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* Riku from ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' was extremely perceptive and insightful at five years old, able to immediately spot an off-worlder and give Sora outstanding advice about a complicated issue.
* Bugsy from [[Pokémon]], one of the youngest Gym Leaders in the series, but also one very dedicated researcher. And while he's always deep into his research (bug Pokemon in the game, ruins in the manga), he sometimes shows a very child-like enthusiasm about what he likes. It also adds to his charm that he's [[Viewer Gender Confusion|often confused for a girl]].
* Another adorable and confusing nerd is Rief from ''[[Golden Sun: Dark Dawn]]''. While his age is ambiguous, his appearance, [[Voice Grunting|voice squeaks]], and behavior all suggest that he is on the young side of ''Golden Sun'''s traditional [[Kid Hero|Kid Heroes]].
** Though [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character|she didn't get much screentime or character development]], [[Token Mini-Moe|Himi]] probably also qualifies due to her precognitive powers giving her a wealth of knowledge to draw from, and she's expressly described as "not much older" than the little kids playing in her hometown.
** Thirty years prior to them in ''[[Golden Sun]]: The Lost Age'', Eoleo was a [[Adorkable|dorky-looking]] toddler too young to talk, but not too young to fake crying to throw off attention, experiment with his new Psynergy powers, ''break his father out of prison'', and reason that Felix can solve the traps in Treasure Island that had the pirates stumped. And when addressed telepathically through Mind Read, he had a perplexing case of [[Little Professor Dialogue]].