo|take these corpses out of my sight]]" and from that day he avoided meat wherever possible.
* [[Family Values Villain]]
* [[Fan Art]]: He drew quite a few reinterpretations of Disney characters, including [[Mickey Mouse]] and [[Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|the Seven Dwarfs]].
* [[Fascist but Inefficient]]: Prior to the war years, Hitler was apparently quite fond of waking up late, taking long walks, watching movies, and otherwise being a pretty lazy totalitarian dictator. He took the view that things tended to sort themselves out if one didn't interfere too much. After failing to knock out the Soviet Union in a single blow in 1941 he went over to the opposite side because he believed the Wehrmacht was [[Never My Fault|wholly responsible]] for failing to meet the invasion's intended goals, and resolved to micro-manage every single military operation from then on.
** His policies also made the Nazi nuclear program a complete joke. It split into at least nine different programs, each actively competing with and hindering the others. Hitler's insistence that the scientists follow proper "German Physics" also crippled any real progress since it often threw out ideologically unacceptable physics essential to the nuclear program. In hindsight, said program was more of a comedy of errors than any real threat. And, for added [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]] points, the program also sapped the already overtaxed Nazi logistics, weakening the Nazi resource base further.
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** Also, one good set of tactics does not Alexander make - Hitler was a shockingly bad strategist, and made several blunders, over the advice of more competent generals, that ultimately cost him the war. They are too many to list here - see [[General Failure]] below.
* [[For Science!]]: The excuse used for the Zyklon B experiment at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. The Nazis wanted to find out whether a substance previously used for killing rodents will work on people. In 1941 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 sick Polish prisoners were put in the gas chambers and used as guinea pigs. It worked, unfortunately -- and it worked incredibly efficiently. The victims died within 20 minutes. The Zyklon B gas was commonly used from then on in the concentration camps for exterminating what were mostly Jews.
* [[Fountain of Expies]]: Just look at the [[A Nazi Byby Any Other Name]] page.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: He had a horrible childhood. However, he did ban Freud's work.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: Certainly the one of the most most nightmarish examples ever. See the quote at the top of the page.
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** Just look at this picture. That's right people, [ Hitler was a baby too.]
** But even humans can become monsters, and this was what happened to Hitler. Any good he had was heavily outweighed by his evil.
* [[Ho Yay]]: Just look at the way [[Cloudcuckoolander|Rudolf]] [[Number Two|Hess]] gazes at him in ''[[Triumph of the Will (Film)|Triumph of the Will]]''. Perhaps it was one-sided love interest by Hess. Anyway... [[Squick]].
** Don't forget Albert Speer... at the end of the war the guy betrayed him and he spared him. There's at last one testimony that these two people had argument like some couple in crisis.
* [[I Can't Dance]]: More like he refused to because he believed it was effeminate.
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* [[Lucky Bastard]]: History's most infamous example, to the point where the term "Devil's Luck" was coined because of him.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Played straight, then subverted. For about 10 years from 1933 until late '42 Hitler was on an absolute roll, eliminating his enemies, outplaying (not to mention out-charming) foreign politicians and men of influence, digging Germany out of the shithole that is the Great Depression and building up a seemingly unstoppable war machine and achieving in a matter of months a conquest of Europe that took Napoleon several years. Some military experts regard him as a gifted amateur -- his problem was he was too aggressive and [[Tactical Withdrawal|incapable of accepting losses]], for example refusing to [[Know When to Fold'Em|yield conquered land even when it was tactically expedient to do so]]. His gigantic ego, failing mental health and his marriage to the [[Villain Ball]] came down on him later. ''Hard''.
** His policies for getting Germany out of the Great Depression were actually quite asinine. The Keynesian-style economics employed was actually the brainchild of Hjalmar Schacht, the Economics Minister, but he protested because Hitler focused too much on public works and especially military re-armament. Since both are run by the state, this meant that though unemployment was driven down the German economy wasn't actually gaining all that much capital and was set for another economic disaster a few years down the road. Conquering other countries and stealing their resources was the only way the army could pay for this. Of course, Hitler planned for war all along, so that wasn't a problem for him, but the economic imperative -- if he even understood it -- was not his reason for wanting war. In fact Hitler said on more than one occasion that he did not care about economics and considered that fact one of his strengths -- his economic policy was pretty much based around [[It Seemed Like a Good Idea At Thethe Time]].
* [[May-December Romance]]: Eva Braun, who was 23 years his junior. Allegedly, as a 28 year old German soldier in World War I, with a 16 year old French girl, Charlotte Lobjoie, which produced a son, Jean-Marie Loret. Had a short relationship with Maria Reiter in 1931, whom he had met when he was 37 and she was 16.
* [[Million Mook March]]
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* [[Beard of Evil|Moustache Of Evil]]: Unless you're doing a [[Charlie Chaplin]] cosplay [[Good Hair, Evil Hair|you'll get in trouble for using that.]]
* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]: No pun intended.
* [[Mother Russia Makes You Strong]]: Rather creepily, Hitler became a firm believer in this by the end of the war. Because the Soviets had defeated the Germans in the Great Patriotic War, his racist and Social Darwinist attitudes led him to conclude that the "eastern races" were obviously more deserving of survival, and thought they would ultimately complete world conquest after destroying the "decadent democracies of the west". It's one of the reasons he came to denounce the entire German nation, and deemed them unfit to even survive as a people – trying to effect this by [[Taking You Withwith Me|ordering the destruction of all German infrastructure and even the bare means of survival]].
* [[Name's the Same]]: There was apparently a US soldier during the time of [[World War Two]] who was also named Adolf Hitler. When asked if he was going to change his name, he replied "let the other guy change his name."
* [[Nazi Germany]]: [[Trope Maker]] and [[Trope Codifier]].
* [[Nice to Thethe Waiter]]: His secretary, Traudl Junge (while admitting that he was evil) said that he was "a pleasant boss and a fatherly friend".
* [[Non-Idle Rich]]: People usually ignore (based on his rather dull private life) that he was a very wealthy man, leaving aside the fact he held absolute mastery over the second economy in the world at the time. By some clever arrangement made by Martin Bormann and others in the late 1930s, he gained royalties for his appearance on postal stamps and for the publication of ''Mein Kampf'' (even nowadays it it sold by the tens of thousands each year, during the Reich millions of copies had been purchased both by people and the state organizations). He never used money as ordinary people do, ''at times he even lacked a wallet for money'' and someone from his entourage held ready small amounts of money if the Führer needed them to buy something (as he reduced his public appearances to the bare minimum when the war started, there were less to zero reasons for this anymore).
* [[Oedipus Complex]]: Well the rivalry against his father and the attachment to his mother (which was Hitler's warmest memory especially during his Vienna years, but unfortunately died) were what what led to his [[Freudian Excuse]].
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* [[Soldiers At the Rear]]: As outlined above, he had a cushy messenger job that kept him out of danger.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: Probably his [[World War One|war experiences]]. Maybe his childhood.
* [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]]: His views on feminism were not favourable, to say the least.
* [[Supervillain Lair]]: Hitler had nearly a dozen Führer Headquarters littered throughout the Reich and Occupied Europe. Not all were used by him and instead by Wehrmacht generals. One of the most notable is ''Wolfsschanze'', his Eastern Front headquarters. It took the Soviets until the 1950s to clear all of the mines that had been laid in the area. He also had plans for a gigantic palace when the urban redevelopment of Berlin was completed, right next to the even larger ''Volkshalle''.
* [[Surrounded Byby Idiots]]: Inverted. Most of Hitler's staff were actually quite competent. Hitler in the meantime created a convoluted chain of command that kept every branch from working in concert, with himself at its head, so that the military couldn't coordinate very well. Not to mention that he ''insisted'' that the D-Day invasion would happen at the Pas de Calais, despite many ''many'' reports that proved otherwise. He didn't do anything to try and stop the Normandy landings until after the breakout, and by then the Allies were well into France.
* [[Take Over the World]]: According to his unpublished sequel to ''Mein Kampf'' (released after the war as ''Zweites Buch'' or "Second Book"), Hitler envisioned that after [[World War II|his new war]] would be over European Russia would've been annexed to Greater Germany, and the rest of Europe subjugated to a German-Italian-British alliance. Together with Britain he then desired to initiate a final war on the United States at some indeterminate point in time.
* [[The Beard]]: Some people have alleged that Eva Braun was this and that she was kept around because [A. she reminded him of his mother and [B. to keep people from using his possible homosexuality as blackmail. Whether this is true or not is questionable.
* [[The End of the World Asas We Know It]]: In [ Winston Churchill's speech about Hitler being a "monster of wickedness"], he stated that once Hitler started his career of bloodshed, genocide and destruction, ''he could not stop''. Had he won the war, those of Jewish descent in Britain and countless other countries would be pretty much doomed. And if he did manage to completely exterminate Jews, Roma, the disabled, etc., [[It Got Worse|Hitler would probably have moved on to the Slavs and then any other groups he saw as standing in the way of total Germanic racial superiority]]. Who knows how far it could have gone?
* [[Thicker Than Water]]: His sister, Paula was interrogated by US intelligence officers after the war, where she said this about him: "The personal fate of my brother affected me very much. He was still my brother, no matter what happened. His end brought unspeakable sorrow to me, as his sister".
* [[Totalitarian Utilitarian]]
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* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Expected this from his subordinates, and in many cases got it. A notable example would be his paramour Eva Braun, who he eventually married and committed suicide with in 1945.
* [[The Un-Smile]]: During his last years.
* [[Villain Ball]]/[[This Is Your Brain Onon Evil]]: Opening a new war front with the Soviet Union before being done in the west is usually seen as an example of this.
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]: In Germany, before it all came crumbling down. Many people tend to forget he was legally appointed and enjoyed popular support (albeit backed up from the start with threats of violence toward those who didn't support him), which only makes him ''more'' scary in retrospect. Quite a few historians have said that if Hitler had kicked the bucket around 1935-1938, he would have been remembered as one of the greatest of all German Chancellors, on par with Bismarck. He would have lost some points over antisemitism, [[Values Dissonance|but at that time it was not really all that out of place]].
** So in other words, if Hitler hadn't started a global war, destroyed or tried to destroy whole nations, been responsible for the direct or indirect deaths of dozens of millions of innocent people, and after all that, let his country be ground into the dirt by invaders largely because of his own incompetence, historians might not have treated him so badly? After all, everybody makes a few mistakes you know.
*** [[Cyclic Trope]]: roughly from 1998 to about 2003, as the atrocities of the [[Dirty Communists|Soviet Union and Communism]] were unearthed one by one, the image of the Reich and its maker was a bit more sympathetic, after all he was [[Enemy Mine|the only political leader of a strong country who could be relied on to oppose everything Communist till the end, literally]]. Afterwards things [[It Got Worse|turned back]] and the Communists were again the lesser evil.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: [[Downfall (Filmfilm)|His final days in the Führerbunker mostly involved him ranting and raving at absolutely everyone and directing armies that existed only in his head]].
** There exists a film of him just a few days before his death, and when one compares a photograph of him from 1940, he looks about 25 years older; he has a sort of hunch to his back, as if he suffered from osteoporosis, his face was pale and wrinkled-looking, his hands shook, and his walking was a sort of slow shuffle, as if he was very physically weak, and he basically looked half dead already.
** The fact [[Mad Doctor|Dr. Theodor Morell]] had doused him for 5 years almost continuously with dozens of mostly useless drugs which ranged from cocaine to meth compounds didn't help him to get healthy either.
** Arguably his [[Villainous Breakdown]] began in the winter of 1941-42, as his army starved and froze in Russia, and just got worse from there. Joseph Goebbels' diary describes how he developed severe chionophobia (fear of snow) after that event, though he seems to have suppressed it.
* [[Villain Byby Default]]: Name ''one'' non-White Supremacist work made after 1945 which portrays him as a hero unironically. We'll wait.
* [[Visionary Villain]]: As horrific as it was, he did have a vaguely coherent plan for restoring Germany's former great prestige and power, and did achieve quite a lot domestically before the inevitable defeat.
* [[We ARE Struggling Together!]]: There were actually a number of factions in Germany who were trying to assassinate or depose Hitler for various reasons, even if it was only because they were afraid Hitler's war efforts would lead the country to ruin. Unfortunately, they were working at cross purposes and Hitler outmaneuvered them all.
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** [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain|Hitler's catastrophic invasion of Russia during one of the coldest winters ever is generally viewed not only as an incredibly stupid move both militarily and politically, but as a turning point for the entire European theater of the war]]. It not only diverted a huge amount of resources and men to a front that, prior to that time, had been of no concern, but much worse for Hitler, it turned the war into a two-front fight which Germany could never have hoped to win.
** Oh heck, at least that has ''some'' tidbits of rationality as Russia was a danger and Hitler wasn't going to conquer Britain anytime soon because [[You Should Know This Already|the Royal Navy might object]]. What about just declaring war upon America out of the blue for no other reason then that he was absurdly pleased with the Japanese for Pearl Harbor -- even though he couldn't possibly do any lasting damage beyond a few weeks of torpedoing merchantmen?
** "[[The Princess Bride (Filmfilm)|Never get involved in a land war in Asia!]]"
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Poster child.
* [[You Are a Credit Toto Your Race]]: Used the trope early in his life. His mother, to whom he was devoted, was dying of breast cancer when Hitler was still a teenager. Struggling financially, he begged her incidentally Jewish-Austrian doctor to help his mother, who then did most of the medical examinations and assistance for reduced prices or pro bono. Although his mother did die, he granted the doctor eternal gratitude, describing him as an ''Ehrenjude'' ("noble Jew"). It's a historiographically contested issue whether Hitler had already decided on exterminating the Jews at this point in his life, but by that time he had already been violently hostile towards them in general for several years<ref> He had written in ''Mein Kampf'' he held sympathy for the integrated Austrian Jews of his childhood, but traditional Jews he met in Vienna horrified him to the point of nightmare.</ref>. When the Nazis' persecution of the Austrian Jews began in 1938, he placed the doctor under SS protection and allowed him to emigrate from Germany after Bloch contacted him. This ability to allow for exceptions to his violent racism only serves to make him an even ''bigger'' bigot.
* [[You Are What You Hate]]: Hitler might have had Jewish ancestry.
** While the above is controversial, it is well-documented that [[wikipedia:Emil Maurice|Emil Maurice]], a prominent Nazi, had a Jewish great-grandfather. Hitler insisted that he and his family be declared [[wikipedia:Honorary Aryan|Honorary Aryans]].
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** The ''[[Irregular Webcomic]]'' example of the Hitler's brain subtrope comes from the fact that [[LEGO]] don't do a Hitler figure, but ''do'' do a brain in a jar.
* ''[[Little Nicky]]'': Hitler, quite aptly in Hell, appears briefly in a French Maid's outfit and getting a pineapple forced in his ass.
* ''[[The Boys Fromfrom Brazil]]'' by Ira Levin. Hitler is not directly a character in the book, but {{spoiler|his surviving followers, Dr. Mengele among them, have cloned Hitler, placed the boys referred in the title in various families with a husband much older than his wife, as in real Hitler's family. And to finish it off, they plan to kill the surrogate fathers while the Hitler-clones are still young.}} {{spoiler|In a [[Twist Ending]], it appears that it succeeds with the last clone.}}
* ''[[The Iron Dream (Literature)|The Iron Dream]]'' by Norman Spinrad, [[Framing Device|presented as]] a novel written by [[Science Fiction]] writer Hitler, in a [[Alternate History|different world than ours]]. Intended as a satire of crypto-fascist [[Speculative Fiction]], but apparently [[Misaimed Fandom|the American Nazi Party didn't get the joke and put it on their recommended reading list]].
* In "Timeslides", an episode of the third season of ''[[Red Dwarf (TV)|Red Dwarf]]'', the crew discover ''[[Time Travel]]'' via entering pictures or film. Holly digs up footage from Nuremberg and Lister enters standing next to Hitler. The episode's credits feature the line "Special Guest Star: Adolf Hitler [[Character Asas Himself|as himself]]".
* "Master D" and "The Badds" in the NES game ''[[Bionic Commando (Video Game)|Bionic Commando]]'' were really Hitler and the Nazis [[No Swastikas|with the swastikas painted over]], due to clumsy [[Bowdlerise|Bowdlerization]] of the Japanese release, called ''Top Secret: The Resurrection of Hitler''.
** Not only does he cuss at you in an NES game, but you {{spoiler|[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|get to blow up his head, in one of the greatest video game moments of all-time.]]}}
* Hitler is ubiquitous in American comic books as the number-one villain of [[The Golden Age of Comic Books]].
** In [[The DCU]], Hitler supposedly got hold of the Spear of Destiny (the lance that pierced Christ on the cross), which gave him power over any superhuman who set foot in the Nazi sphere of influence; this was used as an in-universe explanation for why the [[Justice Society of America]] didn't simply march into Berlin and have the Spectre turn him into a bug and step on him. Granted, they -tried-, but one foot onto Axis territory and the heroes become just regular joes.
** In the [[Marvel Universe]], Hitler got punched out by [[Captain America]]. He was also cloned and came back as "the Hate-Monger", a supervillain dressed in a purple KKK outfit, before being [[Killed Off for Real]]. He was also shown explicitly as the Red Skull's benefactor -- [[Even Evil Has Standards|something that makes the Red Skull really unpopular with the rest of the supervillain community]].
** Also, Hitler didn't die by his own hand, but was instead [[Kill It Withwith Fire|burned alive]] by the Human Torch and his sidekick Toro. Hardly [[Inglorious Basterds]], but it works.
** In ''[[Hellboy (Comic Bookcomics)|Hellboy]]'', Hitler was Rasputin's benefactor (and thus indirectly responsible for "Project Ragna Rok", which brought Hellboy to Earth), but otherwise history went the same as in our world for him. In [[The Movie]], on the other hand, it's noted that he faked his death and waged [[The Masquerade|an invisible war]] against American supernatural agents until being killed in the 1950s.
** Not quite, in the comics Hitler does fake his death only to battle Hellboy sometime after the war. While Hitler's body was destroyed in the fight, his head was left intact and found by Nazi loyalists who managed to save Hitler's brain like in the eponymous film. {{spoiler|In a twist, his brain is placed in a jar, mounted on the body of an ape and gains [[Psychic Powers]], and would go on to become [[The Savage Dragon]] villain, Brainiape (Hitler's brain also gained the ability to survive without a body and move about on it's own, for some reason).}}
** They cloned Hitler in the [[DC Comics]] as well. Early issues of ''Outsiders''. Only thing is, they got a really young version, one who still had his morals. Once he figured out what the heck happened, he killed himself.
** And he was cloned - ''[[Up to Eleven|twice]]'' - in the abysmal [[Elseworlds]] story ''[[Superman At Earths End]]''.
** The reason Hitler was used as a villain so often in Golden Age comics is because the comics industry in the 1930's and 1940's was one of the few illustrating jobs available to Jews, so many of the first comics writers were first or second generation American Jews with family still in Europe.
* The 2004 German film ''Der Untergang'' / ''[[Downfall (Filmfilm)|Downfall]]'' is remarkable for depicting Hitler during his final days as a human being instead of a scarecrow. It took some flak for the possibility of inspiring neo-Nazis by portraying him too sympathetically and daring to show him [[Pet the Dog|having a measure of compassion for his secretary and underfellows]]. This seems to have been avoided, as a realistically depicted Führerbunker!Hitler is still a failed human being by all accounts.
* In ''[[Persona 2|Persona 2: Innocent Sin]]'', someone starts a rumour that [[Ghostapo|Hitler has been resurrected with demonic powers]] and is leading a Nazi comeback. Shame that this has to happen at a time when [[All Myths Are True|rumours are becoming reality]]. The highlight of the storyline is an actual boss battle against the man himself.
* You also fight Hitler in the Xbox 360 tactical RPG ''[[Operation Darkness]]''.
* ''[[Heil Honey I'm Home (TV)!|Heil Honey I'm Home]]'', a sitcom which portrayed Hitler and Eva Braun living next door to a Jewish couple. It lasted only one episode.
* Under the name "The Dictator," Hitler appeared in the twelfth ''[[Dragonball Z]]'' [[The Movie|movie]], ''Fusion Reborn''. When the gates of Hell open, Hitler (and the entire Nazi army) escapes alongside numerous prior villains of the series. Goten and Trunks make quick work of him, especially when they become Super Saiyan.
{{quote| '''Hitler''': Blond hair? Blue eyes? Super strength? I should be ''recruiting'' them!}}
* During World War II Hitler was mocked repeatedly in several [[Looney Tunes]] shorts, most notably ''Russian Rhapsody'' in which his plane is hijacked by gremlins.
* ''[[Wolfenstein 3D (Video Game)|Wolfenstein 3D]]'' and its sequels, obviously. All of them featured Nazis, and part 3 of the original had [[Authority Equals Asskicking|Hitler himself as the]] [[Final Boss]].
* ''[[wikipedia:The New Adventures of Hitler|The New Adventures of Hitler]]'' is a comic written by [[Grant Morrison]] about Hitler briefly living in Liverpool with his Half-Brother.
* In the Archie-published ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures (Comic Book)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures]]'' comic book, Hitler's brain is used by villain Armaggon in order to power a time machine. In a latter arc, the brain is revealed to be capable of independent function, and it activates the time machine in order to travel to the tail end of World War II, where he teams up with...Adolf Hitler. After the turtles arrive to retrieve the brain, Raphael punches out Hitler Classic while saying "This small gesture is for the millions, perv... For the millions!" Afterwards, as the turtles are preparing to leave, Hitler holds them at gunpoint, accusing them of being demons, and leading to the following conversation:
{{quote| '''Leonardo''': Welcome to hell.<br />
'''Hitler''': Ja... You, demons, do not speak German? You speak English like the Americans...? So, the subtleties of hell are laced with irony. No matter. have come for my soul, ja?<br />
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'''Hitler's gun''': BLAM }}
* In the alternate [[Magitek]] universe novel ''Operation Chaos'', the protagonists are in Hell and at a loss to understand the identity of a mustached man with a strange armband who speaks with a strong German accent, and why the most powerful demons tremble at sight of him, or why he uses the "ancient and honorable symbol of the fylfot (swastika)". Their alternate history never had a Nazi Germany.
* [[Invasion of the Neptune Men|"They took out the Hitler building!]] [[Mystery Science Theater 3000 (TV)|Where's everyone going to go to see Hitler memorabilia?"]]
* When ''[[Histeria (Animation)|Histeria]]'' did an episode about World War II, they of course had Hitler as the villain in it. He looked like [[Satan]] and [[Hey, It's That Voice!|sounded like]] [[Inspector Gadget|Dr. Claw]].
* ''[[The Simpsons (Animationanimation)|The Simpsons]]''. Bart wrecked Hitler's car. Cue Nelson's question "What did he ever do to you?"
** It was also implied (in the episode Bart makes a crank phone call to Australia) that Hitler is living in Argentina.
** Other episodes showed Hitler in Abe Simpson's flashbacks of WWII.
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** {{spoiler|Remarkably, he ''does'' get assassinated. Mostly through sheer luck, a turncoat officer, and a vengeful disguised French Jew with assassination on her mind as well.}}
* ''[[Captain Planet]]''. Never named and with a less distinctive moustache in 'A Good Bomb Is Hard To Find', in which two of the supervillains travelled back in time to sell the Nazis atomic weapons. He apparently was filled with so much hate that he could hurt Captain Planet ''just by staring at him''. Talk about strong mojo...
* In ''[[Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (Film)|Indiana Jones and Thethe Last Crusade]]'', Indy and his father infiltrate a Nazi book-burning rally in order to recover the father's stolen diary. Indy does get it, but is accidentally shoved before Hitler himself, who autographs the book.
* Naturally he appears a lot in the [[Alternate History]] of [[Harry Turtledove]]:
** In ''Worldwar'', Hitler leads Germany through the expanded [[WW 2]] as the aliens invade, and is succeeded by Himmler upon his death.
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** ''In the Presence of Mine Enemies'' had him win the war, though through unspecified means. The United States was never involved in the original conflict, allowing Nazi Germany to grow stronger and obtain nuclear weapons -- which were used against the United States in a crippling surprise attack a decade later.
** The short story ''Ready for the Fatherland'' is about General Manstein assassinating Hitler in 1943 in the heat of the moment (after Hitler refused to allow him to retreat from the Soviets in order to set up an encircling attack). Manstein takes over Germany and forces a stalemate peace resulting in a four-way cold war.
* Appears in the ''[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]'' Megamorph #3 (involving a great deal of time travel) as a lowly jeep driver during D-Day. The Animorphs discuss killing Hitler, but are unable to resolve the moral issue of killing a man who -- in that time line -- was innocent.
* In the short story "Southern Strategy" by Michael F. Flynn, in which Germany won [[WW 1]], Hitler has become a major political leader in Germany, and has gained massive support for his cause through his speaking skills and charismatic personality. His cause is the furthering of animal rights and the banning of tobacco.
* ''[[CSA: Confederate States of America]]'': The Confederecy is an Axis power, but Hitler is unable to reach an agreement on whether or not to go through with the final solution or keep its victims alive as slave labor.
* ''[[wikipedia:The Castle in the Forest|The Castle In The Forest]]'' by Norman Mailer presented Hitler's origins with a heavy dose of [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: A brother rapes his sister; in time he then rapes ''their daughter'', and the product of ''that'' union is Hitler. It gets worse from there.
* Hitler's dog Blondi is a [[Historical In-Joke]] in ''[[Pet Shop of Horrors]]'' {{spoiler|He's actually a Kirin, a magical animal that gurantees victory, in the form of an exceptionally handsome German Shepherd. Unfortunately for Hitler and the Nazis he can also be very fickle.}}
* A dystopian [[Alternate History]] Europe where Hitler won the war is the premise of Brad Linaweaver's novel ''Moon Of Ice.''
* ''[[Assassin's Creed II (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed II]]'' posits that Hitler was {{spoiler|one of [[The Knights Templar]], and conspired with FDR, Stalin and Churchill to start World War II to establish a New World Order to [[Take Over the World]] for the Templars.}} And it would have worked, too, if it weren't for those meddling Assassins! {{spoiler|Hitler killed a body double inside the Führerbunker, only to be ambushed and killed by an Assassin who'd been waiting outside for him to make his escape attempt.}}
* Naturally appears a lot in the various works on [[Alternate History Dot Com]]:
** In ''[[A Greater Britain]]'', after the Anschluss is contested by Austria and Hitler's bluff is called, war comes before Germany is ready and it does not go well. He gets assassinated in a military coup in 1938.
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* The core of Len Deighton's novel 'XPD' is the conceit that Hitler and Churchill had a conference to negotiate a cease-fire in France in 1940. This secret can not be allowed to spoil the history as agreed upon, so we get a settling of old scores in a thinly-disguised James Bond-ish romp through Europe, London and Hollywood.
* The insanely controversial novel [[wikipedia:The Portage to San Cristobal of AH|The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H.]] In this novel Hitler escapes to South America, grows old and is finally captured and put on an impromptu trial in the jungle by Jewish Nazi Hunters. What made it controversial is Hitler's speech which he gives in his own behalf, claiming (among other things) that he is the Messiah and should be honored as he lead to the creation of Israel. Incidentally the author, George Steiner, is a British Jew whose parents had escaped Nazism.
* A one-off joke in ''[[Ansem Retort (Webcomic)|Ansem Retort]]'' explains Hitler's anti-Semitism...well...
{{quote| '''DiZ''': You turned into a rabbi and laughed at Hitler's paintings. YOU FUCKED UP PRETTY BADLY!}}
* The comic book ''[[Fallen Angel (Comic Bookcomics)|Fallen Angel]]'' features Dolf, the German-speaking bartender and proprietor of Furor's, the bar in which Liandra, the eponymous fallen angel hangs out. He is revealed to be a racist. He introduces himself thusly:
{{quote| "I've been a painter, a writer...dabbled in politics. Made some enemies."}}
** He is also presented as being one of the [[Refuge in Audacity|good guys]] [[Crapsack World|within the story]], and is probably Liandra's only friend.
* Numerous appearances in ''[[Family Guy]]''. [[Freudian Excuse|Hitler's anti-Semitism was caused by jealousy]] over a Jewish bodybuilder who attracted all the women.
* ''[[The Legend of Koizumi]]''. {{spoiler|SUPER ARYAN HITLER!}}.
* ''[[The Man in Thethe High Castle]]'' is a 'Nazis won [[WW 2]]' [[Alternate History]] with a difference: in 1962, the Nazis have thrown Hitler in a lunatic asylum, and part of the horror of the [[Crapsack World]] is that even the Nazis now realise that their empire was built on insanity, but no-one dares to confront it.
* In the fantasy webcomic [[Supernormal Step]], Hitler was [[Acceptable Targets|a little green gremlin]].
* Hitler had recurring appearances in ''[[Robot Chicken]]''.
* In [[Robert Ludlum]]'s ''Apocalypse Watch'' novel, Hitler was still alive by 1995 [judging by the publishing of the book, and is the head of the neo-Nazi movement the protagonists had to deal with.
* In ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia (Manga)|Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' [[Captain Obvious|Hitler is Germany's boss.]] [[The Faceless|We only see his back, though.]]
* In the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band's "The Intro and the Outro," the lyrics say that Hitler plays the vibes on the song. He really doesn't; this was a joke on the part of the band.
* Appears in Herman Wouk's [[The Winds of War and War Andand Remembrance|''The Winds of War'' and ''War and Rememberence'']] epic. He is shown giving speeches, and Victor Henry meets him at least once.
* There's a doujin called ''Mein Kampf'' out now.
* Hitler is in the 2011 ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "Let's Kill Hitler," where he is actually not the most evil villain, and in fact spends most of the episode [[That Came Out Wrong|in the closet]].
* In one story included in ''Pet Shop of Horrors: Tokyo'', We find out that Count D's grandfather (who was mentioned in ''[[Pet Shop of Horrors]]'' as having sold a rather creepy teddy bear to a Jewish girl in Germany during the Holocaust) met and became friends with Eva Braun. He gives her a pet that will grant her her greatest desire, which is a golden kirin that Eva and Hitler both see as a blue-eyed, blond-haired boy that they name Blondi. [[It Got Worse|This gives Hitler the idea to kick-start the Aryan race thing]]. At the end of the story, when Eva accepts Hitler's marriage proposal, the kirin narrates that "Eva Braun got her wish. She was the devil's wife...for three days."
* In [[The Movie]] to [[Fullmetal Alchemist (Animeanime)|the 2003 anime version of]] ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (Mangamanga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', Hitler makes a few appearances and apparently is the one behind the invasion of Amestris.
* Hitler battles Darth Vader in ''[[Epic Rap Battles of History]]''.