Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Kyle''': Dude, why is your store called the [[Indian Burial Ground]] Pet Store?<br />
'''Store owner''': Well there was an indian burial ground here before I bought it.<br />
'''Stan''': So you just built your store on an indian burial ground!?<br />
'''Store owner''': Oh hell no. First I dug up all the bodies, pissed on them and then buried them again upside down<br />
'''Kyle''': Why!?<br />
'''Store owner''': Why? I don't know. I was drunk.|''[[South Park]]''}}
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Futurama]]'': "Route of All Evil"
{{quote| '''Dwight Conrad:''' I heard alcohol makes you stupid.<br />
'''Fry:''' No I'm... doesnt! }}
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'': happens frequently and is often displayed by Homer (and sometimes Barney).
** In a flashback scene during the "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer" episode, Homer, after drinking too much beer at a chili cook-off, decides to take off all his clothes and climb into a cotton-candy machine and pretend he's a "puffy pink cloud."
** From one ''Treehouse Of Terror'' episode:
{{quote| '''Homer:''' Oh, Lisa, you and your stories: Bart's a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now let's go back to that... building... thingie... where our beds and TV... is. }}
** In an example involving Barney, the "Mr. Plow" episode features a flashback scene where we see a teenage Barney studying for the SAT when Homer sneaks in with a six pack of beer. After Homer pressures him, Barney reluctantly agrees to take a drink and, with one sip, we actually see his IQ drop sharply.
** Parodied in an episode where Bart and Milhouse go on a squishee bender. The next day, Bart discovers he's joined Junior Campers, and Milhouse has a dirty word shaved into the back of his head.