Air Force One (film)/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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* Upon dispatching Ivan
{{quote| '''Marshall: "Get off my plane!"'''}}
* Halo Two's [[Taking the Bullet]] for Air Force One. Quite apart from being a ridiculously brave act, the sheer ''skill'' and ''timing'' required surely put that 'Eagle driver' on the same tier of airmanship as [[Star Wars|Wedge Antilles]] and [[Firefly|Hoban Washburne]]!
** And then the Kazakh pilot's victory roll is punctuated by Halo Lead's Sidewinder. This troper hasn't growled "''Yeah!''" that loud since [[Lord of the Rings|Aragorn felled Lurtz]].
{{quote| '''Halo Lead''': [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner|Not so fast, you son of a bitch.]]}}
* When the President has been rescued:
{{quote| The president is on board! ''(cheering follows)'' Wait. Correction ''(groans follows)'' Liberty-24 is changing call signs--Liberty-24 is now Air Force One!}}
* Really, the whole sequence with Halo Flight rescuing the plane qualifies from the Vice President's order to "order our fighters back into their airspace. Order them to use any and all means to protect the President" to the "OH SHIT!" the MIG pilots display when the Flight shows up. Awesome.
* When the Russian soldiers gun down Radek and company just before they leave on a helicopter.
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* Pretty much all of the president's fights against the terrorists, especially the first one, whom he knocks out by hitting in the face with a friggin STOOL (and then kills with a headshot after he gets up thirty seconds later), and of course Korshunov, whom he kills by wrapping a strap around his neck, pulling open the parachute he was wearing, and finally throws him out of the plane (after the legendary [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner]] at the top of the page), snapping his neck.
* The cable's about to snap and there's only time for one more trip from the soon-to-crash plane to Liberty 2-4, and Maj. Caldwell insists the President go; the President won't hear of going until Caldwell and [[24|George Mason]] are safe. At which point Caldwell gets his own Awesome Moment {{spoiler|(making it even worse when the traitorous Mason<ref>who winds up going down with the plane anyway</ref> ''FREAKING KILLS HIM SECONDS LATER''!)}}:
{{quote| '''Caldwell''': [[Tear Jerker|Mr. President - it's time to go]].}}