Alan Wake/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Alan Wake ===
The primary character, a best-selling novelist who is vacationing with his wife in Bright Falls while wrestling with his writer's block. She disappears abruptly, and Alan comes to in a wrecked car in the wilderness, missing a week's time, and searching for clues as to what happened to his wife.
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* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Light and noise to combat the darkness, in the form of a flashlight and guns.
=== Alice Wake ===
Alan's wife, who helps him write and manage his novels, and is vacationing with him at Bright Falls.
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* [[Posthumous Character]]: Although not dead, most of her characterization comes through flashbacks.
=== Barry Wheeler ===
Alan's agent and best friend, who rushes to Bright Falls when things go down. Initially skeptical of what's happening, he rapidly [[Genre Savvy|catches on]] and begins to help Alan. By the end of the game, {{spoiler|he's loaded with flares, Christmas light body armor, and a headlamp to fight the Taken.}}
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** ''American Nightmare'' reveals that he's now a manager in the music industry, and the Old Gods of Asgard are one of his clients. He also keeps in touch with Sheriff Breaker, and co-handles Alan's works with Alice.
=== Ben Mott ===
The "Kidnapper" who contacts Alan in Episode 2 and is the antagonist throughout Episode 3, claiming to have his wife and offering her in exchange for the manuscript pages of Departure. Is quite dimwitted and have aggression issues. {{spoiler|Actually working for Dr. Hartman.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[You Have Failed Me]]}}: One manuscript page reveals that {{spoiler|Hartman}} was incredibly frustrated that Mott {{spoiler|gave Alan only 2 days to finish his manuscript instead of the full week Alan wanted. He doesn't get killed until the Dark Presence comes along.}}
=== Rusty ===
A park ranger who rents out cabins outside Bright Falls. {{spoiler|Gets snatched by the Dark Presence and turned into a Taken in Episode 2.}}
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* [[Elite Mook]]: The second named one.
=== Rose Marigold ===
The waitress at the diner in Bright Falls, and one of Alan's biggest fans. {{spoiler|Is touched by the Dark Presence and used to drug Alan and Barry in Episode 3}}, and doesn't quite recover. At the end of the game, {{spoiler|is implied to be the next Lady of Light.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Passing the Torch]]: Implied to be the new Lady of the Light.}}
=== Agent Nightingale ===
An FBI agent investigating and pursuing Alan Wake. {{spoiler|Taken by the Dark Presence in Episode 5, and implied to be the Presence's next avatar after Jaggar's form is destroyed.}}
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* [[What You Are in the Dark]]: Makes up his relatively few [[Pet the Dog]] moments.
=== Sheriff Sarah Breaker ===
Head of the local Bright Falls sheriff's office, who is investigating Alice's disappearance and eventually joins Alan in fighting the Dark Presence. {{spoiler|Is at least partially aware of the weirdness around Cauldron Lake, which is why she readily works with Alan.}}
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** ''American Nightmare'' implies she's still sheriff, and states that she and Barry still keep in touch.
=== Cynthia Weaver ===
One of Bright falls' residents, who is obsessed with making sure all the lights in the town are working properly. {{spoiler|was a friend of Thomas Zane before he vanished, and became the Lady of Light, devoted to safeguarding the town, Zane's memory and maniscript, and the Clicker.}}
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* [[Properly Paranoid]]: A timid-looking old woman who carries a lantern and is afraid of the dark? Well, there's a good reason...
=== Odin and Tor Anderson ===
Two brothers who formed a heavy metal band in the '70's on their farm near Cauldron Lake, and renamed themselves as Norse gods to further their image of reborn deities. Now mentally-unstable old men who live in Dr. Hartman's clinic, but occasionally sneak off to raise hell in town or get some moonshine. {{spoiler|Have encountered and fought against the Dark Presence in the past, and were aware of both the Lady of Light and Thomas Zane, and their significance in fighting the Dark Presence.}}
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Cool Old Guy|Cool Old Guys]]s
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: {{spoiler|Left the primer to defeating the Dark Presence in the lyrics of their songs, and their farm has enough weaponry to arm a mid-sized militia}}
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: Tor, at least.
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=== The Dark Presence ===
The central antagonist of the game, a hostile, aggressive supernatural entity that exists within Cauldron Lake, which creates the Taken. Its power is limited by {{spoiler|what is written or created by the artists around Cauldron Lake}}. The Presence {{spoiler|was originally encountered by Thomas Zane, and convinced him to bring back his deceased love Barbara Jagger - but [[Plot Hole|since Zane didn't specify how she came back]], the Presence took over her body and used her as an avatar.}}
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* [[The Virus]]
=== Thomas Zane ===
A poet and apparently bestselling author who lived in and around Cauldron Lake in the 1960's, and was in love with a woman named Barbara Jagger. {{spoiler|When Barbara drowned, the Dark Presence convinced him to bring her back using his poetry, but he didn't explain how she returned, [[Came Back Wrong|allowing the Dark Presence to put in its own explanation and take over her body.]]}} In response, Thomas Zane {{spoiler|chose to write himself and his actions entirely out of existence, thereby containing the Dark Presence.}} He also wrote in a loophole that allowed {{spoiler|Cynthia Weaver to remember him and what had happened, allowing her to become the Lady of Light.}}
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* [[The Obi-Wan]]: He acts as Alan's guide and aids him, though indirectly. {{spoiler|Becomes much more direct in [[Journey to the Center of the Mind|"The Signal"]] and [[Enemy Within|"The Writer"]] DLC, which are almost completely Zane trying to guide Alan through the Dark Place and teach him to fight it's influence.}}
=== Pat Maine ===
A retired cop who is now the host of a late night radio program. Alan first meets him on the boat into town where he asks him to [[Foreshadowing|stop by later for an interview.]] {{spoiler|In chapter 3 Alan does stop by the station, but he's not there for an interview...}}
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* [[Most Wonderful Sound]]: His late night radio broadcasts really help take the edge off of fighting shadow monsters alone in the woods.
=== Carl Stucky ===
Works at a local garage and {{spoiler|ends up becoming the first elite taken.}}
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* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Hot dogs. He even has a top ten list of his favorite brands!
=== Dr. Emil Hartman ===
A doctor who owns a clinic reserved for artists near Caldren lake. He's also the one who convinced Alice to bring Alan to Bright Falls. As it turns out {{spoiler|he intended to use Alan to his own ends, but meets a gruesome fate before any of his plans can come to fruition.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man]]}}: He was {{spoiler|manipulating Mott.}}
=== Mr. Scratch ===
The antagonist of ''Alan Wake's American Nightmare''. Originating from the Dark Place, he is the embodiment of all negative stories and loose rumours ever told about Alan, making him a maniacal, flamboyant, sadistic serial killer. Capable of travelling freely between the Dark Place and the real world, he finds delight in threatening to take over Alan's life and taunting with his evil deeds.
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{{quote|"... Nevermind..."}}
* [[Does Not Like Guns]]
* [[The Dragon]]: Alan makes an informed guess that Mr. Scratch probably doesn't have his own agenda, but rather works as an agent for one of the many [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s that lurks in the Dark Place.
* [[Dressed to Kill]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Wake.
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* [[Weapon of Choice]]: ''Small'' knives, or razors.
=== Emma Sloan ===
A female mechanic you meet in ''American Nightmare''. She's also into new age stuff.
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* [[Wrench Wench]]
=== Dr. Rachel Meadows ===
A female scientist you meet in ''American Nightmare'' who works for Redtooth Observatory. {{spoiler|She eventually helps you to decode a mysterious signal that holds the key to defeating Mr. Scratch.}}
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* [[Unfazed Everyman]]: She takes time looping best out of all three women (possibly because she doesn't have anything bad happen to her) and actually expresses some minor interest in letting it continue so she can study it.
=== Serena Valdivia ===
Serena is a film maker and a supposed friend of Alice Wake, encountered in ''American Nightmare''. Since Alice thought Alan was dead, with the help of Serena, they made a film based on Alan for the annual Night Springs Visual Art Show Film Festival.
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* [[Mind Rape]]: Being touched by the Darkness leaves her very disturbed and worried about going crazy.
=== Eddie Rodman ===
Radio host based in Night Springs. He's pretty much AN's version of Pat Maine.
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