All Animation Is Disney: Difference between revisions

("Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" was made by United Artists, not MGM (MGM didn't own the film until 1981 when they bought United Artists from Transamerica Corporation).)
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== Real Life ==
* [ An event at a children's indoor playground/birthday party center] has an event called "Disney Parade". The characters are [[Phineas and Ferb|Phineas, Ferb]], [[Toy Story|Woody, Buzz, Jessie]], [[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Snow White]], and...[[Star Wars|DARTH VADER]]? He isn't Disney! This one is ''really'' bad considering that unlike all the other examples, Darth Vader isn't even an animated character so there's no earthly reason to believe he's Disney. (But if you count the Star Wars weekends and Star Tours ride, then that can count!)
** Darth Vader wasn't Disney at the time, but Disney bought Lucasfilm (and thus Star Wars) in 2012. Perhaps the party center felt a premonition in the Force...