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This is ''[ Aeon Entelechy Evangelion]''. And odds are, it's not going to end well.
[[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]], mankind stumbles across knowledge of [[HPH.P. Lovecraft (Creator)|the Mythos]], as the flaws in the old scientific models become evident. [[Magic Versus Science|The scientific method]] is promptly applied, and things turn out pretty well, with sorcery-as-a-science and reactionless engines transforming all aspects of our culture. Sounds nice?
[[It Got Worse]].
It is now 2091. Space is controlled by the [[Starfish Aliens|Migou]], who are trying to [[Bug War|stomp]] mankind back into the Stone Age without waking up anything else that lives on Earth. The [[Half -Human Hybrid|Esoteric Order]] of [[Fish People|Dagon]] are trying to wake Cthulhu. A large percentage of Asia has become weirdly merged with Leng, where the Dead God, Hastur, resides, and there is a [[Black and Grey Morality|subtle war]] going between two sides of [[Humanoid Abomination|Humanoid Abominations]] and one side of [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]] inside the territory controlled by the [[One World Order|New Earth Government]].
But, don't worry! [[Manipulative Bastard|Gendo Ikari]], a senior figure in the Ashcroft Foundation (the world's largest [[Mega Corp]]) will save us from the monstrous, god-like threats called Harbingers (named after [[Mythology Gag|Canaanite deities]]) which are attacking on top of all of this. Apparently, he has some kind of [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|secret weapon.]]
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* [[Alike and Antithetical Adversaries]]: The non-human sides are debatable, but the NEG-led humanity is heterogenous. This is something the NEG is trying to change to a homogeneous society through various social programs so that they could get rid of various things that lead to internal conflicts.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: As usual, extra information can be found at the [ AEE thread 1] and [ AEE thread 2] on ''[ A Strangely Eclipsed Aeon]'', The ''[[Cthulhu Tech]]'' mod (well, ''AEE '' mod, see below) for the ''[[Eclipse Phase]]'' by the author also has some information.
* [[Alternate History]]: At the start of Chapter 1, there is an excerpt from ''[[HPH.P. Lovecraft (Creator)|The Shadow Out of Time]]'', which makes it clear that both the Elder Thing city in Antarctica and the Yithian city in Australia were historically discovered in the 1930s, putting the point of divergence quite a bit before now.
** [[Word of God]] states that the discovery of the Elder Thing City shifted American interests out of isolationism; thus, the USA joined the League of Nations. Also, due to various political and military circumstances, the USA-Japanese war is considered almost completely separate from Europe's World War II; thus, the USA did not fight against Hitler until late 1942. This allowed him to use more resources against the USSR, prolonging the war to 1946, and Western allies nuked Berlin to prevent the Soviets from capturing it, thus making the foundations for two completly separate cities, Westberlin and Ostberlin.
** [[Tropers/Earth Scorpion|Earth Scorpion]] has referred to a complete timeline of [[Alternate History]], but it has not yet been released.
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** To be fair, the souls don't ''mean'' anything, if you're [[Eldritch Abomination|baseline human]]. ''Homo sapiens'' don't use them, and they don't convey any kind of immortality. For many of the NEG's opponents, though...
* [[Blessed With Suck]]: The Sorcerers have the highest rates of cancer, and their children have a very high chance to get massive outsider taint.
* [[Bond One -Liner]]: ''Just doing my job.''
* [[Brain Uploading]]: [[Word of God]] says that Elite Loyalist Nazzadi (and probably the Migou themselves) got ''[[Eclipse Phase]]''-style backups.
* [[Breather Episode]]:
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** The NEG-Migou conflict is the main example of this, although this trope is partially inverted, because the Migou are the more technologically advanced, intelligent, tool-users, and in fact have very little in common with traditional sci-fi "bugs" apart from their appearance.
** The fight against the hatchlings of Harbinger-4, Eshmun, was a more conventional example of this trope, given that they were a bit insect-like, a bit squid-like, a bit crab-like, and had [[Combat Tentacles]].
* [[Buffy -Speak]]: Sometimes, with [[Firefly (TV)|Simon]] (the temporary therapist assigned to Shinji) being the most blatant example.
* [[Cats Are Magic]]: See below and [[Evil -Detecting Dog]].
* [[Cats Are Mean]]: Cats, as in the works of [[HPH.P. Lovecraft (Creator)|HP Lovecraft]], are intelligent and don't really like humans. Much of this comes from the fact that they are now their pets, when in the past the humans were basically servitors with the task to take care of the cats' bodies, which the cats considered to be useless, since they spent almost all their time soul-surfing in the Dreamlands doing things incomprehensible to human minds. Then the Dreamlands were eaten, and now suddenly they are mere pets to former servants, while others had [[And I Must Scream|worse fates]]. Oh, and their eyes are used for security systems.
* [[Cannon Fodder]] / [[Redshirt Army]]: For the most part the NEG Military is this as far as both the Evangelion Project and the Harbingers are concerned.
* [[Cast From Hit Points]]: This is the side-effect of using sorcery, since it's like forcefully using the machine (human body and mind) for something that it was not designed for.
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* [[Chunky Salsa Rule]]: The Babylon Hypervelocity Rifle simply shreds the lesser Eshmun spawns.
* [[The City Narrows]]: The Old London underground. The logistical and security nightmare that is a post-Harbinger battle cleanup certainly helps for those who wish to remain hidden.
* [[Clipped -Wing Angel]]: [[One -Winged Angel]] Mot, while still powerful, is structurally unstable and sacrificed its attack range for regeneration, which NEG uses to further delay it from reaching London-2.
* [[Cloning Blues]]: When each of the main fusion series has this as one of the important plot devices...well, of course this is going to feature. However, unlike canon ''Cthulhu Tech'', the Migou continued to make Nazzadi soldiers even after the defection, as reinforcements (and replacements) for the Loyalists, at least according to NEG Intelligence. (Because, really, how else could they produce that many soldiers?)
* [[Collateral Angst]]: Toja's angst about failing to protect his sister is the main focus of that subplot, while his sister herself is rarely featured.
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* [[Doorstopper]]: There are young-adult novels shorter than chapter 1 of ''AEE''. Chapter 2 was longer. Chapter 5 was ''longer''.
* [[Divided We Fall]]: The Ashcroft Foundation and the military have a little bit of internal conflict when it comes to Harbingers.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Maya getting overloaded with data.
* [[Don't Answer That]]: The Investigators tried to question Shinji, who is assumed to be a prime target of those infiltrators in the airport, but he had a high-level lawyer do the talking for him.
* [[Dramatization]]: The in-universe movie about the Migou "First Strike" on Antarctica.
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* [[Emergency Broadcast]]: Broadcasted in English and Nazzadi languages.
* [[Epigraph]]: Every chapter starts with one. Some of the quotes have been appropriated from real-life sources, while others are thinly veiled [[Info Dump|Infodumps]].
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Penguins]]: This Pen-Pen is a Antarctican Urbanised Albino Emperor Penguin, which means that he's descended from the giant albino penguins in ''At the Mountains of Madness'', resident in the Elder Thing city.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Rainbows]]: Except they are either colorless or of colour out of space.
* [[Everyone Is Right Handed]]: [[Word of God]] says that Nazzadi are primarily left-handed, since that part of human base was basically flipped by the Migou.
* [[Everything Is Online]]: Averted. Since the Migou are the masters of hacking, the Grid is heavily protected, segmented into regional parts, and contact between them is allowed only at specific times through specific heavily monitored channels.
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** {{spoiler|Yam brought a sizable chunk of alien ocean with it, enough to flood the whole of Chicago-2. Said flood is extremely cold, enough to kill instantly anything unprotected.}}
* [[Evil Detecting Baby]]: Infants are particularly sensitive to anything strange. There is a much better alternative in...
* [[Evil -Detecting Dog|Evil Detecting Cats]]: Cats are noted to be sensitive to anything abnormal, so they are used as detectors for that kind of thing, and are incorporated into the CATSEYE security system.
* [[Evil Tower of Ominousness]]:
** Gendo has one. In fact, he practices sorcery in a tower, which looks over a city, which is in a hidden cavern underneath another city composed largely of [[Pyramid Power|pyramidal]] arcologies. That man has serious style.
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* [[The Federation]]: The New Earth Government, of which the political branches are currently infighting on [[Sliding Scale of Libertarianism and Authoritarianism|the subject of regional autonomy and/or centralization]].
* [[Fictional Document]]: Excerpts used as epigraphs for chapters and the diary from Chapter 14.
* [[Firing One -Handed]]: Subverted, as firing the Eva-scale Babylon rifle one-handed is a sure way to damage the Eva's arm, and hurt your own hand (and slap yourself in the face). Then again, one of Unit 01's arms was already crippled, so he didn't have much choice.
* [[Fish Out of Temporal Water]]: The German's experience with the Dream future.
* [[Fiery Coverup]]: Asherah and the NEGA pretty much destroyed most of the clues and evidence of the unidentified agents in the airport by fighting each other (well, the former pwning the latter to be more accurate).
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* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Really quite common, in the form of:
** [[Lemony Narrator]]
* [[Law of Inverse Recoil]]: Averted, and the [[Firing One -Handed]] example below is one of the reasons why.
* [[LaymansLayman's Terms]]: Common, both in narration and by characters, usually Misato telling Ritsuko to repeat something, only in human language (figuratively).
* [[Lego Genetics]]: Averted. Gene fixing is a very complicated process with its own share of problems, like a genetically-enhanced math genius being unable to recognize faces, including her own in the mirror.
* [[Les Collaborateurs]]: The Migou "cultists", who work for the Migou out of their own will. They're dangerous because, by and large, they're ''not'' cultists in the Lovecraftian sense. They may be fanatically devoted to the Migou, but within that frame of reference, their actions are fully sane.
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* [[Nuclear Option]]: Arcanochromatic nukes. Not used because of the risk of possible Migou response with strategic orbital bombardment. Conventional nukes are fair play, though, as the...
* [[Nuclear Weapons Taboo]]: thoroughly, thoroughly averted from the source material. Although the nuclear weapons used aren't (always) conventional ones, that's just because the use of [[Minovsky Physics|variant r-state electrons]] (which act like muons) make the reaction easier to achieve, to the extent that ''tanks'' can fire small nukes. Which leads to...
* [[Nuke 'Em]] : a standard response. Harbinger-5, Mot, is hit by a 12 megatonne pure fusion device, to soften it up, before the Evas and the Navy attack from long range. {{spoiler|It doesn't go as planned.}}
** Nuclear weapons are then used against it ''again'', {{spoiler|in the form of a nuclear warhead mounted inside Unit-01's chest, with spacetimed warped so that all directions point away from the Eva. For once, it actually works}}.
* [[One Side of the Story]]: After reviewing the Harbinger-4 battle, Asuka criticizes Shinji's dismal performance under the assumption that he also had at least had 8 years of training.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted. Shinji's foster little sister is named Hikary. Considering the number of people named either Hikari/y or Horaki in ''ANE'', [[Tropers/Earth Scorpion|Earth Scorpion]] is probably doing it on purpose.
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: Mot, going from the equivalent of Series!Ramiel to Rebuild!Ramiel.
* [[One World Order]]: [[Word of God]] says that the NEG (or at least the Unionist, rather than Federalist parts of it) is trying to systematically, and slowly, lessen the difference between the the former nations that make it up, with the goal of both sanitising the culture of harmful (like, say, Cthulhu-worshipping) influences, and preventing internal division which might weaken it. The NEG has explicitly been called a [[Stephen Baxter|proto-Interim Coalition of Mankind]], which is to say, like a secular, efficent [[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)|Imperium of Man]].
* [[The Only One]]: Averted, everybody who are expected to be competent at their jobs will be competent. There is a little of this trope with Asuka, who feels that most of the higher ups are compromising her piloting, though she knows better.
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* [[Operation Blank]]:
** Operation Xerxes, a [[More Dakka]] plan against Harbinger-4.
** Operation Ankou, [[Nuke 'Em]] plan against Harbinger-5.
* [[Our Gods Are Greater]]: Now renamed to Harbingers, with the term Herald being a supercategory for the former.
* [[Our Souls Are Different]]: For humans and their derivatives (or, at least, ''baseline'' humans), souls are useless evolutionary baggage that come from being Shoggoth-descended. That's an anomaly; most creatures, like the Migou, use their souls (which is to say, [[Doing in The Wizard|higher dimensional parts of their body]]) to think. Shoggoths are meant to, but Earth-life is broken, and, against design, has managed to evolve sentience, then sapience, only using three dimensions. Parapsychics and sorcerers tap into this heritage to fuel their powers.
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* [[Poisoned Weapons]]: Poisoned tiny hair-like carbon-fibre syringes are used {{spoiler|by a Migou agent to assassinate a Marshal}}.
* [[Post Cyber Punk]]: The arcologies, and the New Earth Government in general. Even more so than in ''[[Aeon Natum Engel (Fanfic)|Aeon Natum Engel]]'' with deeper fusion of ''[[Alastair Reynolds|Revelation Space]]'' and ''[[Eclipse Phase]]''.
* [[Power Creep, Power Seep]]: The reason why [[User:Earth Scorpion]] didn't completely replace ''[[Cthulhu Tech]]'' with ''[[Eclipse Phase]]'' is that the latter's elements break a lot of NGE's story pillars. With the [[Brain Uploading|digitizing of the mind]] and [[Body Surf|resleeving]], Shinji and Asuka are completely unnecessary when Gendo could just [[MesMe's a Crowd|fork]] Rei to fill in the gaps.
* [[Powder Keg Crowd]]: The people at the airport panicked; some fled, some attacked the police. Of course, the fact that [[Eldritch Abomination|Harbinger-3]] was currently attacking might have had something to do with how volatile they were. And the [[State Sec|OIS]] sub-storyline seems to suggest that it was an arranged cover for some other group.
* [[Precocious Crush]]: Toja got himself at least one such crush from a 9-year old (or a whole class of them, depending on how you interpret the scene) because he tried to save one of his sister's classmates.
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* [[Scenery Porn]]: Chapter 5 has ''higher dimensional non-Euclidean'' scenery porn, where detail is lovingly lavished over a metaphorical description of the higher dimensions close to Earth.
* [[Secret Test of Character]]: Calvin likes to make these for Asuka, to the point that Asuka is almost starting to think that all of interactions with "Uncle Cal" are these.
* [[Self -Destruct Mechanism]]: The Migou biologically dissolve very fast, seemingly as a part of this trope. The Combat Blanks also explode upon death, and the Migou used infiltrator-Blanks with implanted antimatter capsules to decapitate the North American NEG command.
* [[Shaping Your Attacks]]: Making the nuke explode in one specific direction without destroying everything else, like the Evangelion where said nuke is housed.
* [[Shaped Like Itself]]: Description of more mundane (and sometimes not so mundane) objects tend to be like this, using [[Buffy -Speak]] most of the time.
* [[Shield -Bash]]: {{spoiler|Rei stabbing Mot with the melted piece of spaceship hull.}}
* [[Shoot the Hostage]]: Standard NEG Military policy is to ignore [[Human Shield|Human Shields]].
* [[Shown Their Work]]: The author is a physics student, and it shows.
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* [[Spoiled Brat]]: According to Hikary, most of the school is like this as a result of them being children of Ashcroft elite. She also claims that it's averted with the Horaki sisters, where their father made sure that they understood that being a part of Ashcroft elite is no reason to be become snotty. Of course, she might be an [[Unreliable Narrator]] for that...
* [[Spy Satellites]]: A few remaining satellites that were not shot down by the Migou. Their usefulness is hindered by Migou's orbital superiority.
* [[Square -Cube Law]]: One of the points the Author mercilessly lampshades on when the Mechas are present, EVAs included.
* [[Starfish Aliens]]: The Migou.
* [[State Sec]]: Although cracks do exist, on the whole Earth Scorpion's interpretation of ''[[Cthulhu Tech]]'' [[State Sec]] in the Core and Vade Mecum basically makes them something that not even [[Metal Gear|Solid Snake]] will sneak by, and also making it impossible for the Damnation View's [[Fanon Discontinuity|"Everything is Falling Apart" scenario]] to happen.
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* [[We Will Have Perfect Health in The Future]]: Courtesy of Genefixing. Except for those who get the short end of the stick by having side-effects caused by said genefixing, like Imi who is in constant pain and has to use painkillers.
* [[World Building]]
* [[X Meets Y]]: It's as if [[HPH.P. Lovecraft (Creator)|HP Lovecraft]], [[Alastair Reynolds]], and [[Stephen Baxter]] got drunk together and watched all of ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' in one sitting, then plotted out the setting.