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Incidents of jaw-dropping stupidity brought about by a character's excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
This tends to overlap with [[In Vino Veritas]]: Often the character committing the act of [[Alcohol-Induced Idiocy]] will be an otherwise sensible and reasonably intelligent person when sober. If the character is normally dimwitted, getting drunk will make him even dumber. In both cases, the character's inebriation usually results in him being a danger to himself and others.
Someone who becomes a [[Drunken Master]] when intoxicated is the direct opposite.
[[Alcohol-Induced Idiocy]] can be similar to the [[Idiot Ball]] or any other plot device that depends on [[Contrived Stupidity Tropes|Contrived Stupidity]]. Thus, this trope is related to [[Plot Induced Stupidity]], [[Too Dumb to Live]], [[What an Idiot!]], [[Out-of-Character Moment]], [[What Were You Thinking?]], and [[Phlebotinum-Induced Stupidity]].
Can often lead to a character getting an [[Embarrassing Tattoo]] ... or doing something much, much worse. Some of the other results of [[Alcohol-Induced Idiocy]] are covered in the [[What Did I Do Last Night?]], [[You Wake Up in a Room]], and [[Sorry, Ociffer...]] tropes. May overlay [[Youth Is Wasted on the Dumb]].
The [[Alcohol-Induced Idiocy]] trope can also be used as [[An Aesop]] about the dangers of [[Drugs Are Bad|over-consuming alcohol]] and [[Drunk Driver|drunk driving.]]
Unfortunately, instances of [[Alcohol-Induced Idiocy]] are so common that this is [[Truth in Television]].
{{examples|Examples }}
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== [[Film]] ==
* At the beginning of ''[[Cool Hand Luke]]'', the title character vandalizes some parking meters after imbibing too much. [[It Got Worse|Things don't get better for him afterward.]]
* ''[[The Fly]]'' (1986 version): in retrospect, Seth Brundle should've waited until he was sober before deciding whether or not to test his matter teleportation device on himself.
* Both ''[[The Hangover]]'' and ''[[The Hangover]]: Part II'' obviously.
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== [[Live Action Television]] ==
* [[Auf Wiedersehen, Pet]] has the wake up with an [[Embarrassing Tattoo]] version.
* Lampshaded on the [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]] episode 'Beer Bad' with its [[Devolution Device]] plot that turns the college kids and Buffy into [[All Cavemen Were Neanderthals|neanderthals]].
* ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'' has this all over the place. Ted's apartment is above a bar and they spend a lot of their free time there drinking. From time to time, one or more of them gets really drunk and does something really stupid. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
** The [ "Home Wreckers"] episode had a game where the friends had to guess whether Marshal was drunk or a kid when he did something stupid like putting fireworks in the microwave (Drunk) or when he tried to ride his bike down an extension ladder from the roof of a two story house (Kid).
* A common occurrence on [[It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]].
* Trope is somewhat inverted on an episode of ''[[Monk]]'' where Stottlemeyer solves a crime because consuming booze actually makes him more intellegent. He just can't remember how he solved, and spends most of the episode trying to figure out what he did on his bender while fighting a hangover the next morning.
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== Music ==
* [[The Dead Kennedys]]: "Too Drunk to Fuck"
== [[Myth and Legend]] ==
* In some versions of the story about the sinking of Ys from [[Celtic Mythology]] and French folklore, the Princess Dahut gets drunk and opens the dike gate that protects the city from flooding at high tide during a storm.
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* In [[Bloom County]], Steve Dallas has a tendency to exhibit this after imbibing too much.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* The [[Darwin Awards]] would likely cease to exist were it not for this trope.
* Everything that comes after someone saying, "Hold my beer and watch this."
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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* In ''[[Wizard School]]'', drunken [[Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist]] Graham gets a tattoo to 'seal the deal' with an attractive a woman -- and promptly [ wakes up in a room with two children and a talking goat] who inform him that he's [[The Chosen One]].
== [[Web Original]] ==
* '''[[Questionable Content]]'': Marten + taser + alcohol = [ forgetting basic taser safety knowledge].
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Futurama]]'': "Route of All Evil"
{{quote|'''Dwight Conrad:''' I heard alcohol makes you stupid.
'''Fry:''' No I'm... doesnt! }}
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'': happens frequently and is often displayed by Homer (and sometimes Barney).
** In a flashback scene during the "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer" episode, Homer, after drinking too much beer at a chili cook-off, decides to take off all his clothes and climb into a cotton-candy machine and pretend he's a "puffy pink cloud."
** From one ''Treehouse Of Terror'' episode:
{{quote|'''Homer:''' Oh, Lisa, you and your stories: Bart's a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now let's go back to that... building... thingie... where our beds and TV... is. }}