Alex Rider/Characters: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Characters.AlexRider 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Characters.AlexRider, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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== Alex Rider ==
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Type I -> [[Character Development|Type II or III]].
* [[Badass]]
* [[Brown Eyes]]: Described as having "serious, dark brown eyes".
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* [[Master of Disguise]]
* [[Punch Clock Hero]]: He admits as such in ''Scorpia'', but this had been clear from ''Stormbreaker''.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: In ''Eagle Strike''.
* [[Shell -Shocked Veteran]]: {{spoiler|Losing all of his family and then having the only real adult he can trust killed}} really takes his toll on him by the end.
* [[Technical Pacifist]]
* [[Teen Superspy]]
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* [[Adaptational Attractiveness]]: It is outright stated in ''Snakehead'' that Mrs Jones is "not attractive". Compare her appearance in the movie and the graphic novels. Even in earlier novels she was described as "a head shaped like a potato".
* [[Embarrassing First Name]]: "It made sense. He wouldn't have used that name either."
* [[The Un -Reveal]]: What did happen to her husband and children?
== Alan Blunt ==
* Anti-Hero: [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type 3]]
** [[Good Is Not Nice]]
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
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== Smithers ==
* [[Big Fun]]
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: You think his weight problems hinder him? You'd be right, but {{spoiler|he's surprisingly effective at getting rid of the Scorpia team that come his way}}. And then he's revealed to {{spoiler|not even be fat}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Dark Secret]]: To be revealed in ''Scorpia Rising'' as per [[Word of God]].}}
** And the revelation is... {{spoiler|Smithers is actually a thin man wearing a special suit that only makes him ''look'' fat.}}
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== Wolf ==
* [[Training From Hell]]: Subjects Alex to this, to a degree.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: He's wounded in the raid in ''Point Blanc'', and never heard from again.
== Ian Rider ==
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== Tom Harris ==
* [[Secret Keeper]]: For the most part, although he does casually blurt out that Alex is a spy to his older brother.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: He's heard from only once after he's {{spoiler|shot in ''Scorpia Rising''}}, and it's a passing mention. {{spoiler|The final chapter never bothers to mention if Alex ever talks to him once he returns from Cairo or meets him ever again, despite Alex having agonised over leaving him to go to America in an earlier chapter.}}
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== Yassen Gregorovich ==
* [[All a Part of The Job]]
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: For Alex, since Yassen [[You Killed My Father|killed his uncle]].
* [[Professional Killer]]
* {{spoiler|[[Redemption Equals Death]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Car Fu]]: Killed by a flying snowmobile that blows up his helicopter.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Hellish Copter]]}}
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: Is a shameless white supremicist.
* [[Mad Scientist]]
== Mrs Stellenbosch ==
* [[Amazonian Beauty]]: Inverted.
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: Just like her boss.
== General Alexei Sarov ==
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]}}: By Alex's rejection of him, and the failure of his plan.
* [[Monster Sob Story]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Blue to Conrad's Red.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: An interpretation of him.
== Conrad ==
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: His badly damaged body is good for throwing people off and making them assume he's not a capable combatant. They're very wrong.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Blew up his school for getting a detention.
* [[No One Should Survive That]]: He was blown up by a bomb. ''Whilst he was carrying it.''
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* [[Drugs Are Bad]]:
* [[Expy]]: He's an evil [[Elton John]].
* [[Nuke 'Em]]
* [[Piano Drop]]: How his parents die.
* [[Pink Mist]]: This is ''all'' that is left of him after he gets sucked into a [[Turbine Blender]].
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: One way of looking at his ideals. He launches a nuclear strike on several countries to stop productions of illegal drugs.
* [[Would Hurt a Child]]
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== Ash ==
* [[Big Bad Friend]]: He murders his best friend, to whose son he is godfather, along with his wife, to prove he's loyal to Scorpia. He goes on to more or less ensure his godson will be killed by telling Major Yu about ASIS' plot and removing the battery from the homing device [[MI 6]] gives him.
* [[Co -Dragons]]: Him and Bill to Winston. Ash plays a much larger role, however.
* [[Expy]]: In many ways, he's a lot like [[Harry Potter|Peter Pettigrew]]
* [[Et Tu, Brute?]]
* [[The Mole]]
* [[Only Known By Their Nickname]]: "Ash" are his initials, his full name being {{spoiler|Anthony Sean Howell.}}
== Dr. Bill Tanner ==
* [[Co -Dragons]]: See above.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Possibly; it's known that he kills himself, but why he does is never explained (it's suggested that he was following orders from Yu after Alex escaped, which given the fate of de Wynter earlier seems likely).
* [[Mad Scientist]]
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== Desmond McCain ==
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Line -of -Sight Name]]: His name comes from the bag of oven chips he was found wrapped in as an abandoned baby.
* [[Scary Black Man]]
* [[We Care]]: His charity exists purely to gain whatever profit it can from the disasters by keeping as much of the donation money as it can. Perhaps taken to its extreme when he starts engineering disasters to get people to donate.
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* [[Alliterative Name]]: His real name; Abdul-Aziz Al-Rahim.
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[For Science!]]: Takes no pleasure in his experiments.
* {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]: ''Yes''.}}
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Or rather, ''strangle'' the dog.
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* [[Spanner in The Works]]: {{spoiler|He expects Jack to steal a knife when she and Alex are dining with him, as it's part of his plan to cause Alex emotional pain. Alex stealing a cigarette packet at the same meal is ''not'' part of his plan.}}
* [[The Sociopath]]: He is characterized by a complete lack of emotions or empathy.
* [[The Un -Smile]]: At the end when he's {{spoiler|fallen into the pile of salt and is pleading with Alex to throw him a rope. It's described as looking more like a hideous grimace than anything.}}
== Erik Gunter ==