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* Napoleon in Naomi Novik's [[Temeraire]] series.
* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s [[Conan the Barbarian]] story "Rogues in the House", Nabonidus courteously draws Murillo aside, to give him the box with the ear in it.
* In [[Lord Dunsany]]'s ''[[The CharwomansCharwoman's Shadow]]'', the [[Evil Sorcerer]] is perfectly polite to the hero, even if he omits that, by asking for his shadow, he is effectively asking for his soul. He's even polite when describing how great magicians have high honor in [[Hell]].
* Yefim, the Mordovian gang enforcer in the ''Dennis Lehane'' novel ''Moonlight Mile'', is quite friendly and jovial. Even when he's threatening Patrick Kenzie's wife and daughter.
* [[Forgotten Realms|Jarlaxle]], of R.A. Salvatore's novels. He won't hesitate to kill innocents, [[Only in It For the Money|works for the highest bidder]], doesn't seem to be inclined to turn down any sort of job, uses slave labour consisting of "lesser races", and once had a guy's face set on fire as a method of coercion. He manipulated events to start a war over the port of Luskan. After the fighting was over, with tons of citizens dead and the city partially destroyed, he made sure that food was scarce by preventing the flow of supplies into the city, and starved the people of Luskan until they were ready to rebel against the new establishment and install Jarlaxle's associate as the new ruler. But he's almost always in a good mood (even when his life is in danger), is a clever [[Deadpan Snarker]] on those occasions when the situation doesn't visibly amuse him, has joined forces with Drizzt and his friends on more than one occasion, and and has saved Drizzt's life seemingly out of the goodness of his heart at least twice. Search this wiki for CMOAs and CMOFs associated with Jarlaxle. There are quite a few, because a lot of fans consider Jarlaxle both awesome and funny.
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** The kids from Ghost Beach certainly qualify.
** The woman from Chicken Chicken who [[Disproportionate Retribution|turns the protaganists into chickens]] [[Space Whale Aesop|for running off after bumping into her without apologizing]].
* Mrs Maudsley in [[The Go -Between]] is kind enough to Leo even if she doesn't understand him. But her determination to see her daughter married into the aristocracy causes an awful lot of damage.