Alternate Aesop Interpretation: Difference between revisions

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== Anime & Manga ==
* In Episode 11 of ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'', "Toys in the Attic," an Alternative Aesop was acknowledged after Jet lost his money (and clothes) in a card game with Faye. The Aesop he learns from it is that people can achieve something only by honesty and hard work. Faye, however, sees it as a proof for her [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]], that [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] and only the smartest and strongest can survive.
** Throughout the episode, each character offers their own potential moral for the situation. By far the most sensible is Spike's take: {{spoiler|"[[It Came From the Fridge|Don't leave things in the fridge]]."}}
** Another interpretation of Jet's situation at the beginning might be, "Don't gamble against someone who you know cheats."